220 Adorable Boy Names That Start with “DEW”

Are you on the hunt for a unique and distinctive name for your baby boy? Look no further than names that start with “DEW.”

From classic to modern, there are plenty of options to choose from that carry a sense of strength and individuality.

Names that start with “DEW” are not as common as others, making them a standout choice for parents who want something a little different for their son.

These names often have a rich history and cultural significance, adding depth and meaning to your child’s name.

Whether you’re looking for a timeless name like “Dewey” or a more modern option like “Dewitt,” there’s a “DEW” name out there to fit your style and preferences.

These names can also serve as a nod to nature, as the sound of “dew” evokes images of fresh, glistening mornings and new beginnings.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best boy names that start with “DEW,” showcasing their origins and potential meanings.

So if you’re in need of inspiration for your little one’s name, keep reading for some unique and standout options.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “DEW”

Dewitt – “Blond” (English)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (English)

Dewan – “Ruler” (English)

Dewane – “Dark, black” (English)

DeWitt – “Blond” (English)

Dewi – “Beloved” (Spanish)

Dewalt – “Well ruler” (Spanish)

Dewitt – “Blond” (Spanish)

Dewar – “True friend” (Spanish)

Dewi – “Beloved” (Hebrew)

Dewei – “Moral greatness” (Hebrew)

Dewald – “People’s ruler” (Spanish)

Dewald – “People’s ruler” (Hebrew)

Dewi – “Beloved” (Spanish)

Dewan – “Royal assembly” (Hebrew)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Spanish)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Hebrew)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Spanish)

Dewi – “Beloved” (Spanish)

Dewan – “Ruler” (Hebrew)

Dewald – “People’s ruler” (Hebrew)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Spanish)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Spanish)

Dewei – “Moral greatness” (Spanish)

Dewey – “Belonging to the beloved” (Hebrew)

Dewitt – “Blond” (Hebrew)

Dewei – “Moral greatness” (Hebrew)

Dewald – “People’s ruler” (Spanish)

Dewitt – “Blond” (Spanish)

Dewi – “Beloved” (Spanish)

Boy Names That Start with "DEW"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “DEW”

Dewson – “Son of the beloved” (English)

Dewanis – “Royal descendant” (Spanish)

Dewland – “Fertile land” (English)

Dewmino – “Gentle spirit” (Spanish)

Dewic – “Strong leader” (English)

Dewanix – “Noble ruler” (Spanish)

Dewhart – “Brave heart” (English)

Dewandro – “Warrior man” (Spanish)

Dewaltos – “Noble strength” (Greek)

Dewing – “Prosperous warrior” (English)

Dewario – “Strong protector” (Spanish)

Dewell – “Wise and noble” (English)

Dewaro – “Gift from God” (Spanish)

Dewios – “Divine” (Greek)

Dewick – “Enduring and strong” (English)

Dewiz – “Wise counselor” (Greek)

Dewolf – “Noble wolf” (English)

Dewron – “Joyful song” (Spanish)

Dewylos – “Sunlight” (Greek)

Dewolfos – “Wolf-like” (Greek)

Dewxander – “Defender of the people” (English)

Dewlon – “Strong lion” (Spanish)

Dewyk – “Warrior of light” (English)

Dewdor – “Golden gift” (Spanish)

Dewonix – “Noble conqueror” (Greek)

Dewslan – “Meadow of dew” (English)

Dewisio – “Wise one” (Spanish)

Dewdras – “Man of strength” (Greek)

Dewthos – “Courageous heart” (Greek)

Dewryn – “Peaceful ruler” (English)

Unique “DEW” Names for Boys

Dewmar – “Sea lover” (English)

Dewilo – “Free spirit” (Spanish)

Dewrick – “Powerful ruler” (English)

Dewanto – “Adventurous soul” (Spanish)

Dewshade – “Shade of divine” (English)

Dewvante – “Forward-thinking” (Spanish)

Dewlynx – “Swift and agile” (English)

Dewario – “Visionary warrior” (Spanish)

Dewthorn – “Strength from adversity” (English)

Dewvian – “Life explorer” (Spanish)

Dewflare – “Radiant light” (English)

Dewexio – “Innovative leader” (Spanish)

Dewquill – “Writer of destinies” (English)

Dewvivo – “Lively spirit” (Spanish)

Dewgleam – “Glimmer of hope” (English)

Dewspark – “Igniting brilliance” (Spanish)

Dewlance – “Brave warrior” (English)

Dewvalor – “Courageous strength” (Spanish)

Dewcove – “Harbor of dreams” (English)

Deworacle – “Wisdom seeker” (Spanish)

Dewnova – “New beginnings” (English)

Dewseros – “Protector of love” (Spanish)

Dewquinox – “Balanced soul” (English)

Dewrhapsody – “Melody of the heart” (Spanish)

Dewzenith – “Pinnacle of greatness” (English)

Dewvoyage – “Journey of discovery” (Spanish)

Dewwhisper – “Gentle communicator” (English)

Dewzephyr – “Refreshing breeze” (Spanish)

Dewvertex – “Turning point” (English)

Dewmirage – “Illusion of serenity” (Spanish)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “DEW”

Dewford – “Ford near the meadow” (English)

Dewaldo – “Mighty ruler” (Spanish)

Dewlandis – “Land of dew” (English)

Dewandro – “Manly and strong” (Spanish)

Dewmont – “Mountain of God” (English)

Dewacio – “Gift of God” (Spanish)

Dewellis – “Noble and wise” (English)

Dewacio – “Divine gift” (Spanish)

Deward – “Guardian of prosperity” (English)

Dewiro – “Heroic defender” (Spanish)

Dewis – “Guiding light” (English)

Dewelo – “Charming and graceful” (Spanish)

Dewstan – “Stony meadow” (English)

Dewero – “Brave warrior” (Spanish)

Dewfield – “Open land covered with dew” (English)

Dewanisio – “Noble and wise” (Spanish)

Dewcliff – “Cliff with morning dew” (English)

Dewiclas – “Renowned and glorious” (Spanish)

Dewforest – “Forest covered with dew” (English)

Dewelio – “Sunshine” (Spanish)

Dewdale – “Valley of dew” (English)

Dewanisius – “Noble and divine” (Spanish)

Dewston – “Stone of clarity” (English)

Dewalio – “Loyal and devoted” (Spanish)

Dewbrook – “Brook with morning dew” (English)

Dewathon – “Eternal strength” (Spanish)

Dewhurst – “Wooded hill covered with dew” (English)

Dewilian – “Adaptable and resilient” (Spanish)

Dewstone – “Stone glistening with dew” (English)

Dewphilos – “Lover of wisdom” (Greek)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “DEW”

Dewanji – “Beloved soul” (Indian)

Dewei – “Radiant greatness” (Chinese)

Dewadara – “Gift from the gods” (Sanskrit)

Dewanko – “Mysterious traveler” (Japanese)

Dewarren – “Royal defender” (Irish)

Dewesh – “Lord of the dew” (Hindi)

Dewarthur – “Noble bear” (Scottish)

Dewensio – “Divine leader” (Latin)

Dewinov – “New beginning” (Russian)

Dewardo – “Strong protector” (Portuguese)

Dewaël – “God’s light” (French)

Dewvictor – “Conqueror of destiny” (Latin)

Dewazul – “Blue dew” (Spanish)

Dewelio – “Divine sunshine” (Italian)

Dewinou – “Wise spirit” (Czech)

Dewzel – “Magical dew” (German)

Dewantez – “Mystical journey” (Breton)

Dewethan – “Eternal fire” (Welsh)

Dewrik – “Powerful ruler” (Dutch)

Dewjar – “Blessed warrior” (Persian)

Dewenzi – “Zen-like tranquility” (Swahili)

Dewpharos – “Lighthouse of the dew” (Greek)

Dewmaël – “Angel of the dew” (Breton)

Dewzain – “Graceful beauty” (Arabic)

Dewtariq – “Morning star” (Arabic)

Dewrishi – “Sage of the dew” (Sanskrit)

Dewolfgang – “Wolf’s path” (German)

Dewhiro – “Noble flight” (Japanese)

Dewtyrus – “Guardian of the dew” (Greek)

Dewquillan – “Quiet strength” (Irish)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “DEW”

Dewlyn – “Gentle waterfall” (English)

Dewaro – “Gift of love” (Spanish)

Dewisio – “Seeker of wisdom” (Spanish)

Dewlen – “Free spirit” (English)

Dewique – “Unique and special” (English)

Dewelios – “Sunshine” (Greek)

Dewrio – “River of dreams” (Spanish)

Dewillow – “Graceful and flexible” (English)

Dewisi – “Mystical essence” (Greek)

Dewyne – “Noble and kind” (English)

Dewora – “Brave spirit” (Spanish)

Dewinex – “Innovative explorer” (English)

Dewrence – “Peaceful strength” (English)

Dewara – “Guardian of the dawn” (Spanish)

Dewstone – “Eternal strength” (English)

Dewora – “Golden gift” (Spanish)

Dewinix – “X-factor, unknown element” (English)

Dewika – “Harmony of the moon” (Spanish)

Dewryn – “Joyful melody” (English)

Dewaltos – “Noble and strong” (Greek)

Dewarla – “Radiant spirit” (Spanish)

Dewize – “Wise and intuitive” (English)

Dewind – “Wandering soul” (English)

Dewika – “Pure and sacred” (Spanish)

Dewarix – “Ruler of light” (English)

Dewalla – “Graceful presence” (Spanish)

Dewique – “Unique and one-of-a-kind” (English)

Dewora – “Timeless essence” (Spanish)

Dewelan – “Adventurous wanderer” (English)

Dewyx – “Harmony and balance” (English)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “DEW”

Dewmiracle – “A miraculous gift from God” (English)

Dewavid – “Beloved by God” (English)

Dewnicanor – “God is victorious” (Greek)

Dewaniel – “God is my judge” (English)

Dewathan – “Gift from God” (English)

Dewaphael – “God has healed” (English)

Dewnathanael – “Gift of God’s grace” (Greek)

Dewathanasios – “Godly and divine” (Greek)

Dewezeriah – “God has helped” (English)

Dewicaius – “Belonging to God” (Latin)

Dewrahim – “Mercy of God” (Hebrew)

Dewarias – “Gift from the Lord” (Spanish)

Dewathanaias – “Godly and sacred” (Greek)

Deweliezer – “God is my help” (Spanish)

Dewathanasius – “Devoted to God” (Greek)

Dewzachariah – “Remembered by God” (Hebrew)

Dewoannes – “God is gracious” (Spanish)

Dewelijah – “Yahweh is God” (Hebrew)

Dewathananos – “Eternal gift from God” (Greek)

Dewoel – “God’s light” (Spanish)

Dewanuel – “God is with us” (Spanish)

Dewiannis – “God is gracious” (Greek)

Dewoliver – “Peaceful descendant of peace” (English)

Dewichael – “Who is like God?” (English)

Dewelshem – “Name of God” (Hebrew)

Dewoseph – “God will add” (English)

Dewiadore – “Gift from God” (Spanish)

Dewias – “Praised by God” (Greek)

Dewonathan – “Gift from God” (Spanish)

Dewaaron – “Bearer of the message” (Hebrew)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “DEW”

Dewey Bunnell

American musician, known as a founding member of the band America; talented singer-songwriter with a soothing voice and timeless hits.

Dewey Redman

Influential American jazz saxophonist; played a significant role in the avant-garde jazz movement, known for his unique improvisational style.

Dewey Bozella

Inspirational American boxer; achieved his dream of boxing professionally after being wrongfully imprisoned for over 26 years.

Dewey Martin

Canadian-born actor; gained fame for his roles in classic films like “The Thing from Another World” and “The Big Sky.”

Dewey Phillips

Renowned American radio personality; influential Memphis DJ, often credited with being one of the first to play Elvis Presley on the air.

Dewey Decimal

Not a person but worth mentioning; created the Dewey Decimal Classification system, a widely used library organization method.

Dewey Robertson

Canadian professional wrestler; known as “The Missing Link,” he had a successful career in the wrestling world.

Dewey Nicks

American photographer and filmmaker; acclaimed for his work in fashion photography and directing music videos.

Dewey F. Bartlett

American politician; served as the Governor of Oklahoma and as a U.S. Senator, contributing to state and national governance.

Dewey Tomko

American professional poker player; earned multiple World Series of Poker bracelets and had a successful career in high-stakes poker tournaments.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.