220 Cute Boy Names That Start with “GLA”

When it comes to choosing a name for your baby boy, why settle for the ordinary when you can opt for something truly unique?

If you’re looking for a name that starts with “GLA”, you’re in luck. This distinctive letter combination offers a plethora of options that are sure to make your son stand out from the crowd.

From traditional choices to more contemporary picks, boy names that start with “GLA” exude charm and character.

Whether you’re drawn to Gaelic origins or simply love the sound of these letters together, there is a name on this list that will perfectly suit your little one.

So why not break away from the norm and explore the world of “GLA” names for your baby boy?

Popular Boy Names That Start with “GLA”

Glade – “Clearing” (English)

Gladden – “To make happy” (English)

Gladius – “Sword” (Latin/Greek)

Gladeo – “To rejoice” (Latin)

Glaser – “Glassworker” (German)

Glanton – “From the glen town” (English)

Glaukos – “Blue-gray” (Greek)

Glanville – “From the smooth plain” (English)

Glaukias – “Bright, shining” (Greek)

Gladeus – “Sword” (Latin)

Glafcos – “Blue-green” (Greek)

Glafira – “Gleaming” (Greek)

Glanmore – “Great glen” (English)

Gladstone – “From the shining stone” (English)

Glaphyra – “Graceful” (Greek)

Glenton – “From the town in the glen” (English)

Glauke – “Blond” (Greek)

Gladwell – “Happy spring” (English)

Glafira – “Sparkling” (Greek)

Glaukias – “Blue” (Greek)

Glafcos – “Gleaming” (Greek)

Glax – “Glistening” (English)

Glades – “Bright meadows” (English)

Glafira – “Gleaming” (Greek)

Glafcos – “Blue-green” (Greek)

Glafcos – “Blue-gray” (Greek)

Glaphyra – “Sparkling” (Greek)

Glaukos – “Bright, gleaming” (Greek)

Gladie – “Clearing, open space” (English)

Glaukias – “Gray-eyed” (Greek)

Boy Names That Start with "GLA"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “GLA”

Glaxton – “From the shining town” (English)

Glanson – “Son of joy” (English)

Glafkos – “Bright, shining” (Greek)

Glaric – “Famous ruler” (English)

Glaros – “Seagull” (Greek)

Glason – “Son of gladness” (English)

Glavio – “Brave” (Spanish)

Glazar – “Bright star” (English)

Glaphir – “Sparkling gem” (English)

Gladius – “Strong warrior” (Latin)

Glavio – “Fierce” (Spanish)

Glaros – “Radiant” (Greek)

Glavis – “Victorious” (English)

Glavios – “Warrior” (Greek)

Glaviano – “God’s gift” (Spanish)

Glafcos – “Radiant glory” (Greek)

Glarian – “From the clear sky” (English)

Glavio – “Valiant” (Spanish)

Glarik – “Bright ruler” (English)

Gladek – “Happy” (English)

Glavos – “Strong” (Greek)

Glavino – “Beloved” (Spanish)

Glarikos – “Brilliant leader” (Greek)

Glaro – “Glorious” (Spanish)

Glavion – “Warrior of light” (English)

Glarikos – “Famous warrior” (Greek)

Glavos – “Mighty” (Greek)

Glavante – “Brave protector” (Spanish)

Glarian – “From the bright place” (English)

Glavino – “Vivacious” (Spanish)

Unique “GLA” Names for Boys

Glasko – “Clear-minded” (English)

Glaviano – “Glorious” (Spanish)

Glafkos – “Brave one” (Greek)

Glaxos – “Radiant” (Greek)

Glavios – “Warrior of light” (Greek)

Glasonio – “Son of joy” (Spanish)

Glareon – “Shining star” (English)

Glarion – “From the bright place” (English)

Glafirio – “Sparkling gem” (Spanish)

Gladius – “Sword bearer” (Latin)

Glarikos – “Famous ruler” (Greek)

Glavante – “Brave protector” (Spanish)

Glantonio – “Town of happiness” (Spanish)

Glafentis – “Radiant spirit” (Greek)

Glaverio – “Brave guardian” (Spanish)

Glahiro – “Noble” (Spanish)

Glarimos – “Majestic” (Greek)

Glaxios – “Glorious hero” (Greek)

Glavico – “Valiant warrior” (Spanish)

Glariano – “From the shining sky” (English)

Glafaro – “Bright one” (Spanish)

Glaxtus – “Victorious leader” (English)

Glavisto – “Champion” (Spanish)

Glaranto – “Joyful” (Spanish)

Glaviko – “Strong one” (Greek)

Glafion – “Beloved son” (Spanish)

Glaruno – “Bringer of light” (Spanish)

Glaviano – “Happy one” (Spanish)

Glaricos – “Radiant king” (Greek)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “GLA”

Glanford – “From the glittering ford” (English)

Glafkos – “Brilliant” (Greek)

Glaric – “Famous ruler” (English)

Glavian – “Belonging to the city of wolves” (English)

Glavius – “From the glen” (Latin)

Gladelio – “Happy” (Spanish)

Glaphyros – “Bright” (Greek)

Gladius – “Sword” (Latin)

Glarion – “From the shining place” (English)

Glawell – “From the spring” (English)

Glavir – “Strong” (Spanish)

Glasker – “Glass maker” (English)

Glaciano – “Heavenly” (Spanish)

Gladius – “Strong warrior” (Latin)

Glaristo – “Renowned” (Spanish)

Glazeus – “Radiant” (Greek)

Glaver – “Brave defender” (English)

Glacia – “Of ice” (Spanish)

Glancio – “Bright eyes” (Spanish)

Glaron – “From the shining hill” (English)

Glavert – “Bright mind” (English)

Glacius – “Cold” (Latin)

Gladian – “Joyful” (English)

Glafkos – “Blue-green” (Greek)

Glavern – “From the green hill” (English)

Glathos – “Radiant” (Greek)

Glabian – “From the shining city” (English)

Glason – “Son of joy” (English)

Glarinos – “Of silver” (Greek)

Glavio – “Brave” (Spanish)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “GLA”

Glazun – “Sunshine” (Russian)

Glautier – “Of the water” (French)

Glarim – “Bright promise” (Arabic)

Glarimond – “Famous protector” (French)

Glanor – “Glowing” (Welsh)

Glacion – “Ice” (Portuguese)

Glavrik – “Warrior” (Russian)

Gladin – “Gentle” (Russian)

Glacian – “Icy” (Italian)

Glaham – “From the gray homestead” (Scottish)

Glaviar – “Brilliant leader” (Russian)

Glavius – “Brave” (Latin)

Glanis – “Shining” (Celtic)

Glanos – “Light” (Irish)

Glafir – “Sparkling” (Russian)

Glaron – “From the shining hill” (German)

Glarot – “Bright” (French)

Glaver – “Valiant protector” (Dutch)

Glavero – “Bright one” (Italian)

Glavon – “From the bright meadow” (French)

Glafur – “Gleaming” (Turkish)

Glazeem – “Radiant” (Arabic)

Glachaidh – “Bright-hearted” (Scottish Gaelic)

Glarik – “Famous ruler” (Russian)

Glara – “Bright” (Irish)

Glaros – “Sea blue” (Portuguese)

Glasion – “Sparkling” (Greek)

Glador – “Golden-haired” (Celtic)

Glazin – “Shining” (Russian)

Glafeyr – “Radiant” (Icelandic)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “GLA”

Gladwin – “Happy friend” (English)

Glavine – “Bright-eyed” (English)

Glarion – “Shining star” (English)

Glafira – “Sparkling” (Greek)

Glacia – “Icy” (Spanish)

Gladden – “To make happy” (English)

Gladyss – “Gentle” (Spanish)

Glavios – “Warrior of light” (Greek)

Glade – “Open space” (English)

Glafkos – “Bright, shining” (Greek)

Glazia – “Blue” (Spanish)

Glanton – “From the glen town” (English)

Glaric – “Famous ruler” (English)

Glaven – “Gleaming” (English)

Glarian – “From the bright place” (English)

Gladius – “Sword” (Latin)

Gladek – “Happy” (English)

Glaros – “Sea blue” (Spanish)

Glavio – “Brave” (Spanish)

Glaphyra – “Graceful” (Greek)

Glaris – “From the green hill” (Spanish)

Glaxon – “Radiant” (English)

Glacian – “Icy” (English)

Glaukos – “Bright-eyed” (Greek)

Glax – “Shining” (English)

Glarino – “From the shining sky” (Spanish)

Glaver – “Brave defender” (English)

Glacia – “Of ice” (English)

Glavius – “Brave” (Latin)

Glarian – “From the shining sky” (Spanish)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “GLA”

Glaphyrus – “God’s grace” (Greek)

Gladiel – “God is my strength” (English)

Glarion – “God’s light” (English)

Glaukos – “God’s eyes” (Greek)

Gladius – “Protected by God” (Latin)

Glavio – “Beloved of God” (Spanish)

Glapheus – “God’s shield” (Greek)

Gladden – “One who brings joy in God” (English)

Glabrio – “God’s favor” (Spanish)

Glaphyrus – “Bearer of God’s grace” (Greek)

Glarikos – “Chosen by God” (Greek)

Glavios – “God’s strength” (Greek)

Glorian – “Glory of God” (English)

Glarismos – “God’s protection” (Greek)

Glaciano – “God’s light” (Spanish)

Glaphyron – “God’s blessing” (Greek)

Glaviantis – “God’s gift” (Greek)

Glavius – “Belonging to God” (Latin)

Gladios – “Devoted to God” (Greek)

Glarimos – “God’s messenger” (Greek)

Gladek – “Servant of God” (English)

Glaros – “Beloved by God” (Greek)

Glavino – “God’s grace” (Spanish)

Glaphyros – “Guarded by God” (Greek)

Glaciano – “Chosen by God” (Spanish)

Glarion – “God’s protection” (English)

Glavante – “God’s servant” (Spanish)

Glabrian – “Beloved of God” (English)

Glarit – “Praised by God” (Spanish)

Glavito – “Devoted to God” (Spanish)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “GLA”

Glauber Rocha

Brazilian film director known for his influential works in Cinema Novo movement.

Glanville Williams

Renowned British legal scholar and author of “Criminal Law: The General Part.”

Gladstone Adams

British inventor credited with developing the windscreen wiper.

Glafcos Clerides

Former President of Cyprus who played a significant role in the country’s modern history.

Gladstone Small

Former English cricketer and part of the famous England cricket team of the 1980s.

Glan Letheren

Welsh football goalkeeper who played for clubs like Swansea City and Watford.


In Greek mythology, a sea god often depicted as a prophetic old man with the ability to foretell the future.

Glan Morgan

American businessman and philanthropist known for his contributions to education and the arts.

Gladwyn Jebb

British diplomat and politician who played a key role in the formation of the United Nations.

Gladstone Murray

Australian politician who served as Premier of Queensland and made significant contributions to education and social welfare.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.