220 Best Boy Names That Start with “FLA”

Looking for a unique and distinctive name for your baby boy that starts with “FLA”?

Look no further! In this list, we have compiled a variety of boy names that begin with “FLA” to help you find the perfect name for your little one.

Whether you’re in search of a traditional name, a trendy moniker, or something completely out-of-the-box, there is sure to be a name on this list that catches your eye.

From classic choices like Flavian and Flannery to more modern options like Flash and Flare, there is a wide range of names to choose from.

So if you’re ready to give your son a name that will make him stand out from the crowd, keep reading to discover some of the best boy names that start with “FLA”!

Popular Boy Names That Start with “FLA”

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Italian/Spanish)

Flamino – “Flame” (Latin)

Flavius – “Blonde” (Latin)

Flaco – “Slim” (Spanish)

Flauros – “Powerful” (Greek)

Flannery – “Flat land” (Irish)

Flavianus – “Yellow” (Latin)

Flamel – “Flame” (French)

Flavieán – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flavus – “Blond” (Latin)

Flare – “To blaze” (English)

Flasko – “A small flask” (Spanish)

Flaviano – “Yellow” (Italian)

Flakos – “Slim” (Greek)

Flavio – “Golden” (Italian/Spanish)

Flavius – “Blond” (Latin)

Flabian – “With hair as bright as gold” (Latin)

Flaminio – “Belonging to the Roman gens Flaminia” (Italian)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Italian/Spanish)

Flan – “Reddish” (Irish)

Flaminius – “Of the Flaminian gens” (Latin)

Flakon – “A small flask” (Greek)

Flash – “Bright light” (English)

Flamur – “Flag” (Albanian)

Flavien – “Yellow” (French)

Flatkos – “Flat” (Greek)

Flann – “Red” (Irish)

Flavianus – “Golden-haired” (Latin)

Flavio – “Blond” (Italian/Spanish)

Boy Names That Start with "FLA"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “FLA”

Flaviar – “Resembling gold” (English)

Flaquet – “Small and charming” (Spanish)

Flaurov – “Golden-haired” (Greek)

Flashton – “From the ash tree town” (English)

Flamero – “Fiery” (Spanish)

Flavikos – “Golden” (Greek)

Flaz – “Bright and radiant” (English)

Flavendo – “Flowing like gold” (Spanish)

Flarion – “Lion-like” (English)

Flavento – “Full of life” (Spanish)

Flarikos – “Strong like a rock” (Greek)

Flazon – “Son of Flair” (English)

Flaventino – “Golden-skinned” (Spanish)

Flarmando – “Bold and strong” (Spanish)

Flaviel – “Messenger of gold” (English)

Flavico – “Resembling gold” (Spanish)

Flaros – “Radiant and bright” (Greek)

Flavolo – “Brave and daring” (Spanish)

Flarkis – “Swift and agile” (Greek)

Flavieno – “Golden one” (Spanish)

Flaris – “Bright and shining” (Greek)

Flavante – “Full of life and energy” (Spanish)

Flaristo – “Charming and charismatic” (Spanish)

Flavius – “Resembling gold” (English)

Flavonto – “Golden voice” (Spanish)

Flashon – “Swift and quick” (English)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Spanish)

Flavos – “Golden and radiant” (Greek)

Flarico – “Brave and courageous” (Spanish)

Flavito – “Resembling gold” (Spanish)

Unique “FLA” Names for Boys

Flaxen – “Fair-haired” (English)

Flavros – “Reddish-brown” (Greek)

Flancio – “Brave and bold” (Spanish)

Flazarus – “Bright like the morning star” (English)

Flavil – “Shining brightly” (English)

Flavario – “Flowing like gold” (Spanish)

Flarion – “Son of the lion” (English)

Flamikos – “Fiery and intense” (Greek)

Flanco – “Swift and agile” (Spanish)

Flavikos – “Resembling gold” (Greek)

Flarmin – “Charming and charismatic” (English)

Flavik – “Bright and radiant” (English)

Flancisco – “Free and independent” (Spanish)

Flavinio – “Golden and shining” (Spanish)

Flamisos – “Fierce and determined” (Greek)

Flavino – “Golden and precious” (Spanish)

Flarrick – “Courageous ruler” (English)

Flavim – “Brilliant and radiant” (English)

Fladros – “Strong and courageous” (Greek)

Flaquis – “Swift and nimble” (Spanish)

Flavios – “Radiant and bright” (Greek)

Flairin – “Graceful and elegant” (English)

Flavico – “Resembling gold” (Spanish)

Flarios – “Bright and shining” (Greek)

Flavus – “Fair-haired” (English)

Flanos – “Wise and discerning” (Greek)

Flavito – “Golden and precious” (Spanish)

Flanco – “Bold and fearless” (Spanish)

Flaros – “Swift and agile” (Greek)

Flaviant – “Vibrant and lively” (English)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “FLA”

Flavianus – “Golden-haired” (Latin)

Flavito – “Yellowish-brown” (Spanish)

Flasko – “Fragrant” (Greek)

Flamelio – “Flame-like” (Spanish)

Flareon – “Bright like a flare” (English)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Italian)

Flakos – “Lean and slender” (Greek)

Flash – “Swift movement” (English)

Flaminio – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flavarius – “Golden” (Latin)

Flammarion – “Flame bearer” (French)

Flauros – “Infernal deity” (Greek)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flakon – “Vessel” (Greek)

Flaviar – “Golden treasure” (English)

Flavikos – “Golden” (Greek)

Flars – “Brilliant and radiant” (English)

Flamininus – “Devotee of the Flamen” (Latin)

Flax – “Blonde” (English)

Flavino – “Golden” (Italian)

Flapidos – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)

Flakas – “Slim and slender” (Spanish)

Flamur – “Flag” (Albanian)

Flavantino – “Golden child” (Italian)

Flareos – “Radiant and shining” (Greek)

Flavus – “Yellow” (Latin)

Flavior – “Golden one” (Spanish)

Flaskinos – “Delicate and graceful” (Greek)

Flaviciano – “Belonging to the Flavius family” (Italian)

Fladeo – “Blessed” (Spanish)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “FLA”

Flavien – “Yellow-haired” (French)

Flavinho – “Little golden one” (Portuguese)

Flannán – “Red-haired” (Irish)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Italian)

Flamininus – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Ancient Roman)

Flaithrí – “Kingly” (Irish)

Flavijan – “Golden” (Slovenian)

Flaviu – “Golden-haired” (Romanian)

Flawiusz – “Blond” (Polish)

Flaminio – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flann – “Red” (Irish)

Flavieno – “Golden one” (Italian)

Flaustino – “Fortunate” (Italian)

Flavito – “Golden” (Portuguese)

Flórian – “Flower-like” (Hungarian)

Flaminiano – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Spanish)

Flanar – “Wandering” (Irish)

Flawiusz – “Golden-haired” (Polish)

Flávio – “Blond” (Portuguese)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Italian)

Flaminian – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flamelio – “Flame-like” (Spanish)

Flawio – “Golden-haired” (Spanish)

Flavijan – “Golden” (Slovenian)

Flavio – “Blonde” (Spanish)

Flaviu – “Golden-haired” (Romanian)

Flammáng – “Belonging to the Flamen” (Luxembourgish)

Flaiano – “Yellow-haired” (Italian)

Flavídio – “Blonde” (Portuguese)

Flamel – “Flame” (French)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “FLA”

Flare – “Bright light” (English)

Flannery – “Red valour” (Irish)

Flavie – “Golden-haired” (French)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flash – “Quick burst of light” (English)

Flavia – “Golden” (Italian)

Flame – “Fiery” (English)

Flako – “Slim” (Spanish)

Flavio – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flair – “Distinctive elegance” (English)

Flaquita – “Thin” (Spanish)

Flavita – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flannel – “Soft fabric” (English)

Flavio – “Blonde” (Italian)

Flann – “Red” (Irish)

Flamine – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Latin)

Flavish – “Golden” (English)

Flakon – “Small bottle” (Greek)

Flamel – “Flame” (French)

Flannis – “Yellow” (Greek)

Flavico – “Resembling gold” (Spanish)

Flareon – “Bright like a flare” (English)

Flarino – “Golden” (Italian)

Flavia – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flax – “Fair-haired” (English)

Flaminio – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flaros – “Radiant” (Greek)

Flavus – “Yellow” (Latin)

Flaunt – “Display ostentatiously” (English)

Flamininus – “Devotee of the Flamen” (Latin)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “FLA”

Flavianus – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flavius – “Golden” (Latin)

Flameo – “Divine flame” (Latin)

Flaminio – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flamininus – “Devotee of the Flamen” (Latin)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Italian/Spanish)

Flamino – “Flame” (Latin)

Flaustus – “Flame-like” (Latin)

Flacianus – “Belonging to the gens Flacia” (Latin)

Flaminian – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Italian)

Flavito – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flavitus – “Golden” (Latin)

Flamin – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Latin)

Flamminius – “Devotee of the Flamen” (Latin)

Flaustino – “Fortunate” (Italian/Spanish)

Flaviant – “Vibrant and lively” (English)

Flaust – “Divine” (Latin)

Flavil – “Shining brightly” (English)

Flammius – “Flame” (Latin)

Flaminianus – “Belonging to the Flaminian gens” (Latin)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flavient – “Golden” (Latin)

Flaviana – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flavianus – “Golden-haired” (Latin)

Flaurent – “Flowering” (Latin)

Flavieno – “Golden one” (Spanish)

Flavión – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flavín – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flavito – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flaustino – “Fortunate” (Italian/Spanish)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “FLA”

Flavio Briatore

Italian businessman known for his involvement in Formula One racing and fashion industry.

Flash Gordon

Fictional character and space adventurer in comics, films, and television series.

Flavio Cotti

Swiss politician who served as the President of Switzerland.

Flavio Insinna

Italian actor and television presenter known for his roles in Italian television series.

Flavio Tranquillo

Italian sports journalist and commentator, particularly known for his coverage of basketball.

Flash Thompson

Fictional character in Marvel Comics, notably known as the high school bully turned friend of Spider-Man.

Flavio Almeida

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and instructor, co-founder of the Gracie Barra Academy.

Flavio Bucci

Italian actor known for his roles in Italian cinema and theater.

Flash Hollett

Canadian professional boxer and mixed martial artist who competed in the 1930s and 1940s.

Flavio Poli

Italian glass artist and designer known for his contributions to Murano glassworks in the mid-20th century.

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About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.