220 Adorable Boy Names That Start with “FL”

Choosing a name for your baby boy can be an exciting yet daunting task. If you’re on the hunt for a unique and distinctive name, then you may want to consider boy names that start with “FL”.

From Florian to Fletcher, these names offer a sense of individuality and charm that can set your little one apart from the crowd.

Whether you’re looking for a strong and powerful name or something more whimsical and playful, the list of boy names that start with “FL” has something for every parent’s taste.

In this article, we will explore a variety of boy names that start with “FL” and their meanings, origins, and potential cultural significance.

Whether you’re looking for a name that reflects your family’s heritage or simply love the sound and feel of a particular name, this list is sure to inspire you in your search for the perfect moniker for your baby boy.

So, without further ado, let’s explore the world of boy names that start with “FL” and find the ideal name for your little bundle of joy.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “FL”

Fletcher – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Flynn – “Descendant of the red-haired man” (Irish)

Flavio – “Blond” (Spanish)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (English)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Florian – “Flower” (Latin)

Flavio – “Golden” (Italian)

Fletcher – “Maker of arrows” (English)

Flint – “Hard rock” (English)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (Celtic)

Flaviano – “Yellow-haired” (Spanish)

Fletcher – “Feathered arrow” (English)

Fletch – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Spanish)

Flint – “Stream” (English)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (Welsh)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Greek)

Florian – “Flower” (German)

Fletch – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (Scottish)

Flavio – “Golden” (Portuguese)

Flint – “Hard stone” (English)

Flavian – “Golden” (Latin)

Fletcher – “Maker of arrows” (Old French)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (Irish)

Flavio – “Golden-haired” (Italian)

Flynn – “Son of the red-haired one” (Irish)

Flint – “Stone” (English)

Florian – “Blooming” (Latin)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (Anglo-Saxon)

Boy Names That Start with "FL"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “FL”

Flynn – “Red-haired” (Irish)

Flanigan – “Son of the red-haired one” (Irish)

Fletcher – “Archer” (English)

Flavio – “Blond” (Spanish)

Flint – “Hard as a rock” (English)

Flavian – “Golden-haired” (Greek)

Floydin – “Gray-haired warrior” (English)

Floro – “Flower-like” (Spanish)

Flareon – “Flame” (English, inspired by Pokémon)

Flavion – “Golden” (Greek)

Flinnick – “Swift red fox” (English)

Flavio – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flare – “Bright light” (English)

Floren – “Flourishing” (Spanish)

Flintis – “Rocky” (Greek)

Flexon – “Flexible strength” (English)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Spanish)

Florell – “Flower-like” (English)

Flidias – “Arrow” (Greek)

Flosario – “Flower garland” (Spanish)

Fluxon – “Flowing strength” (English)

Flavito – “Golden” (Spanish)

Flindon – “Swift and strong” (English)

Florin – “Blooming” (Spanish)

Flareos – “Fiery” (Greek)

Floydon – “Gray-haired warrior” (English)

Fluvio – “River-like” (Spanish)

Flinkos – “Swift” (Greek)

Flavian – “Blond” (English)

Fuego – “Fire” (Spanish)

Unique “FL” Names for Boys

Flinley – “Meadow with flax” (English)

Fluviano – “River-like” (Spanish)

Fletchon – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Flamenco – “Flaming” (Spanish)

Flairon – “Elegant and stylish” (English)

Florendo – “Blooming” (Spanish)

Fylakas – “Guardian” (Greek)

Fliskos – “Swift and vigorous” (Greek)

Flintris – “Rocky fortress” (English)

Florisio – “Little flower” (Spanish)

Flexton – “Flexible town” (English)

Flavicos – “Golden” (Greek)

Flinnox – “Courageous leader” (English)

Fuegos – “Fires” (Spanish)

Flouris – “Flourishing” (Greek)

Fletcharo – “Arrow-maker” (Spanish)

Fluvion – “River-like” (Greek)

Flamelis – “Flame-like” (Greek)

Flandor – “Valorous” (English)

Florkis – “Flower-like” (Greek)

Flavique – “Golden” (Spanish)

Fluvian – “River man” (English)

Flarexis – “Bright defender” (Greek)

Flixon – “Happy” (English)

Flandez – “Valorous” (Spanish)

Flortex – “Flower king” (English)

Fluvier – “River” (Spanish)

Flareonix – “Fiery” (English)

Florigas – “Flower-born” (Greek)

Fluvus – “Flowing water” (Latin)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “FL”

Flavian – “Golden” (Latin)

Fletchley – “Arrow meadow” (English)

Flaco – “Slim” (Spanish)

Fletcher – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Floriano – “Flower” (Spanish)

Flavius – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)

Flintas – “Hard as a rock” (Greek)

Floyd – “Gray-haired” (English)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Italian)

Flinders – “Lives near the flint” (English)

Floros – “Flower-like” (Greek)

Flavius – “Golden-haired” (Roman)

Fleming – “Man from Flanders” (English)

Florencio – “Blooming” (Spanish)

Flavius – “Blond” (Roman)

Fletcher – “Feathered arrow” (English)

Florianos – “Flower” (Greek)

Floydian – “Gray-haired” (English)

Florentino – “Flourishing” (Spanish)

Flavius – “Golden” (Roman)

Florent – “Blooming” (French)

Flairus – “Stylish and elegant” (English)

Florentios – “Blooming” (Greek)

Flavius – “Golden-haired” (Ancient Roman)

Florez – “Blooming” (Spanish)

Flinthor – “Thor’s rock” (English)

Floris – “Flower” (Dutch)

Flintlock – “Firelock” (English)

Florelis – “Flowering” (Greek)

Floyden – “Gray-haired” (English)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “FL”

Flyn – “Son of the red-haired one” (Irish)

Florin – “Flower” (Romanian)

Flavien – “Yellow-haired” (French)

Flavius – “Blond” (Roman)

Floriano – “Flower” (Italian)

Floris – “Blooming” (Dutch)

Fletan – “Arrow” (Basque)

Flaviu – “Golden” (Romanian)

Flóki – “Falcon” (Icelandic)

Fleurant – “Blossoming” (French)

Flavio – “Blond” (Italian)

Flidias – “Arrow” (Irish)

Flandry – “Valorous” (French)

Fletch – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Florianos – “Flower” (Greek)

Florizel – “Little flower” (Shakespearean)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Italian)

Flanagan – “Red-haired” (Irish)

Fletchley – “Arrow meadow” (English)

Flavon – “Yellow” (French)

Folarin – “Walk with glory” (Yoruba)

Flete – “Floating” (Old English)

Flavien – “Yellow-haired” (French)

Florencio – “Blooming” (Spanish)

Flurin – “Flower” (Romansh)

Folaris – “Guiding star” (Greek)

Flann – “Red-haired” (Irish)

Floris – “Flower” (Frisian)

Flaviu – “Golden” (Romanian)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (French)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “FL”

Falcon – “Bird of prey” (English)

Flan – “Red-haired” (Irish)

Flare – “Bright light” (English)

Flora – “Flower” (Latin)

Flinn – “Son of the red-haired one” (Irish)

Flavia – “Golden” (Latin)

Flip – “Lover of horses” (English)

Floryn – “Blooming” (Dutch)

Flareo – “To shine” (Spanish)

Flin – “Meadow with flax” (English)

Flouren – “Prosperous” (Spanish)

Flippa – “Horse lover” (English)

Floris – “Flower” (Dutch)

Floy – “Gray-haired” (English)

Flick – “Quick movement” (English)

Flor – “Flower” (Spanish)

Flow – “Movement of water” (English)

Florin – “Flower” (Romanian)

Fleece – “Soft wool” (English)

Flourish – “To thrive” (English)

Floris – “Flower” (Dutch)

Fluster – “To agitate” (English)

Flareon – “Flame” (English)

Florio – “Flower” (Italian)

Fleet – “Swift” (English)

Florique – “Flower-like” (Spanish)

Flitz – “Swift” (English)

Flourent – “Flourishing” (French)

Fliss – “Lucky” (English)

Flav – “Yellow” (Greek)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “FL”

Flavianus – “Belonging to Flavius” (Latin)

Fletchus – “Arrow-maker” (English)

Flaminio – “Flame” (Italian)

Flamininus – “Belonging to the flame” (Latin)

Floriano – “Flower” (Spanish)

Flavian – “Yellow-haired” (Greek)

Flaminiano – “Flame” (Spanish)

Flavion – “Golden” (Greek)

Fletcherus – “Arrow-maker” (Latin)

Florentius – “Blooming” (Latin)

Flavius – “Golden” (Roman)

Flaviano – “Golden” (Italian)

Flynican – “Son of the red-haired one” (Latin)

Flavius – “Golden-haired” (Greek)

Florencian – “Blooming” (Latin)

Flavitus – “Golden” (Latin)

Florentino – “Flourishing” (Spanish)

Flavinio – “Blond” (Spanish)

Florian – “Blooming” (Greek)

Flaviciano – “Golden” (Spanish)

Floreano – “Flower” (Spanish)

Flavus – “Blond” (Latin)

Florentius – “Blooming” (Latin)

Flavio – “Blond” (Spanish)

Floridan – “Flourishing” (Latin)

Flavican – “Golden” (Latin)

Florisio – “Flower” (Spanish)

Flavros – “Golden” (Greek)

Florencius – “Blooming” (Latin)

Flavio – “Golden” (Italian)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “FL”

Flavius Josephus

Jewish historian and military commander known for his works on the Jewish War and Antiquities of the Jews.

Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Undefeated American professional boxer, widely considered one of the greatest defensive fighters of all time.

Florence Nightingale

While not a male, Florence is traditionally a male name in some cultures. Florence Nightingale was a pioneering nurse and social reformer who laid the foundation for modern nursing.

Flannery O’Connor

American writer known for her Southern Gothic style, particularly in works like “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Renowned American novelist and author of “The Great Gatsby,” a classic of American literature.

Fidel Castro

Cuban revolutionary and politician who led Cuba from 1959 to 2008, making significant contributions to Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Florian Schneider

German musician and co-founder of the influential electronic music band Kraftwerk.

Flavius Aetius

Roman general and statesman, often called “the last of the Romans,” played a crucial role in the defense of the Western Roman Empire.

Fleming Rutledge

American theologian and Episcopal priest known for her contributions to Christian theology and preaching.

Flintoff Andrew (Freddie)

English former cricketer and television personality, known for his achievements in international cricket and charismatic persona.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.