135 Catchy Political Party Slogans, Sayings, and Phrases

Coming up with a compelling slogan demands that you pack a punch with only a few words. It should be simple, memorable, and powerful.

Most importantly, it should communicate a message that resonates deeply with audience.

I mention some great political party slogans to help you. But before diving in, let’s first look at some best slogan examples.

These are some of the best examples of catchy slogans that will inspire your ideas:

Apple – Think Different

Nike – Just Do It

McDonalds – I’m Lovin’ It

Coca-Cola – Happiness is Real

Google – Don’t Be Evil

Microsoft – Life Is Good

Facebook – It’s quick and easy

Twitter – What Happens On The Internet Stays On The Internet

Virgin Airlines – No Fear

Starbucks – You Get What You Give

Zappos – Delivering Happiness

Whole Foods Market – Eat Food. Drink Better.

Southwest Airlines – “The Spirit Of Adventure”

American Express – Because We Care

Target – Always Low Prices Everyday

United States Postal Service – Forever Stampin’ Out Junk Mail

Nordstrom – Buy More, Save More

Urban Outfitters – Anything Can Be Art

Inspiring, right? Now, let us look at some political party slogans:

Making the world a better place

Vote us, If you want to change

Taking actions, Getting results

You want great results, We want great resolve

We will manage the future

Vote for us and build a future

This time a new voice

We are a new start

Vote for us, We have a better and a new vision

This country needs a better leadership

Your vote is your voice, Use it for a better future

Vote, Vote, and vote for the nation’s growth

Young or old, Every vote is expensive than gold

Forget the rest and vote for the best

Vote to go forward and sit in the home to go backward

Don’t use your vote as a joke or be ready for a shock

A vote can be great or it can be a threat

We get things done fast

Elections are the decision of your career

Every election determined by the people who show up

Political party slogans

Elections are the decision of your career

Let’s challenge the problems together, United we stand

We will make this country a better place to live

A new vision for this country

Today vote, Tomorrow is great

We brought a new brand of politics

Vote for us and secure your future

We are building for the future

We are building a better and brighter future

It’s time for a change. Vote us

Vote us for the future now

Vote us, New vision. New direction

It’s time for progress

A fresh face, A fresh leader. A fresh start

Expect more

Leadership, Experience, and values mean something

I am your trusted friend

Vote us most experienced, Proven performance, Genuinely cares

Re-elect our party, Experienced, mature. We are electable

Our party is united

Vote our excellence through experience

You have integrity, honesty, and experience when you vote for us

Put experience on our side

Has server our country now ready to serve you

Most qualified

Vote for experience

Vote for honesty

Vote for democracy

Qualified and ready for leadership

We have a dream

Political party slogans

What are some catchy political party phrases?

There is no change competition. Vote for me

Two, For, six votes for me don’t be late

The best in the test

There is nothing like our America do vote for us

Vote for the best so you won’t be stressed

Free drinks on me tomorrow

I am small as a mouse but I am a powerhouse

Building a road to better tomorrow

Have no fear, Vote for me to have a great year

Because you are worth it, Vote for me to improve it

Let’s stand together, Strong and unstoppable

Everyone says your name for the president

Choose a leader by analytics not politics

Citizen a good one, Vote for the right one

Vote and happy days will be here again

Let’s make America good again, Vote

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

For the people

Yes we can

Don’t vote for us, Vote for America

Use your right for right

You only have one vote, Be wise before giving it away

Use your vote for America

The state is in the hand of the voter

These are some good slogans for elections

No war but Vote war

Obama, One name, One legend

Don’t be shy,  Give us a try and make the state fly

Don’t trash and waste your vote choose trump

For your children’s tomorrow. Elect us today

Political party Sayings

Do you want the best? Vote for the best

We will give you what need

Moral matters

Your efficient clerk

Character counts

Right person

Right leader at right time for the right reason

I am a friendly leader

Only we can make this nation better

Try us! We won’t let you down

Common sense means good government

We will make this country heaven for you

Vote us for perfection

Vote us for ease

We will give you more opportunities, facilities and quality

Vote us to full fill your dreams

Want to make this state better? Vote us

If you want a better future, Vote for us

We are not perfect but they are nuts

Our bridge to the eleventh century

Is this true or you heard it on fox news

Love trump’s hate

Obama won again, Get over it again

Don’t Like socialism? Get off the highway

Make America think again

Tea party with imaginary friends

Insurance companies are republican death panels

Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job

Fox news channel: Where the truth goes to die

I would vote for democrat but I am allergic to nuts

Political party Sayings

Related Resources:

Tuberculosis slogans

Girls education slogans

Makeup Party Theme Names

Valentine Party Theme Names

Halloween Party Theme Names

How To Come Up With A Catchy Slogan That Resonates Deeply With Audience

Write down all the ideas that pop into your head.

Once you have exhausted all the ideas, choose the ones that resonate deep within you and start developing them further.

When you are done brainstorming, review the list of picked slogan ideas and pick out the ones that you like the most.

Inspire your ideas from other political party related slogans.

Choose 3–4 slogans from the list and develop them further.

Choose the final political party slogan.

About Nouman

Nouman is a computer science student who loves to learn new things.