105 Names That Mean Apple and More

Names That Mean Apple are a unique and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with a special significance.

These names, whether for baby boys or baby girls, evoke the beauty and symbolism associated with the apple fruit.

With their rich cultural and historical connotations, these names offer a distinctive option for parents who want to give their child a name that stands out.

Choosing a name that means apple can be a way to honor the fruit’s symbolism of knowledge, temptation, and fertility.

These names often have roots in various cultures and languages, adding an extra layer of depth and diversity to your child’s name.

Whether you prefer a name that directly translates to “apple” or one that has a related meaning, there are plenty of options to explore.

Names That Mean Apple can also be a nod to nature and the natural world.

The apple has long been associated with the beauty and abundance of the earth, making it a fitting choice for parents who appreciate the wonders of nature.

These names can evoke a sense of freshness, vitality, and growth, reflecting the qualities that parents hope to instill in their child.

Furthermore, Names That Mean Apple can be a way to connect with cultural traditions and heritage.

Many cultures have their own unique names that are associated with the apple, each with its own distinct history and significance.

By choosing a name that reflects your cultural background or resonates with your personal beliefs, you can create a meaningful connection to your child’s roots.

Baby Names That Mean Apple

Melba – “Apple” (English)

Poma – “Apple” (Latin)

Sagara – “Apple Tree” (Sanskrit)

Mansi – “Apple” (Native American)

Afal – “Apple” (Welsh)

Seb – “Apple” (Arabic)

Ringo – “Apple” (Japanese)

Mālum – “Apple” (Latin)

Yabloko – “Apple” (Russian)

Tuffaha – “Apple” (Arabic)

Pommier – “Apple Tree” (French)

Milva – “Apple Orchard” (Italian)

Pingguo – “Apple” (Chinese)

Sib – “Apple” (Turkish)

Avala – “Apple” (Bengali)

Jabloń – “Apple Tree” (Polish)

Eple – “Apple” (Norwegian)

Olma – “Apple” (Turkmen)

Elma – “Apple” (Turkish)

Sagara – “Apple” (Hindi)

Mela – “Apple” (Italian)

Sev – “Apple” (Gujarati)

Omena – “Apple” (Finnish)

Sefina – “Apple” (Swahili)

Epal – “Apple” (Filipino)

Rēn – “Apple” (Mandarin)

Alma – “Apple” (Spanish)

Tufaha – “Apple” (Swahili)

Epletre – “Apple Tree” (Norwegian)

Sagara – “Apple” (Malay)

Names That Mean Apple

Boy Names That Mean Apple

Melo – “Apple” (Greek)

Pomo – “Apple” (Latin)

Sagara – “Apple Tree” (Japanese)

Seb – “Apple” (Egyptian)

Avalo – “Apple” (Spanish)

Tuffen – “Apple Tree” (English)

Pingguo – “Apple” (Chinese)

Mansi – “Apple Tree” (Native American)

Mila – “Apple” (Slavic)

Pippin – “Young Apple” (English)

Tufan – “Apple Tree” (Turkish)

Sib – “Apple” (Hindi)

Rennet – “Apple” (French)

Tufayl – “Apple” (Arabic)

Tung – “Apple” (Vietnamese)

Girl Names That Mean Apple

Avalon – “apple orchard” (Celtic)

Pomona – “fruitful” (Latin)

Melba – “beautiful apple” (English)

Poma – “apple” (Latin)

Pippa – “lover of apples” (Greek)

Mela – “apple” (Italian)

Cyder – “apple drink” (English)

Hespera – “evening, golden apple” (Greek)

Orla – “golden princess, apple” (Irish)

Citra – “apple orchard” (Sanskrit)

Sable – “black apple” (English)

Seraphina – “burning fire, apple” (Hebrew)

Api – “apple” (Sanskrit)

Melia – “ash tree, apple” (Greek)

Avalina – “little apple” (English)

Terni – “apple tree” (Welsh)

Tandy – “fire, apple tree” (English)

Peony – “apple blossom” (English)

Pomeline – “little apple” (French)

Mila – “gracious, apple” (Slavic)

Aithne – “fire, apple” (Irish)

Orlena – “golden apple” (Spanish)

Cidera – “apple drink” (English)

Persephone – “destroyer of apples” (Greek)

Calista – “most beautiful, apple” (Greek)

Uva – “grape, apple” (Latin)

Melantha – “dark flower, apple” (Greek)

Vesta – “goddess of hearth and home, apple” (Latin)

Luma – “apple” (Latin)

Malina – “raspberry, apple” (Hawaiian)

Unisex Names That Mean Apple

Melra – “apple” (Greek)

Pomo – “apple” (Latin)

Sagara – “apple” (Sanskrit)

Pinga – “apple” (Inuit)

Poma – “apple” (Spanish)

Sidera – “apple tree” (Latin)

Yabla – “apple” (Hebrew)

Pippin – “young apple” (English)

Mela – “apple” (Italian)

Jumara – “apple tree” (Arabic)

Avala – “apple” (Slovenian)

Peral – “apple tree” (Spanish)

Almal – “apple” (Afrikaans)

Pommel – “apple” (English)

Malti – “apple tree” (Maltese)

Pumila – “apple” (Latin)

Jabolko – “apple” (Slovenian)

Ringo – “apple” (Japanese)

Pomoa – “apple” (Maori)

Jablko – “apple” (Czech)

Manzana – “apple” (Spanish)

Pomaia – “apple” (Swahili)

Yabloko – “apple” (Russian)

Pomozi – “apple” (Zulu)

Tufaha – “apple” (Arabic)

Pomozi – “apple” (Hausa)

Lomela – “apple” (Bengali)

Yubari – “apple” (Japanese)

Melfi – “apple” (Albanian)

Yavrusu – “apple” (Turkish)

Names That Mean Apple

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Apple

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance.

Many parents seek names that not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper meaning or symbolism. One such unique and intriguing concept is “baby names that mean apple.”

The apple has long been a symbol of various qualities and emotions across different cultures and mythologies.

It represents knowledge, temptation, fertility, love, and even immortality. By choosing a name that means apple, parents can imbue their child’s identity with these symbolic associations.

Names that mean apple can be a wonderful choice for parents who wish to celebrate the qualities and symbolism associated with this fruit.

These names can be a way to honor cultural traditions, express personal beliefs, or simply evoke a sense of beauty and uniqueness.

Furthermore, the concept of names that mean apple can be particularly meaningful for parents who have a special connection to this fruit.

Perhaps they have fond memories of apple orchards, or they appreciate the nourishment and vitality that apples represent.

By choosing a name that means apple, parents can create a lasting connection between their child and something they hold dear.

It is worth noting that names that mean apple can be used for both boys and girls, making them a versatile choice.

Whether it’s a strong and masculine name or a delicate and feminine one, the symbolism of the apple can be adapted to suit any gender.

When considering names that mean apple, it is important to research and understand the cultural and historical context behind each name.

This ensures that the chosen name aligns with the desired symbolism and resonates with the parents’ personal values.

In conclusion, the concept of baby names that mean apple offers a unique and symbolic way to bestow a name upon a child.

By choosing a name associated with the apple, parents can celebrate its significance, whether it be knowledge, temptation, fertility, love, or immortality.

This concept allows parents to create a meaningful connection between their child and the qualities represented by this beloved fruit.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.