70 Names That Mean Sleep and More

Names That Mean Sleep are a popular choice for parents looking for unique and meaningful names for their babies.

These names often have a calming and peaceful connotation, making them perfect for little ones who bring tranquility to their families.

When it comes to baby boy Names That Mean Sleep, there are a variety of options to choose from. These names can evoke a sense of restfulness and serenity, reflecting the peaceful nature of sleep.

Whether it’s a name that directly translates to “sleep” or one that symbolizes tranquility, these names are sure to bring a sense of calm to your little boy’s life.

Similarly, baby girl Names That Mean Sleep offer a range of beautiful and soothing options.

These names can embody the essence of sleep and relaxation, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.

From names that mean “dream” to those that symbolize peaceful nights, there are plenty of choices for parents seeking a name that reflects their daughter’s serene nature.

Choosing a name that means sleep or has a related meaning can be a wonderful way to honor the importance of rest and relaxation in our lives.

These names not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper significance, reminding us of the peaceful moments we experience during sleep.

Whether you’re looking for a name for your baby boy or baby girl, Names That Mean Sleep offer a unique and meaningful choice.

Baby Names That Mean Sleep

Nidra – “sleep” (Sanskrit)

Sueno – “dream” (Spanish)

Somnus – “sleep” (Latin)

Morpheus – the Greek god of dreams

Slumbra – a creative play on “slumber”

Hypnos – the Greek god of sleep

Dormio – “I sleep” (Latin)

Nox – “night” (Latin)

Siesta – a short nap or rest, especially in the afternoon (Spanish)

Sopor – a state of deep sleep or unconsciousness

Quies – “rest” or “tranquility” (Latin)

Shayn – “tranquil” (Yiddish)

Riposo – “rest” (Italian)

Reverie – a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream

Names That Mean Sleep

Boy Names That Mean Sleep

1. Ethan – “strong, firm” (Hebrew)

2. Nolan – “champion” (Irish)

3. Tristan – “sorrowful” (Celtic)

4. Adrian – “dark one” (Latin)

5. Finn – “fair” (Irish)

6. Asher – “fortunate, blessed” (Hebrew)

7. Jared – “descendant” (Hebrew)

8. Ronan – “little seal” (Irish)

9. Camden – “winding valley” (Scottish)

10. Landon – “long hill” (English)

11. Silas – “wood, forest” (Latin)

12. Declan – “man of prayer” (Irish)

13. Everett – “brave as a wild boar” (English)

14. Owen – “young warrior” (Welsh)

15. Jasper – “treasurer” (Persian)

16. Leo – “lion” (Latin)

17. Miles – “soldier” (Latin)

18. Wyatt – “brave in war” (English)

19. Felix – “lucky, fortunate” (Latin)

20. Julian – “youthful” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Sleep

1. Alina – “bright, beautiful” (Greek)

2. Evangeline – “bearer of good news” (Greek)

3. Layla – “night” (Arabic)

4. Noelle – “Christmas” (French)

5. Serenity – “peaceful” (English)

6. Aurora – “dawn” (Latin)

7. Luna – “moon” (Latin)

8. Selene – “moon goddess” (Greek)

9. Calista – “most beautiful” (Greek)

10. Celeste – “heavenly” (Latin)

11. Nisha – “night” (Sanskrit)

12. Nyx – “night” (Greek)

13. Morpheus – “god of dreams” (Greek)

14. Rhiannon – “divine queen” (Welsh)

15. Seline – “moon goddess” (Greek)

16. Zara – “princess” (Arabic)

17. Aria – “air, melody” (Italian)

18. Celestia – “heavenly” (Latin)

19. Estelle – “star” (French)

20. Lila – “night” (Arabic)

21. Selena – “moon goddess” (Greek)

22. Thalia – “to blossom” (Greek)

23. Amara – “eternal” (Sanskrit)

24. Elara – “moon of Jupiter” (Greek)

25. Melody – “song” (English)

26. Seraphina – “burning ones” (Hebrew)

27. Stella – “star” (Latin)

28. Zephyr – “west wind” (Greek)

29. Ayla – “moonlight” (Turkish)

30. Elysia – “blissful” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Sleep

1. Alon (Hebrew) – “oak tree”

2. Caden (Irish) – “spirit of battle”

3. Eiran (Hebrew) – “awake, watchful”

4. Hafiz (Arabic) – “guardian, protector”

5. Imani (Swahili) – “faith, belief”

6. Jareth (Hebrew) – “he will loosen”

7. Kailani (Hawaiian) – “sea and sky”

8. Lior (Hebrew) – “my light”

9. Mika (Japanese) – “beautiful fragrance”

10. Nodin (Native American) – “wind”

11. Orion (Greek) – “rising in the sky”

12. Quinn (Irish) – “wise, intelligent”

13. Rumi (Persian) – “beauty, charm”

14. Selene (Greek) – “moon goddess”

15. Tariq (Arabic) – “morning star, night visitor”

16. Zephyr (Greek) – “west wind”

Names That Mean Sleep

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Sleep

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only becomes a part of their identity but also carries a deeper meaning and symbolism.

One intriguing category of names that parents often consider is “Names That Mean Sleep.”

The concept of selecting a name that signifies sleep is rooted in the desire to evoke a sense of tranquility, peace, and restfulness.

These names can serve as a gentle reminder of the calmness associated with sleep and create a soothing atmosphere around the child.

Names that mean sleep can be particularly meaningful for parents who value the importance of a good night’s rest and wish to instill a sense of serenity in their child’s life.

Such names can symbolize the hope for peaceful dreams, undisturbed slumber, and a harmonious existence.

Furthermore, the symbolism behind names that mean sleep extends beyond the literal interpretation. Sleep is often associated with rejuvenation, growth, and renewal.

By choosing a name that embodies the concept of sleep, parents may express their aspirations for their child’s well-being, personal development, and a fresh start in life.

These names can also hold cultural and historical significance. In various mythologies and folklore, sleep is often personified as a deity or a mystical force.

By selecting a name that means sleep, parents can pay homage to these ancient beliefs and tap into the rich tapestry of cultural heritage.

When considering names that mean sleep, it is essential to reflect on the overall meaning and symbolism that resonates with you as a parent.

Each name carries its own unique connotations and associations, so it is crucial to choose one that aligns with your values, beliefs, and aspirations for your child.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean sleep offers a beautiful way to infuse tranquility, peace, and a sense of renewal into your child’s life.

It is a thoughtful choice that can carry deep symbolism and create a harmonious atmosphere for your little one.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.