105 Names That Mean Quick and More

Looking for baby names that convey a sense of speed and agility? Look no further than Names That Mean Quick.

Whether you’re expecting a baby boy or a baby girl, these names are sure to capture the essence of swiftness and rapidity.

When choosing a name for your little one, it’s important to consider the meaning behind it.

Names That Mean Quick are not only unique and distinctive, but they also symbolize traits such as speed, agility, and efficiency.

For baby boys, you can opt for names that directly mean “quick” or choose names that have related meanings such as “swift,” “nimble,” or “fast.”

These names will not only sound strong and powerful, but they will also reflect the energetic and lively nature of your little boy.

Similarly, for baby girls, there are a plethora of Names That Mean Quick to choose from.

These names will not only sound beautiful and graceful, but they will also embody the qualities of being swift, agile, and quick-witted.

Baby Names That Mean Quick

Velox – “swift” (Latin)

Rapidus – “fast” (Latin)

Agilea – “nimble” (Greek)

Flete – “fleet-footed” (Old English)

Hastin – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Prompta – “ready and quick” (Latin)

Tachys – “swift” (Greek)

Celer – “speedy” (Latin)

Quicklyn – “quick” (Invented)

Svelto – “quick” (Italian)

Veloce – “fast” (Italian)

Rapido – “rapid” (Spanish)

Levis – “light and quick” (Latin)

Citus – “swift” (Latin)

Snell – “quick and agile” (Old English)

Swifta – “speedy” (Invented)

Hastus – “quick” (Latin)

Veloz – “quick” (Spanish)

Tachito – “quick” (Invented)

Raptus – “rapid” (Latin)

Alacris – “lively and quick” (Latin)

Agiler – “more agile” (German)

Kinetos – “moving quickly” (Greek)

Sprinta – “sprint” (Invented)

Hastus – “quick” (Latin)

Brisko – “brisk and quick” (Invented)

Flink – “quick” (German)

Soko – “swift” (Japanese)

Rasa – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Zeifa – “speed” (Invented)

Names That Mean Quick

Boy Names That Mean Quick

Veloce – “quick” (Italian)

Rapido – “fast” (Spanish)

Veloz – “swift” (Spanish)

Hastin – “quick” (Native American)

Tivon – “swift stream” (Hebrew)

Jaro – “swift” (Slavic)

Velox – “rapid” (Latin)

Dash – “quick and lively” (English)

Zephyr – “quick breeze” (Greek)

Celer – “fast” (Latin)

Rápid – “quick” (Hungarian)

Taro – “first son; quick” (Japanese)

Brisk – “quick and lively” (English)

Sprint – “run quickly” (English)

Vigor – “energy and quickness” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Quick

Veloxa – “swift” (Latin)

Rapida – “quick” (Latin)

Zephyra – “swift breeze” (Greek)

Hastina – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Celere – “fast” (Italian)

Tivra – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Rapidia – “speedy” (Latin)

Veloce – “quick” (Italian)

Flete – “swift” (Old English)

Haya – “swift” (Arabic)

Vitesse – “speed” (French)

Alacrity – “promptness” (Latin)

Kira – “quick, swift” (Irish)

Celeria – “swift” (Latin)

Teguila – “rapid” (Native American)

Hastara – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Lebha – “quick” (Sanskrit)

Tira – “swift” (Irish)

Yara – “quick, agile” (Arabic)

Svelta – “nimble” (Italian)

Zippy – “quick and lively” (English, Informal)

Tarika – “swift” (Sanskrit)

Rana – “quick, agile” (Arabic)

Viva – “lively and quick” (Latin)

Hudu – “fast” (African)

Ruya – “quick” (Turkish)

Allegro – “lively and quick” (Italian)

Haya – “swift” (Hebrew)

Veda – “swift” (Sanskrit)

Yelena – “quick” (Russian)

Unisex Names That Mean Quick

1. Hastin – “Swift” (Sanskrit)

2. Velox – “Fast” (Latin)

3. Zephyr – “Quick wind” (Greek)

4. Rapi – “Rapid” (Latin)

5. Fira – “Quick” (Arabic)

6. Veloce – “Speedy” (Italian)

7. Hasty – “Quick in action” (English)

8. Rapido – “Swift” (Spanish)

9. Zippy – “Fast and energetic” (English)

10. Feroz – “Quick and fierce” (Persian)

11. Rapid – “Fast” (English)

12. Hira – “Quick and alert” (Japanese)

13. Vif – “Quick” (French)

14. Hark – “Swift” (Scottish)

15. Rápido – “Rapid” (Portuguese)

16. Ziv – “Quick and bright” (Hebrew)

17. Hasty – “Quick in action” (English)

18. Rápid – “Fast” (Catalan)

19. Fira – “Quick” (Swedish)

20. Veloce – “Speedy” (Italian)

21. Hira – “Quick and alert” (Japanese)

22. Ziv – “Quick and bright” (Hebrew)

23. Rapi – “Rapid” (Latin)

24. Feroz – “Quick and fierce” (Persian)

25. Zippy – “Fast and energetic” (English)

26. Hark – “Swift” (Scottish)

27. Velox – “Fast” (Latin)

28. Rapid – “Fast” (English)

29. Vif – “Quick” (French)

30. Rápido – “Rapid” (Portuguese)

Names That Mean Quick

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Quick

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. Many parents seek names that not only sound pleasant but also carry a deeper meaning.

One such category of names that has gained popularity is “Names That Mean Quick.”

The concept behind choosing baby names that mean quick is rooted in the desire to bestow upon your child qualities associated with speed, agility, and swiftness.

These names symbolize traits that are often admired and valued in various cultures and societies.

By selecting a name that means quick, parents hope to imbue their child with characteristics such as intelligence, alertness, and the ability to think and act swiftly.

These names can serve as a reminder of the importance of being proactive, adaptable, and efficient in life.

Furthermore, names that mean quick can also be seen as a reflection of the fast-paced world we live in today.

In a society where time is of the essence, these names can serve as a reminder to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way with agility and speed.

It is worth noting that the significance of names that mean quick may vary across different cultures and traditions.

In some cultures, such names may be associated with deities or mythical figures known for their swiftness, while in others, they may symbolize the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

When considering names that mean quick for your baby, it is essential to reflect on the values and qualities you wish to instill in your child.

Do you envision your child as someone who is quick-witted, agile, and able to adapt to changing circumstances?

If so, a name that means quick might be a perfect choice.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean quick offers parents an opportunity to select a name that not only sounds pleasing but also carries a symbolic meaning.

It allows them to express their aspirations for their child’s future and the qualities they hope their child will possess as they navigate through life.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.