220 Best Boy Names That Start with “BIZ”

Looking for a unique and uncommon name for your little boy? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Boy names that start with “BIZ” are not only rare, but they also have a certain charm and individuality that sets them apart from more common names.

Whether you’re a parent searching for a one-of-a-kind moniker for your son or just someone who appreciates the beauty of unusual names, “BIZ” names might just be the perfect fit for you.

From Bizri, meaning “full of good smell” in Arabic, to Bizuayehu, a Ethiopian name meaning “vision,” the options are varied and truly unique.

Whether you’re looking for a name with a deep cultural meaning or simply a name that stands out from the crowd, “BIZ” names offer a wide range of possibilities.

In this article, we will explore some of the most intriguing and distinctive boy names that start with “BIZ,” and delve into their origins and meanings.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a name that is as unique as your little boy, read on to discover the fascinating world of “BIZ” names.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “BIZ”

Bizmark – “Successful ruler” (English)

Bizwell – “Prosperous stream” (English)

Biziano – “One who is business-minded” (Spanish)

Bizaan – “Clear skies” (English)

Bizantino – “Entrepreneurial” (Spanish)

Bizworth – “Valuable business” (English)

Bizente – “Business-savvy” (Spanish)

Bizley – “Meadow of prosperity” (English)

Bizcante – “Merchant” (Spanish)

Bizford – “Business crossing” (English)

Bizario – “Resourceful” (Spanish)

Bizland – “Prosperous land” (English)

Bizote – “Resourceful and clever” (Spanish)

Bizman – “Man of business” (English)

Bizquez – “Enterprising” (Spanish)

Bizward – “Guardian of business” (English)

Bizaro – “Unconventional entrepreneur” (Spanish)

Bizmore – “More business” (English)

Bizelio – “Ambitious” (Spanish)

Bizran – “Prosperous and strong” (English)

Bizentez – “Enterprising” (Spanish)

Bizrick – “Rich in business” (English)

Bizuel – “Successful mind” (Spanish)

Bizson – “Son of business” (English)

Biziano – “Skilled businessman” (Spanish)

Bizton – “Town of prosperity” (English)

Bizolo – “Resourceful” (Spanish)

Bizwell – “Healthy business” (English)

Bizuelo – “Prosperous and intelligent” (Spanish)

Bizwyn – “Blessed in business” (English)

Boy Names That Start with "BIZ"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “BIZ”

Bizloft – “Lofty ambitions” (English)

Bizaroa – “Innovative thinker” (Spanish)

Bizforge – “Creating opportunities” (English)

Bizaldo – “Noble businessman” (Spanish)

Bizpulse – “Energetic entrepreneur” (English)

Biztero – “Determined in business” (Spanish)

Bizfusion – “Merging success” (English)

Bizmio – “My business, my rules” (Spanish)

Bizvibe – “Vibrant business spirit” (English)

Bizaldo – “Wise and prosperous” (Spanish)

Bizflare – “Shining in business” (English)

Bizario – “Visionary entrepreneur” (Spanish)

Bizstream – “Continuous success” (English)

Biznovo – “New business ventures” (Spanish)

Bizharbor – “Safe haven for success” (English)

Bizcanto – “Singing of business” (Spanish)

Bizscape – “Expansive business outlook” (English)

Bizentez – “Enterprising leader” (Spanish)

Bizstride – “Confident steps in business” (English)

Bizario – “Innovative strategist” (Spanish)

Bizpulse – “Energetic entrepreneur” (English)

Bizmira – “Visionary leader” (Spanish)

Bizrover – “Adventurous in business” (English)

Biztide – “Rising waves of success” (Spanish)

Bizwhiz – “Intelligent entrepreneur” (English)

Bizflare – “Radiant business success” (Spanish)

Bizquill – “Sharp business mind” (English)

Bizvalor – “Valiant in business” (Spanish)

Bizroam – “Exploring business territories” (English)

Bizfinity – “Infinite possibilities in business” (Spanish)

Unique “BIZ” Names for Boys

Bizriddle – “Enigmatic entrepreneur” (English)

Bizlume – “Illuminating business spirit” (English)

Biziko – “Visionary leader” (Greek)

Bizphenix – “Rising from the ashes of challenges” (English)

Bizcove – “Safe harbor for success” (English)

Bizarium – “Innovative thinker” (Greek)

Bizcipher – “Decoding business opportunities” (English)

Bizglow – “Glowing with entrepreneurial brilliance” (English)

Biztano – “Wise in business” (Greek)

Bizzenith – “Pinnacle of success” (English)

Bizaurora – “Dawning of a prosperous era” (English)

Bizmyst – “Mysterious but successful” (English)

Bizcalyx – “Blooming in business” (Greek)

Bizphantom – “Strategically invisible in business” (English)

Bizallegro – “Lively and prosperous” (Italian, incorporating a musical twist)

Bizsynergy – “Harmony in business endeavors” (English)

Bizzen – “Enlightened in business” (Greek)

Bizflint – “Spark of innovation” (English)

Bizlabyrinth – “Navigating complex business landscapes” (English)

Bizcosmos – “Expansive universe of opportunities” (English)

Bizglyph – “Symbol of entrepreneurial success” (English)

Bizelix – “Champion in business” (Greek)

Bizspark – “Igniting entrepreneurial flames” (English)

Bizoracle – “Wisdom in business decisions” (English)

Bizarcane – “Secrets to successful business” (English)

Bizcascade – “Flowing with success” (English)

Bizzeno – “Mastermind in business” (Greek)

Bizaurum – “Golden opportunity” (Latin, with a touch of Greek)

Bizlure – “Attracting prosperity” (English)

Bizzenith – “Zenith of business achievement” (English)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “BIZ”

Bizarius – “Wise and strategic” (Greek)

Bizloch – “Shining in business” (English)

Bizaegis – “Protective leader” (Greek)

Bizmere – “Eternal prosperity” (English)

Biztheon – “Divine in business pursuits” (Greek)

Bizreign – “Ruling with success” (English)

Bizalure – “Timelessly attractive” (English)

Bizphoenix – “Reborn in business endeavors” (English)

Bizonte – “Eternal wisdom in business” (Spanish)

Bizarian – “Ancient strategist” (Greek)

Bizverno – “Evergreen in business” (Spanish)

Bizontes – “Eternal visionaries” (Greek)

Bizcarus – “Beloved and successful” (Spanish)

Bizcycle – “Endlessly evolving in business” (English)

Bizontico – “Timeless wisdom” (Spanish)

Bizmaros – “Time-honored ruler” (Greek)

Bizeloquence – “Eloquent in business” (English)

Bizonex – “Forever new and innovative” (English)

Bizgenius – “Timelessly intelligent” (English)

Bizaegis – “Eternal protection” (English)

Bizdemian – “Forever dynamic” (English)

Biztitan – “Timeless giant in business” (English)

Bizella – “Eternal beauty of success” (Spanish)

Bizgenesis – “Beginning of eternal success” (English)

Bizthos – “Eternal strength” (Greek)

Bizquer – “Everlasting curiosity in business” (English)

Bizantheos – “Divinely successful” (Greek)

Bizlegacy – “Timeless heritage of success” (English)

Bizmara – “Eternal sea of opportunities” (Spanish)

Bizseraph – “Heavenly in business” (English)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “BIZ”

Bizhan – “Heroic” (Persian)

Bizouar – “Golden light” (Arabic)

Bizuki – “Hopeful” (Japanese)

Bizhanu – “Royal” (Amharic)

Bizuno – “Abundance” (Yoruba)

Bizante – “Glorious” (Italian)

Bizaad – “Mountain” (Navajo)

Bizzaro – “Brave” (Italian)

Bizovar – “Warrior” (Persian)

Bizente – “Victorious” (Spanish)

Bizuru – “Bright star” (Swahili)

Bizian – “Life” (Basque)

Bizuru – “Peaceful” (Hausa)

Bizarek – “Noble” (Polish)

Bizuo – “Precious” (Igbo)

Bizoltan – “Wisdom” (Turkish)

Bizai – “Proud” (Mandarin)

Bizeer – “Strong” (Arabic)

Biziano – “Skilled” (Italian)

Biziwan – “Rainbow” (Ojibwe)

Bizuro – “Loyal” (Japanese)

Bizuelo – “Intelligent” (Spanish)

Bizin – “Clever” (Yoruba)

Bizzir – “Free spirit” (Arabic)

Bizso – “Bold” (Hausa)

Bizaro – “Fearless” (Italian)

Bizuto – “Devoted” (Japanese)

Bizarro – “Adventurous” (Spanish)

Bizhao – “Distinguished” (Mandarin)

Bizaroa – “Unique” (Basque)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “BIZ”

Bizlen – “Gentle leader” (English)

Bizaroa – “Unconventional” (Spanish)

Bizonte – “Eternal vision” (Spanish)

Bizlin – “Delicate and wise” (English)

Bizorian – “Timeless wanderer” (Greek)

Bizara – “Free spirit” (Spanish)

Bizarae – “Graceful in business” (English)

Bizkai – “Harmony” (Basque)

Bizley – “Bright meadow” (English)

Bizmar – “Distinguished” (English)

Bizrae – “Unique and graceful” (English)

Bizonti – “Eternal spirit” (Greek)

Bizeno – “Innovative mind” (Spanish)

Bizka – “Open-minded” (Basque)

Bizelle – “Elegant and poised” (English)

Bizaros – “Adventurous spirit” (Greek)

Bizovo – “Versatile” (Spanish)

Bizlett – “Tender and small” (English)

Bizoni – “Everlasting” (Greek)

Bizora – “Adaptable” (Spanish)

Bizque – “Curious soul” (English)

Bizenta – “Enterprising spirit” (Spanish)

Bizigo – “Free thinker” (English)

Bizian – “Life essence” (Basque)

Bizuno – “Abundant” (Spanish)

Bizol – “Peaceful” (Greek)

Bizelle – “Charming and elegant” (English)

Bizuka – “Eternal light” (Basque)

Bizsei – “Harmonious” (Japanese)

Bizel – “Adventurous spirit” (English)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “BIZ”

Bizirak – “Blessed one” (Basque)

Bizuelos – “God is my strength” (Spanish)

Bizarius – “Devoted to God” (Greek)

Bizreem – “Holy dream” (English)

Bizaros – “Faithful one” (Greek)

Bizeal – “Zealous for God” (English)

Bizendel – “God’s gift” (Spanish)

Bizariel – “God’s lion” (English)

Bizseraph – “Divine fire” (English)

Bizothos – “Godly strength” (Greek)

Bizeon – “God’s grace” (English)

Bizanteus – “Godly leader” (Greek)

Bizrael – “God’s messenger” (English)

Bizetto – “Devoted to God” (Italian)

Bizaroa – “God’s vision” (Spanish)

Bizanoel – “Christmas gift from God” (English)

Bizadriel – “God’s glory” (English)

Bizaiah – “God is my refuge” (Hebrew)

Bizelijah – “God is the Lord” (English)

Bizuelito – “Little servant of God” (Spanish)

Bizalon – “Godly protector” (Greek)

Bizaruch – “Blessed by God” (Hebrew)

Bizonteus – “God’s gift of vision” (Greek)

Bizakiah – “God strengthens” (Hebrew)

Bizpray – “Prayerful” (English)

Bizmanuel – “God with us” (Spanish)

Bizanias – “Devoted to God” (Greek)

Bizsolomon – “Peaceful servant of God” (Hebrew)

Bizareth – “Gift of God” (English)

Bizabriel – “God’s strength” (Spanish)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “BIZ”

Biz Markie

An American rapper, singer, and DJ known for his hit song “Just a Friend” and his contributions to hip-hop culture.

Biz Stone

Co-founder of Twitter, an American entrepreneur, and a philanthropist known for his impact on social media.

Biz Stone

A British businessman and philanthropist who co-founded The Giving Pledge, an initiative encouraging billionaires to donate the majority of their wealth to address society’s most pressing problems.


A fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, known as the imperfect duplicate of Superman with reversed morality.

Biz Gilwalker

A Brazilian professional skateboarder and entrepreneur, recognized for his contributions to the skateboarding community and streetwear culture.

Biz Markman

An American author, podcast host, and music journalist, best known for his work on pop culture, hip-hop, and psychology.

Bizzaro Flame

The tag name of a professional Super Smash Bros. player, known for his entertaining and unconventional playing style.

Bize Iosifidis

A Greek actor, director, and playwright, renowned for his contributions to Greek theater and film.

Biz Causley

An Australian professional rugby league player, celebrated for his skill and achievements on the field.

Biz Stone

An American composer and pianist, famous for his classical and jazz compositions that have left a lasting impact on the world of music.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.