160 Best Surnames for Augustus That Fit Perfectly Well

Looking for the perfect surname to complement the regal name Augustus? Look no further! In this article, we have curated a list of the best surnames for Augustus, ensuring that your name exudes strength, elegance, and sophistication.

Choosing the right surname is crucial as it adds a touch of personal identity and uniqueness to your name. Whether you are looking for a traditional surname or something more modern, we have got you covered.

Our carefully selected list includes surnames that perfectly harmonize with the grandeur of Augustus.

From noble and aristocratic surnames to those with historical significance, our compilation offers a wide range of options to suit your preferences.

So, if you are ready to find the ideal surname to complete your name, read on to discover the best surnames for Augustus!

About the Name Augustus

Meaning: The name Augustus is of Latin origin and means “great” or “venerable.”

Description: Augustus is a strong and regal name that exudes power and authority. It carries a sense of grandeur and sophistication, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with a distinguished and timeless appeal.

Popularity: Augustus has been steadily increasing in popularity over the years. It is a name that has gained attention for its classic charm and historical significance.

While not as common as some other names, Augustus has a certain uniqueness that appeals to many parents.

Origin: The name Augustus has its roots in ancient Rome, where it was commonly used as a title for Roman emperors. It was derived from the Latin word “augustus,” which means “great” or “venerable.”

The name carries a sense of prestige and importance, reflecting the status and power associated with the Roman Empire.

Surnames for Augustus

Discover a selection of distinguished surnames that seamlessly pair with Augustus, creating a distinctive and memorable full name:

Augustus Mercer – “Merchant” or “Trader”

Augustus Sinclair – “Clear, bright, shining”

Augustus Wilde – “Untamed” or “Wild”

Augustus Sterling – “High quality” or “Excellent”

Augustus Hawthorne – “Thorny bush” or “Strong, protective”

Augustus Everest – “Highest point” or “Exalted”

Augustus Quinn – “Wise” or “Counsel”

Augustus Vale – “Valley” or “Dweller in the valley”

Augustus Kingsley – “King’s meadow”

Augustus Nightingale – “Night song” or “Singer”

Augustus Falconer – “Falcon trainer” or “Bird of prey”

Augustus Redwood – “Red forest” or “Majestic and strong”

Augustus Carrington – “Town on the marsh” or “Settlement”

Augustus Archer – “Bowman” or “Skilled marksman”

Augustus Rosenthal – “Rose valley” or “Beautiful”

Augustus Storm – “Tempest” or “Powerful force of nature”

Augustus Marlowe – “Driftwood” or “From the lake”

Augustus Falconhurst – “Falcon’s wooded hill”

Augustus Wycliffe – “Village near a cliff” or “From the cliff”

Augustus Stirling – “Little place of battle” or “Strong”

Cute Surnames that go with Augustus

Explore endearing surnames that beautifully harmonize with Augustus, adding an extra touch of charm to the name combination:

Augustus Lovell – “Little wolf” or “Adorable”

Augustus Darling – “Dear” or “Charming”

Augustus Snuggle – “To hug closely” or “Affectionate”

Augustus Puddlejump – “Joyful and playful”

Augustus Bumblebee – “Hard worker” or “Energetic”

Augustus Sprinkles – “Little sparks of joy”

Augustus Dimples – “Cute and charming smile”

Augustus Cupcake – “Sweet and delightful”

Augustus Cuddlebug – “Lovable and cuddly”

Augustus Sparkletoes – “Light on the feet” or “Joyful”

Augustus Twinkle – “Bright and shining”

Augustus Snickerdoodle – “Sweet and fun-loving”

Augustus Gigglesworth – “Full of laughter”

Augustus Buttercup – “Delicate and cheerful”

Augustus Bunnykins – “Adorable like a bunny”

Augustus Marshmallow – “Soft and sweet”

Augustus Doodlebug – “Playful and creative”

Augustus Poppet – “Endearing term of affection”

Augustus Sweetpea – “Sweet and precious”

Augustus Cherub – “Innocent and angelic”

Best Surnames for Augustus

Best Last names that sound good with Augustus

Presenting a collection of top-notch last names that not only sound pleasing but also create a harmonious synergy with Augustus:

Augustus Belmont – “Beautiful mountain”

Augustus Kensington – “Royal town” or “Regal”

Augustus Sinclair – “Clear, bright, shining”

Augustus Hawthorne – “Thorny bush” or “Strong, protective”

Augustus Sterling – “High quality” or “Excellent”

Augustus Lockhart – “Meadow with a stream”

Augustus Fairchild – “Fair and beautiful”

Augustus Prescott – “Priest’s cottage” or “Religious”

Augustus Winslow – “Friend’s hill” or “Friendly”

Augustus Pendleton – “Hill with a spring”

Augustus Worthington – “Enclosure by the farm”

Augustus Langley – “Long meadow”

Augustus Fitzwilliam – “Son of William” or “Resolute protector”

Augustus Stirling – “Little place of battle” or “Strong”

Augustus Thornton – “Thorny town” or “Tough”

Augustus Wentworth – “Enclosure by the stream”

Augustus Montague – “Pointed mountain” or “Pointed”

Augustus Ellington – “Ella’s town” or “Light”

Augustus Beaumont – “Beautiful mountain”

Augustus Hamilton – “Beautiful mountain settlement”

Best surnames to match Augustus

Uncover the finest surname choices that perfectly match and complement Augustus, resulting in a name that exudes elegance:

Augustus Valorian – “Strong and valorous”

Augustus Ambrosius – “Immortal” or “Divine”

Augustus Maximilian – “Greatest” or “The best”

Augustus Aurelius – “Golden” or “Glorious”

Augustus Regulus – “Little king” or “Royal”

Augustus Seraphim – “Fiery and passionate”

Augustus Lysander – “Liberator” or “Freeing man”

Augustus Felix – “Happy” or “Fortunate”

Augustus Zenon – “Gift of Zeus” or “Divine gift”

Augustus Theron – “Hunter” or “Huntress”

Augustus Lucian – “Light” or “Illuminated”

Augustus Leontius – “Lion-like” or “Brave”

Augustus Caius – “Rejoice” or “Joyful”

Augustus Octavian – “Eighth” or “Born in the eighth month”

Augustus Ignatius – “Fiery” or “Burning”

Augustus Julius – “Youthful” or “Downy”

Augustus Theodosius – “God’s gift” or “Given by God”

Augustus Hadrian – “Dark-haired” or “Dark one”

Augustus Florian – “Flourishing” or “Blossoming”

Augustus Sylvanus – “Wooded” or “Wild”

Surnames that complement Augustus Perfectly

Delve into carefully curated surnames that flawlessly complement Augustus, ensuring a balanced and aesthetically pleasing name composition:

Augustus Harmony – “Unity” or “Balanced blend”

Augustus Serenity – “Peaceful and calm”

Augustus Jubilee – “Celebration of joy”

Augustus Tranquil – “Calm and composed”

Augustus Amity – “Friendship” or “Harmonious relationship”

Augustus Verity – “Truth” or “Accuracy”

Augustus Felicity – “Happiness” or “Joyful”

Augustus Concord – “Agreement” or “Harmony”

Augustus Bliss – “Perfect happiness” or “Joy”

Augustus Seraphina – “Fiery” or “Burning”

Augustus Delight – “Great pleasure” or “Joy”

Augustus Grace – “Elegance” or “Refinement”

Augustus Valor – “Strength and courage”

Augustus Adore – “Love and admiration”

Augustus Enchant – “Charm and delight”

Augustus Solace – “Comfort in sorrow”

Augustus Cherish – “Hold dear” or “Treasure”

Augustus Celestia – “Heavenly” or “Divine”

Augustus Tranquility – “State of being calm and peaceful”

Augustus Jubilation – “Lively celebration”

Augustus siblings names that complement each other

Explore sibling name pairings that create a harmonious and cohesive blend with Augustus, forging a strong and interconnected familial identity:

Augustus and Aurelia – “Golden” or “Glorious”

Augustus and Seraphina – “Fiery” or “Burning”

Augustus and Valentina – “Strong and healthy”

Augustus and Octavia – “Eighth” or “Born in the eighth month”

Augustus and Lysander – “Liberator” or “Freeing man”

Augustus and Isadora – “Gift of Isis” or “Gift of the goddess”

Augustus and Theron – “Hunter” or “Huntress”

Augustus and Felicity – “Happiness” or “Joyful”

Augustus and Maximilian – “Greatest” or “The best”

Augustus and Verity – “Truth” or “Accuracy”

Augustus and Celestia – “Heavenly” or “Divine”

Augustus and Harmony – “Unity” or “Balanced blend”

Augustus and Caius – “Rejoice” or “Joyful”

Augustus and Luciana – “Light” or “Illuminated”

Augustus and Serenity – “Peaceful and calm”

Augustus and Amity – “Friendship” or “Harmonious relationship”

Augustus and Griffin – “Strong lord” or “Brave”

Augustus and Isabella – “Devoted to God” or “God is my oath”

Augustus and Rosalind – “Beautiful rose”

Augustus and Edmund – “Wealthy protector”

Cool last names that sound nice with Augustus

Embrace the cool factor with a selection of last names that sound effortlessly stylish and melodic when paired with Augustus:

Augustus Maverick – “Independent and unorthodox”

Augustus Phoenix – “Symbol of immortality and renewal”

Augustus Stormrider – “Fearless adventurer”

Augustus Midnight – “Dark and mysterious”

Augustus Falconheart – “Courageous and noble”

Augustus Nova – “New” or “Innovative”

Augustus Blaze – “Fiery and intense”

Augustus Ironwood – “Strong and resilient”

Augustus Shadowcaster – “Mysterious and elusive”

Augustus Ember – “Small piece of burning coal” or “Passionate”

Augustus Hawkstrike – “Swift and precise”

Augustus Ravenwood – “Dark and mysterious”

Augustus Frost – “Cold and cool”

Augustus Starfall – “Celestial and magical”

Augustus Thunderstrike – “Powerful and commanding”

Augustus Dusk – “The darker stage of twilight”

Augustus Solaris – “Related to the sun” or “Radiant”

Augustus Zenith – “Highest point” or “Pinnacle”

Augustus Cipher – “Secret code” or “Mysterious”

Augustus Vortex – “Whirlwind” or “Dynamic force”

Matching surnames that fit well with Augustus

Discover matching surnames that seamlessly fit and enhance the overall sound and character of Augustus, resulting in a name combination that flows impeccably:

Augustus and Seraphina – “Fiery” or “Burning”

Augustus and Maximilian – “Greatest” or “The best”

Augustus and Verona – “True image” or “Truth”

Augustus and Isolde – “Fair lady” or “Beautiful”

Augustus and Theron – “Hunter” or “Huntress”

Augustus and Cassandra – “Shining upon men” or “Shining light”

Augustus and Octavia – “Eighth” or “Born in the eighth month”

Augustus and Lorelei – “Alluring song” or “Siren”

Augustus and Belvedere – “Beautiful view” or “Scenic outlook”

Augustus and Isadora – “Gift of Isis” or “Gift of the goddess”

Augustus and Lucius – “Light” or “Illuminated”

Augustus and Evangeline – “Bearer of good news” or “Messenger of good news”

Augustus and Felicity – “Happiness” or “Joyful”

Augustus and Aurora – “Goddess of the dawn” or “New beginning”

Augustus and Delphine – “Dolphin” or “Friend of the sea”

Augustus and Orion – “Hunter” or “Rising in the sky”

Augustus and Camilla – “Young ceremonial attendant” or “Virginal”

Augustus and Calista – “Most beautiful” or “Fairest”

Augustus and Zephyr – “West wind” or “Gentle breeze”

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Tips for Choosing Perfect Surname for Augustus

Find surnames that fit well with Augustus using these tips:

1. Consider the origin: Look for surnames that have a similar origin as Augustus, such as Roman or Latin surnames.

2. Reflect on meaning: Choose a surname that has a meaningful connection to Augustus, whether it represents a shared characteristic or symbolizes something important.

3. Explore family history: Research your family history to find surnames that have been used by your ancestors, creating a sense of continuity and heritage.

4. Sound and rhythm: Pay attention to the sound and rhythm of the combination of Augustus and the surname. Opt for a surname that flows well and has a pleasing sound when spoken together.

5. Consider popularity: Decide whether you prefer a common or unique surname. Popular surnames may provide a sense of familiarity, while uncommon ones can make your name stand out.

6. Personal significance: Choose a surname that holds personal significance to you or your family, such as a surname associated with a beloved place or a respected figure.

7. Compatibility with first name: Ensure that the chosen surname complements the first name Augustus and creates a harmonious combination.

8. Professional implications: Consider how the chosen surname may impact your professional life, ensuring it conveys the desired image and is appropriate for your chosen career path.

9. Pronunciation and spelling: Test the pronunciation and spelling of the chosen surname to ensure it is easily understandable and doesn’t cause confusion.

10. Trust your instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a surname that resonates with you and feels right for Augustus.

Famous People with Surname Augustus

Augustus Caesar: Augustus Caesar, born Gaius Octavius, was the first Roman emperor and the founder of the Roman Principate.

He ruled from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD, and his reign marked the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability throughout the Roman Empire.

Augustus Pablo: Augustus Pablo, born Horace Swaby, was a Jamaican reggae and dub record producer, melodica player, and keyboardist.

He was a key figure in the development of dub music in the 1970s and worked with numerous renowned artists, leaving a lasting impact on the genre.

Augustus John: Augustus John was a Welsh painter and draughtsman known for his portraits and landscapes.

He was a prominent figure in the early 20th-century British art scene and was associated with the Post-Impressionist movement. His works are characterized by their bold brushwork and vibrant colors.

Augustus Saint-Gaudens: Augustus Saint-Gaudens was an American sculptor known for his monumental bronze statues and monuments.

He created several iconic public sculptures, including the Shaw Memorial in Boston and the statue of Abraham Lincoln in Chicago’s Lincoln Park.

Augustus Hill: Augustus Hill, portrayed by Harold Perrineau, was a fictional character in the television series “Oz.”

He was an inmate at the Oswald State Correctional Facility and served as the show’s narrator, providing insights into the complex world of the prison.

Questions to think about that might help you decide surname for Augustus

1. What is the cultural or historical significance of Augustus?

2. Are there any family names or surnames that have a connection to Augustus?

3. What are the characteristics or qualities associated with Augustus?

4. Are there any meaningful words or symbols that could be incorporated into the surname?

5. Does Augustus have any specific geographical or regional associations that could inspire a surname?

6. Are there any famous individuals or fictional characters with the name Augustus that could influence the choice of surname?

7. What are the personal preferences or values that you would like the surname to reflect?

8. Does Augustus have any specific cultural or linguistic origins that could guide the selection of a surname?

9. Are there any significant events or milestones in Augustus’ life that could inspire a surname?

10. How does Augustus’ surname sound when combined with his first name? Does it create a harmonious or meaningful combination?

Best Sources to Get Surname Inspirations From

When looking for surname inspirations for the name Augustus, there are several sources you can explore:

1. Family History Websites: Websites like Ancestry.com, MyHeritage, and FamilySearch offer extensive databases of historical records, family trees, and surname origins.

These platforms can provide valuable insights into the surnames associated with the name Augustus.

2. Local History Archives: Local history archives, such as those found in libraries or historical societies, often contain records and documents that can shed light on surnames prevalent in a specific region.

Exploring these archives can help you discover unique and region-specific surname options for Augustus.

3. Genealogy Forums and Communities: Engaging with online genealogy forums and communities can be a great way to connect with fellow researchers and enthusiasts.

These platforms often have dedicated surname discussion threads where you can find inspiration and learn about lesser-known surnames associated with Augustus.

4. Historical Books and Publications: Delving into historical books and publications can provide valuable insights into the naming practices and surnames prevalent during specific time periods.

Look for books that focus on the history of names or genealogy to discover interesting surname options for Augustus.

5. Local Dialects and Languages: Exploring local dialects and languages can uncover unique surnames that may have been derived from specific regions or cultural backgrounds.

Consider researching the linguistic history of areas associated with the name Augustus to find distinctive surname inspirations.

Remember, when choosing a surname for the name Augustus, it’s essential to consider its historical context, cultural relevance, and personal significance.

These sources can provide a starting point for your research and help you find the perfect surname inspiration.


What are the girl names that go with Augustus?

There are several girl names that go well with Augustus. Some options include Amelia, Beatrice, Charlotte, Eleanor, and Genevieve.

What are perfect nicknames for Augustus?

There are many perfect nicknames for Augustus. Some popular choices include Gus, Augie, Auggie, and Gus-Gus.

What are some variations of the name Augustus?

There are a few variations of the name Augustus. Some variations include August, Augustine, Augustin, and Augusto.

What are some middle names for Augustus?

There are several middle names that pair well with Augustus. Some options include James, Alexander, William, Benjamin, and Thomas.

Give some first names that go well with Augustus.

There are many first names that go well with Augustus. Some options include Henry, Theodore, Sebastian, Maximus, and Atticus.

Give some names that rhyme with Augustus.

There are not many names that rhyme perfectly with Augustus. However, some names that have a similar sound include Justice, Justice, and Justice.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.