85 Names That Mean Nymph and More

Names That Mean Nymph: Discover the perfect baby names for boys and girls that embody the enchanting spirit of nymphs.

These names are not only beautiful, but they also carry a deep meaning that reflects the mystical and ethereal qualities associated with nymphs.

Derived from Greek mythology, nymphs were often depicted as beautiful, young maidens who inhabited the forests, mountains, and bodies of water.

They were known for their grace, charm, and connection to nature. Choosing a name that means nymph for your baby is a wonderful way to honor this magical heritage.

Whether you are looking for a name that directly translates to “nymph” or one that symbolizes the qualities and characteristics of these mythical beings, this article will provide you with a curated list of names that capture the essence of nymphs.

From traditional to unique, there is a name here that will resonate with your desire to give your child a name that is both meaningful and enchanting.

Embrace the allure of the nymphs and explore this collection of baby names that evoke a sense of wonder, beauty, and connection to the natural world.

Let your child’s name be a reflection of the magical and captivating qualities that nymphs embody.

Baby Names That Mean Nymph

1. Calypso – “she who hides” (Greek)

2. Naiad – “water nymph” (Greek)

3. Dryad – “tree nymph” (Greek)

4. Ondine – “water spirit” (Latin)

5. Echo – “reverberating sound” (Greek)

6. Arethusa – “quick water” (Greek)

7. Melia – “ash tree nymph” (Greek)

8. Aura – “gentle breeze” (Greek)

9. Daphne – “laurel tree” (Greek)

10. Galatea – “white as milk” (Greek)

11. Hespera – “evening star” (Greek)

12. Leimoni – “meadow nymph” (Hawaiian)

13. Nerida – “sea nymph” (Greek)

14. Selene – “moon goddess” (Greek)

15. Thalassa – “sea” (Greek)

16. Undine – “water sprite” (Latin)

17. Zephyra – “west wind” (Greek)

18. Aegle – “radiant beauty” (Greek)

19. Chloris – “pale green” (Greek)

20. Eidothea – “knowledge goddess” (Greek)

21. Galene – “calm sea” (Greek)

22. Ione – “violet flower” (Greek)

23. Liriope – “nymph loved by Apollo” (Greek)

24. Naida – “water nymph” (Greek)

25. Philomela – “lover of song” (Greek)

26. Thetis – “disposer” (Greek)

27. Urania – “heavenly” (Greek)

28. Zephyrine – “west wind” (Greek)

29. Aello – “storm wind” (Greek)

30. Callisto – “most beautiful” (Greek)

Names That Mean Nymph

Boy Names That Mean Nymph

Alvaro-“elf warrior”(Spanish)

Calum-“dove” (Scottish)

Dorian-“gift of the sea” (Greek)

Elio-“sun” (Italian)

Faelan-“little wolf” (Irish)

Galad-“tree” (Sindarin, Elvish)

Halcyon-“kingfisher” (Greek)

Iliad-“poem” (Greek)

Jovan-“youth” (Serbian)

Kael-“mighty warrior” (Irish)

Lirael-“song of the sea” (Fictional, from Garth Nix’s “Old Kingdom” series)

Morpheus-“god of dreams” (Greek)

Nyx-“night” (Greek)

Orion-“hunter” (Greek)

Phelan-“wolf” (Irish)

Quillon-“sword” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Nymph

Calista – “most beautiful” (Greek)

Aislinn – “dream” (Irish)

Zephyra – “west wind” (Greek)

Nimue – “lady of the lake” (Arthurian legend)

Elara – “shining light” (Greek)

Undine – “water nymph” (Latin)

Naida – “water nymph” (Greek)

Selene – “moon goddess” (Greek)

Nyssa – “beginning” (Greek)

Ondine – “little wave” (French)

Daphne – “laurel tree” (Greek)

Calliope – “beautiful voice” (Greek)

Arethusa – “water spring” (Greek)

Althea – “healing” (Greek)

Tethys – “sea goddess” (Greek)

Nereida – “sea nymph” (Greek)

Galadriel – “maiden crowned with a radiant garland” (Sindarin)

Elowen – “elm tree” (Cornish)

Amaia – “the end” (Basque)

Evadne – “pleasing” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Nymph

1. Calypso – “She who hides” (Greek)

2. Naiad – “Water nymph” (Greek)

3. Dryad – “Tree nymph” (Greek)

4. Echo – “Nymph who repeats words” (Greek)

5. Oread – “Mountain nymph” (Greek)

6. Melia – “Ash tree nymph” (Greek)

7. Arethusa – “Water nymph who became a spring” (Greek)

8. Daphne – “Laurel tree nymph” (Greek)

9. Aura – “Breeze nymph” (Greek)

10. Galatea – “White as milk nymph” (Greek)

11. Hylas – “Water nymph’s lover” (Greek)

12. Leimoni – “Meadow nymph” (Hawaiian)

13. Nereus – “Sea nymph’s father” (Greek)

14. Pales – “Shepherdess nymph” (Roman)

15. Selene – “Moon goddess and nymph” (Greek)

Names That Mean Nymph

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Nymph

Choosing a name for your baby is a significant decision that holds deep meaning and symbolism.

One intriguing option to consider is selecting a name that means “nymph.”

Nymphs, in Greek mythology, were beautiful and immortal nature spirits associated with various elements of the natural world.

The significance of choosing a name that means nymph lies in the connection to nature and its enchanting qualities.

Nymphs were believed to possess a captivating allure and were often associated with water bodies, forests, and mountains.

By selecting a name that means nymph, you are embracing the enchanting and ethereal qualities that these mythical beings represent.

It can be seen as a way to honor the beauty and magic found in nature, while also bestowing a unique and meaningful name upon your child.

Furthermore, names that mean nymph can also symbolize qualities such as grace, elegance, and a deep connection to the natural world.

These names evoke a sense of wonder and mystique, reflecting the captivating nature of nymphs themselves.

When considering names that mean nymph, it is important to think about the characteristics and traits you hope your child will embody.

Do you envision them as someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, someone who possesses a graceful presence, or someone who exudes a sense of enchantment?

Names that mean nymph can be a wonderful choice for parents who wish to give their child a name that is both unique and meaningful.

It allows you to tap into the rich mythology and symbolism associated with nymphs, while also embracing the beauty and magic of the natural world.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean nymph offers a way to infuse your child’s name with a sense of wonder, grace, and connection to nature.

It is a choice that can carry deep significance and symbolism, creating a name that is truly enchanting.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.