105 Names That Mean Words and More

Names That Mean Words is an article that explores baby boy and baby girl names with significant meanings.

These names are carefully chosen to reflect the power and beauty of language.

Choosing a name for your child is a momentous decision, as it will shape their identity and influence their journey through life.

Names That Mean Words offers a unique perspective by focusing on names that carry deep meanings related to words and language.

These names go beyond the traditional meanings associated with names and delve into the realm of words themselves.

They embody the essence of communication, expression, and the power of language to shape our world.

Whether you are seeking a name that represents strength, wisdom, love, or creativity, Names That Mean Words provides a diverse collection of names that capture the essence of these qualities.

Each name is carefully curated to inspire and empower your child as they navigate their own path in life.

Baby Names That Mean Words

Lex – “word” (Latin)

Vocab – “vocabulary” (Latin)

Verbos – “words” (Spanish)

Oratio – “speech” (Latin)

Idiom – “expression” (Greek)

Termos – “terms” (Greek)

Phraseo – “phrase” (Greek)

Lingua – “language” (Latin)

Dicere – “to say” (Latin)

Logos – “word” (Greek)

Parole – “spoken word” (French)

Jargon – “specialized language” (French)

Utterance – “spoken expression” (English)

Term – “word” (English)

Palabra – “word” (Spanish)

Lingo – “language” (English)

Verbum – “word” (Latin)

Airet – “speech” (Arabic)

Eloquor – “to speak” (Latin)

Leks – “word” (Russian)

Söz – “word” (Turkish)

Parolee – “one who speaks” (French)

Utter – “to express in words” (English)

Kotoba – “word” (Japanese)

Slovo – “word” (Russian)

Wyraz – “expression” (Polish)

Kalam – “speech” (Arabic)

Milah – “word” (Hebrew)

Parola – “word” (Italian)

Sozein – “to speak” (Greek)

Names That Mean Words

Boy Names That Mean Words

Caleb – “faithful, devoted speaker” (Hebrew)

Logan – “small hollow, little warrior with words” (Gaelic)

Dylan – “son of the sea, great speaker” (Welsh)

Lex – “word, speech” (Greek)

Faris – “knight, eloquent speaker” (Arabic)

Asher – “happy, blessed speaker” (Hebrew)

Arlo – “fortified hill, articulate speaker” (Old English)

Rune – “secret, whispered words” (Norse)

Orator – “skilled speaker” (Latin)

Langston – “long stone, eloquent speaker” (English)

Vates – “prophet, speaker of divine words” (Latin)

Callum – “dove, eloquent speaker” (Scottish)

Lingo – “language, articulate speaker” (Latin)

Eloc – “eloquence, skilled speaker” (Latin)

Onomastics – “study of names, master of words” (Greek)

Girl Names That Mean Words

Lexia – “word” (Greek)

Verbena – “spoken word” (Latin)

Logana – “eloquent speaker” (Scottish)

Phrasea – “expression” (Greek)

Oratio – “speech” (Latin)

Vocabula – “vocabulary” (Latin)

Jargonelle – “specialized language” (French)

Termia – “term” or “word” (Latin)

Lingo – “language” (Spanish)

Parole – “spoken word” (French)

Prosa – “prose” (Latin)

Sylla – “syllable” (Latin)

Onoma – “word” (Greek)

Rhetta – “eloquent speaker” (Greek)

Moti – “word” (Swahili)

Dicta – “spoken words” (Latin)

Dictiona – “diction” (Latin)

Langua – “language” (Latin)

Palabra – “word” (Spanish)

Leksy – “lexicon” (Polish)

Motsa – “word” (Zulu)

Verba – “words” (Latin)

Nomea – “name” or “word” (Portuguese)

Oghma – “word” (Irish)

Slogan – “motto” or “catchword” (Gaelic)

Pheme – “speech” or “voice” (Greek)

Vakya – “sentence” or “utterance” (Sanskrit)

Varni – “word” (Sanskrit)

Lingua – “tongue” or “language” (Latin)

Oratora – “speaker” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Words

Lex – “word” (Latin)

Vocab – “speech” (Latin)

Orator – “speaker” (Latin)

Phrase – “expression” (French)

Verb – “action word” (Latin)

Prosa – “prose” (Latin)

Term – “word” (Latin)

Lingo – “language” (Spanish)

Mot – “word” (Old French)

Dic – “say” (Latin)

Script – “writing” (Latin)

Tong – “language” (Old English)

Langua – “tongue” (Latin)

Idiom – “expression” (Greek)

Jargon – “specialized language” (Old French)

Palabra – “word” (Spanish)

Verbum – “word” (Latin)

Phraseo – “phrase” (Latin)

Parole – “spoken word” (French)

Ekphrasis – “vivid description” (Greek)

Diction – “choice of words” (Latin)

Slogan – “distinctive phrase” (Scottish Gaelic)

Lingua – “language” (Latin)

Nomina – “names” (Latin)

Sonus – “sound” (Latin)

Voce – “voice” (Latin)

Parla – “speak” (Italian)

Ling – “linguistic” (Old Norse)

Utter – “speak” (Old English)

Aio – “say” (Latin)

Names That Mean Words

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Words

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only becomes a part of their identity but also carries a deeper meaning and symbolism.

One unique approach to naming your child is by selecting names that mean words.

Names that mean words are names that have a direct association with common words or concepts.

These names can be derived from various languages and cultures, each carrying its own significance and symbolism.

The significance of names that mean words lies in their ability to convey a specific message or attribute.

By choosing a name that represents a word, you are giving your child a name that embodies a particular quality or characteristic.

This can serve as a constant reminder of the values you wish to instill in them.

Furthermore, names that mean words can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation.

They can encourage your child to embrace the meaning behind their name and strive to embody its essence in their actions and choices.

Symbolically, names that mean words can create a strong connection between the name and the individual.

It adds depth and layers of meaning to their identity, making their name more than just a label.

It becomes a representation of their personality, aspirations, and the values they hold dear.

Choosing names that mean words can also be a way to honor cultural heritage or family traditions.

It allows you to incorporate meaningful words from different languages into your child’s name, celebrating diversity and embracing the richness of various cultures.

When considering names that mean words, it is essential to research and understand the cultural context and significance behind the chosen name.

This ensures that you are selecting a name that aligns with your values and resonates with your family’s beliefs.

In conclusion, names that mean words offer a unique and meaningful way to name your baby.

They hold significance, symbolism, and can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation throughout their life.

By choosing a name that represents a word, you are giving your child a name that carries a deeper meaning and connects them to their identity in a profound way.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.