220 Delightful Boy Names That Start with “SCH”

Looking for a unique name for your baby boy? If you want something that stands out from the crowd, consider choosing a name that starts with “SCH”.

The combination of these letters may not be as common as other starting combinations, making it a great option for parents looking for something truly special.

From traditional to modern, there are plenty of boy names that start with “SCH” to choose from, each with its own unique charm and meaning.

Whether you’re drawn to the sound of the letters or want to honor a family member or cultural heritage, boy names that start with “SCH” offer a wide range of options to suit every taste.

From the classic “Schuyler” to the more modern “Schneider”, there’s no shortage of unique and attractive choices to consider.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most intriguing boy names that start with “SCH”, perfect for any parent in search of a distinctive and memorable moniker for their little one.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “SCH”

Schuyler – “scholar” (English)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (Spanish)

Schyler – “protection, shelter” (English)

Schaefer – “sheep herder” (Spanish)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer” (Spanish)

Schenley – “from the bright meadow” (English)

Schiller – “one who writes poems” (Spanish)

Schuyler – “scholar, shelter” (Spanish)

Scholastica – “devoted to learning” (Latin)

Schae – “from the shadow” (Spanish)

Scholarios – “scholar” (Greek)

Schyler – “protection” (Spanish)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (Spanish)

Schenck – “cupbearer” (Spanish)

Scholarios – “scholar” (Greek)

Schyler – “shelter, protection” (Greek)

Schaeffer – “steward” (Spanish)

Scholastico – “devoted to learning” (Spanish)

Schylar – “shelter, protection” (Greek)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (Greek)

Schenley – “from the bright meadow” (English)

Scholarios – “scholar” (Greek)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer” (Greek)

Schaefer – “sheep herder” (Greek)

Scholastica – “devoted to learning” (Greek)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (Greek)

Schyler – “protection, shelter” (English)

Scholarios – “scholar” (Greek)

Schenck – “cupbearer” (Greek)

Schylar – “shelter, protection” (Greek)

Boy Names That Start with "SCH"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “SCH”

Schon – “handsome” (Spanish)

Schuyler – “cloud shelter” (Spanish)

Schiano – “calm” (Greek)

Schuler – “student” (German)

Scherezade – “free” (Greek)

Schuyler – “protector of treasure” (Spanish)

Schumann – “man of protection” (Spanish)

Schyler – “shelter, scholar” (Greek)

Schade – “harm” (Spanish)

Scholarios – “scholarly” (Greek)

Schell – “swift” (Spanish)

Schuyler – “sheltering scholar” (Spanish)

Schiaffo – “slap” (Greek)

Schuster – “shoemaker” (Spanish)

Schylar – “shelter, protection” (Spanish)

Schiavo – “slave” (Greek)

Schreiber – “scribe” (German)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer” (Spanish)

Schermo – “screen” (Greek)

Schuler – “learner, student” (Spanish)

Scholastico – “scholarly” (Spanish)

Scherzo – “joke” (Greek)

Schumann – “protection” (Spanish)

Schyler – “sheltering scholar” (Spanish)

Schelto – “strong shield” (Greek)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Spanish)

Schiano – “calm” (Spanish)

Schyler – “shelter, protection” (Spanish)

Scholastico – “scholarly” (Greek)

Unique “SCH” Names for Boys

Schay – “admirable” (English)

Scholastique – “studious” (Spanish)

Schio – “shining” (Spanish)

Scholastikos – “scholarly” (Greek)

Schellen – “bright, clear” (Spanish)

Schmetterling – “butterfly” (Spanish)

Schalomo – “peaceful” (Spanish)

Scholto – “strong shield” (Spanish)

Scheridan – “wild and untamed” (Spanish)

Schorl – “black gemstone” (German)

Schuyler – “cloud shelter” (Greek)

Scherzando – “playful” (Greek)

Schellden – “valley of shells” (English)

Schio – “brightness” (Greek)

Schopenhauer – “woodworker” (Greek)

Schizzo – “sketch” (Greek)

Scherzo – “musical joke” (Greek)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schindler – “splinter” (Greek)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Greek)

Schiaffino – “little slap” (Greek)

Schelmo – “smart, wise” (Greek)

Scholarys – “student” (English)

Schoschana – “rose” (Hebrew)

Schiavo – “slave” (Hebrew)

Schelde – “river” (Hebrew)

Scholasticus – “scholarly” (Hebrew)

Scherezade – “free” (Hebrew)

Schimmel – “white horse” (Hebrew)

Schyler – “sheltering scholar” (Hebrew)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “SCH”

Schuyler – “shelter, protection” (Hebrew)

Schenley – “meadow of bright stones” (English)

Scherzo – “lively musical movement” (Hebrew)

Scholarios – “learned scholar” (Greek)

Schuster – “shoemaker” (Hebrew)

Schialbo – “white” (Hebrew)

Schyler – “scholarly protector” (Hebrew)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (Hebrew)

Schenck – “cupbearer” (Hebrew)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schatzi – “treasure” (Hebrew)

Scholastico – “devoted to learning” (Hebrew)

Schiano – “calm, peaceful” (Italian)

Schulyer – “sheltering scholar” (Dutch)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Greek)

Schell – “loud” (German)

Scherezade – “free” (Persian)

Schuster – “craftsman” (German)

Scholarios – “scholarly” (Greek)

Schialbo – “pale, white” (Italian)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer” (Dutch)

Scholastico – “scholarly” (Italian)

Scheridan – “wild, untamed” (Irish)

Schelmo – “wise, intelligent” (German)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schiano – “serene” (Italian)

Schell – “bright” (German)

Schuyler – “sheltering scholar” (Dutch)

Scholastico – “dedicated to learning” (Italian)

Scherzo – “musical joke” (Italian)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “SCH”

Scholarios – “scholar” (Greek)

Schatten – “shadow” (German)

Schenk – “gift” (German)

Schiavo – “slave” (Italian)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schuld – “guilt” (German)

Schuyler – “sheltering scholar” (Dutch)

Schmetterling – “butterfly” (German)

Schiavone – “Slavic person” (Italian)

Schyler – “shelter, protection” (Dutch)

Schuldig – “guilty” (German)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Greek)

Scherzo – “musical joke” (Italian)

Schelde – “river” (Dutch)

Scheridan – “wild, untamed” (Irish)

Schatten – “shadow” (German)

Scholarios – “learned scholar” (Greek)

Schiavo – “slave” (Italian)

Schiano – “calm, peaceful” (Italian)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schell – “loud” (German)

Scherzo – “playful” (Italian)

Schatzi – “treasure” (German)

Schiano – “serene” (Italian)

Schuld – “debt” (German)

Scholarios – “scholarly” (Greek)

Schiaffo – “slap” (Italian)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer” (Dutch)

Schmetterling – “butterfly” (German)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Greek)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “SCH”

Schyler – “shelter, protection” (Dutch)

Scheridan – “wild and untamed” (Irish)

Schuyler – “cloud shelter” (Dutch)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable scholar” (Greek)

Schenley – “meadow of bright stones” (English)

Schio – “brightness” (Italian)

Schatzi – “treasure” (German)

Schell – “loud” (German)

Schuster – “craftsman” (German)

Schialbo – “pale, white” (Italian)

Scholastique – “studious” (French)

Scholarios – “wise scholar” (Greek)

Schenck – “cupbearer” (German)

Schialbo – “white” (Italian)

Schiavo – “slave” (Italian)

Schmetterling – “butterfly” (German)

Scholastico – “scholarly” (Italian)

Scherzo – “musical joke” (Italian)

Scholarios – “learned scholar” (Greek)

Schyler – “scholarly protector” (Dutch)

Schoschana – “rose” (Hebrew)

Scholastico – “dedicated to learning” (Italian)

Schelde – “river” (Dutch)

Schimmel – “white horse” (German)

Scholarios – “scholarly” (Greek)

Scherzo – “playful” (Italian)

Schiano – “calm, peaceful” (Italian)

Schelmo – “wise, intelligent” (German)

Schatzi – “treasure” (German)

Schiano – “serene” (Italian)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “SCH”

Scholastico – “devoted to learning” (Italian)

Schuyler – “shelter, protection” (Dutch)

Schenley – “sacred meadow” (English)

Scholarios – “learned scholar” (Greek)

Schubert – “bright, shining” (German)

Scheridan – “wild and untamed” (Irish)

Schyler – “heavenly scholar” (Dutch)

Schiano – “calm, peaceful” (Italian)

Schelde – “sacred river” (Dutch)

Scholastico – “dedicated to learning” (Italian)

Schiaffino – “blessed slap” (Italian)

Scherzo – “musical prayer” (Italian)

Schuyler – “shield-bearer of faith” (Dutch)

Scholarios – “knowledgeable in sacred matters” (Greek)

Schatzi – “treasure of God” (German)

Schmetterling – “butterfly of transformation” (German)

Schoschana – “rose of grace” (Hebrew)

Schimmel – “white horse of purity” (German)

Schelmo – “wise and blessed” (German)

Scholarios – “wise in sacred studies” (Greek)

Schiano – “serene spirit” (Italian)

Schon – “beautiful, handsome” (German)

Schiano – “peaceful soul” (Italian)

Schubert – “bright servant of God” (German)

Scholastico – “follower of religious teaching” (Italian)

Schatten – “shadow of God” (German)

Scherzo – “joyful praise” (Italian)

Schuyler – “guardian of divine knowledge” (Dutch)

Scholarios – “wise counselor in matters of faith” (Greek)

Schoschana – “graceful gift of God” (Hebrew)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “SCH”

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Renowned Austrian-American actor, bodybuilder, and politician; served as the Governor of California; iconic figure in the fitness industry.

Schindler, Oskar

German industrialist and humanitarian; credited with saving over a thousand Jewish lives during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories.

Schumacher, Michael

German Formula One racing driver; seven-time World Champion; regarded as one of the greatest drivers in the history of the sport.

Schwarzkopf, Norman

U.S. Army General; led Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War, earning widespread acclaim for his strategic and decisive leadership.

Schiller, Friedrich

German poet, philosopher, and playwright; a leading figure of German Romanticism; notable works include “Wilhelm Tell” and “Ode to Joy.”

Schoenberg, Arnold

Austrian-American composer; a key figure in the development of atonal and twelve-tone music; influential in the 20th-century avant-garde.

Schweitzer, Albert

Alsatian theologian, philosopher, and physician; Nobel Peace Prize laureate; known for his medical missionary work in Africa.

Schumacher, Ralf

German former Formula One racing driver; brother of Michael Schumacher; competed in multiple Grand Prix races.

Schrodinger, Erwin

Austrian physicist; Nobel Prize winner for his contributions to quantum mechanics, particularly the Schrödinger equation.

Scholes, Myron

British economist; Nobel laureate for his work on options pricing, contributing to the development of modern financial economics.

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About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.