82 Names That Mean Seasons and More

Names That Mean Seasons are a popular choice for parents looking for unique and meaningful names for their babies.

These names often have a deep connection to nature and the changing seasons, symbolizing growth, renewal, and the beauty of the natural world.

For baby boys, names that mean seasons can evoke a sense of strength and vitality.

They can also reflect the qualities associated with each season, such as warmth and energy for summer, or resilience and adaptability for winter.

Similarly, for baby girls, names that mean seasons can embody grace, beauty, and the ever-changing nature of life.

These names can capture the essence of each season, from the blossoming flowers of spring to the golden hues of autumn.

Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant energy of summer, the cozy charm of autumn, the fresh beginnings of spring, or the quiet serenity of winter, Names That Mean Seasons offer a unique and meaningful way to celebrate the cycles of life and the beauty of nature.

Baby Names That Mean Seasons

1. Aki – “Autumn” (Japanese)

2. Neve – “Snow” (Latin)

3. Vasant – “Spring” (Sanskrit)

4. Solana – “Sunshine” (Spanish)

5. Theros – “Summer” (Greek)

6. Hiver – “Winter” (French)

7. Awan – “Rain” (Indonesian)

8. Fuyu – “Winter” (Japanese)

9. Aviva – “Springtime” (Hebrew)

10. Afton – “River” (English)

11. Eilir – “Butterfly” (Welsh)

12. Oceane – “Ocean” (French)

13. Ayla – “Moonlight” (Turkish)

14. Amaryllis – “Fresh” (Greek)

15. Zima – “Winter” (Slavic)

16. Aine – “Radiance” (Irish)

17. Aria – “Air” (Italian)

18. Awanui – “Big cloud” (Maori)

19. Ayla – “Halo around the moon” (Hebrew)

20. Aysel – “Moonlight” (Turkish)

21. Aysun – “Beautiful as the moon” (Turkish)

22. Aysel – “Moon flood” (Azerbaijani)

23. Aysu – “Moon water” (Turkish)

24. Aysun – “Moon beauty” (Turkish)

25. Aysu – “Moon water” (Azerbaijani)

26. Aysun – “Moon beauty” (Azerbaijani)

27. Aysu – “Moon water” (Azerbaijani)

28. Aysun – “Moon beauty” (Azerbaijani)

29. Aysu – “Moon water” (Azerbaijani)

30. Aysun – “Moon beauty” (Azerbaijani)

Names That Mean Seasons

Boy Names That Mean Seasons

1. Ashwin – “Horse tamer” (Indian)

2. Aki – “Autumn” (Japanese)

3. Nevin – “Holy” (Irish)

4. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)

5. Aiden – “Little fire” (Irish)

6. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)

7. Cyrus – “Sun” (Persian)

8. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)

9. Ravi – “Sun” (Sanskrit)

10. Winter – “The coldest season” (English)

11. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)

12. Sol – “Sun” (Spanish)

13. Blaze – “Flame” (English)

14. Jasper – “Treasure” (Persian)

15. Storm – “Tempest” (English)

Girl Names That Mean Seasons

1. Aria – “air” (Italian)

2. Aviva – “springtime” (Hebrew)

3. Neva – “snow” (Spanish)

4. Summer – “summer” (English)

5. Hazel – “autumn” (English)

6. Winter – “winter” (English)

7. Verna – “spring” (Latin)

8. Oceane – “ocean” (French)

9. Autumn – “autumn” (English)

10. Laverna – “born in the spring” (Latin)

11. Solana – “sunshine” (Spanish)

12. Fleur – “flower” (French)

13. Avril – “April” (French)

14. June – “June” (English)

15. April – “April” (English)

Unisex Names That Mean Seasons

1. Ash – “From the ash tree” (English)

2. Autumn – “Season of harvest” (English)

3. Blaze – “Flame or fire” (English)

4. Brook – “Small stream” (English)

5. Dawn – “First light of the day” (English)

6. Frost – “Frozen water crystals” (English)

7. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)

8. Hazel – “Hazelnut tree” (English)

9. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (English)

10. Ivy – “Climbing evergreen plant” (English)

11. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub or tree” (English)

12. Lake – “Large body of water” (English)

13. Marigold – “Yellow or orange flower” (English)

14. Rain – “Water falling from the sky” (English)

15. River – “Large natural stream of water” (English)

16. Sage – “Wise or knowledgeable person” (English)

17. Sky – “Atmosphere above the Earth” (English)

18. Snow – “Frozen precipitation in the form of white ice crystals” (English)

19. Storm – “Violent weather with strong winds” (English)

20. Summer – “Warmest season of the year” (English)

21. Willow – “Graceful and slender tree” (English)

22. Winter – “Coldest season of the year” (English)

Names That Mean Seasons

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Seasons

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance.

It not only becomes a part of their identity but also reflects the hopes and aspirations you have for them.

One unique and meaningful option to consider is selecting a name that represents a season.

The concept of baby names that mean seasons is rooted in the idea of connecting your child to the natural world and the cycles of life.

Just as the seasons change and bring forth new beginnings, these names symbolize growth, transformation, and the passage of time.

Names that mean seasons can be a beautiful way to honor the time of year your child was born or to celebrate the unique qualities associated with each season.

They can also serve as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing change.

Spring, for example, represents rebirth, renewal, and the arrival of new life.

Choosing a name that means spring can signify hope, freshness, and the promise of a bright future for your child. It can also evoke feelings of joy and optimism.

Summer, on the other hand, is associated with warmth, abundance, and vitality.

A name that means summer can embody energy, passion, and a zest for life. It can evoke images of sunny days, laughter, and carefree moments spent outdoors.

Fall, or autumn, is a season of transition and change. Names that mean fall can symbolize wisdom, introspection, and the beauty of letting go.

They can evoke feelings of nostalgia, gratitude, and the appreciation of life’s fleeting moments.

Winter, the season of cold and stillness, can be represented by names that convey resilience, inner strength, and the ability to find beauty in simplicity.

These names can evoke a sense of calmness, introspection, and the importance of finding peace within oneself.

Choosing a name that means a season can also be a way to connect your child to the natural world and instill in them a sense of wonder and appreciation for the environment.

It can serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of living in harmony with nature.

Ultimately, the significance and symbolism of names that mean seasons lie in their ability to capture the essence of a particular time of year and the emotions and qualities associated with it.

They can be a beautiful and meaningful choice for parents who wish to give their child a name that reflects the beauty and cyclical nature of life itself.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.