100 Names That Mean Lunar and More

Names That Mean Lunar are a popular choice for parents looking for unique and meaningful names for their babies.

These names often have a celestial and mystical quality, evoking the beauty and wonder of the moon.

Whether you’re expecting a baby boy or a baby girl, there are plenty of lunar-inspired names to choose from.

For baby boys, Names That Mean Lunar can convey strength and power, while also capturing the ethereal nature of the moon.

These names often have a poetic and romantic feel, making them a beautiful choice for your little one.

From traditional names with lunar meanings to more modern and unique options, there is something for every taste and style.

Similarly, for baby girls, Names That Mean Lunar can be both elegant and enchanting.

These names often have a delicate and feminine quality, reflecting the moon’s gentle glow.

Whether you prefer classic names with lunar associations or more contemporary choices, there are countless options to consider.

Choosing a name that means lunar for your baby is not only a nod to the celestial world but also a way to give them a name that is both meaningful and timeless.

So, if you’re looking for a name that captures the magic of the moon, explore the world of Names That Mean Lunar and find the perfect name for your little one.

Baby Names That Mean Lunar

1. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)

2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)

3. Cynthie – “Moon Goddess” (Greek)

4. Mahina – “Moon” (Hawaiian)

5. Ayla – “Moonlight” (Turkish)

6. Artemis – “Goddess of the Moon” (Greek)

7. Diana – “Divine” (Roman)

8. Tsukiko – “Moon Child” (Japanese)

9. Amaris – “Child of the Moon” (Hebrew)

10. Jericho – “City of the Moon” (Hebrew)

11. Kamaria – “Moonlight” (Swahili)

12. Marama – “Moon” (Maori)

13. Qamar – “Moon” (Arabic)

14. Yue – “Moon” (Chinese)

15. Mahin – “Moon-like” (Persian)

16. Aysel – “Moon stream” (Turkish)

17. Chandra – “Moon” (Sanskrit)

18. Elara – “Moon of Jupiter” (Greek)

19. Hala – “Moon halo” (Arabic)

20. Jerneja – “Moon” (Slovene)

21. Kuu – “Moon” (Finnish)

22. Mahina – “Moon” (Polynesian)

23. Neoma – “New Moon” (Greek)

24. Phoebe – “Bright, shining” (Greek)

25. Rhiannon – “Great Queen” (Welsh)

26. Selenia – “Moon” (Greek)

27. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek)

28. Zira – “Moonlight” (Hebrew)

29. Aysun – “Moon water” (Turkish)

30. Badar – “Full Moon” (Arabic)

Names That Mean Lunar

Boy Names That Mean Lunar

1. Aidan – “little fire” (Irish)

2. Apollo – “manly beauty” (Greek)

3. Caius – “rejoice” (Latin)

4. Chandra – “moon” (Sanskrit)

5. Darian – “upholder of good” (Persian)

6. Endymion – “to dive into” (Greek)

7. Hektor – “to hold” (Greek)

8. Jericho – “moon city” (Hebrew)

9. Kamil – “perfect” (Arabic)

10. Luan – “moon” (Albanian)

11. Lucian – “light” (Romanian)

12. Mahir – “skilled” (Arabic)

13. Nevin – “holy” (Irish)

14. Selene – “moon goddess” (Greek)

15. Theron – “hunter” (Greek)

Girl Names That Mean Lunar

Selene – “moon goddess” (Greek)

Luna – “moon” (Latin)

Ayla – “moonlight” (Turkish)

Celine – “heavenly” or “moon” (French)

Sora – “sky” (Japanese)

Chandni – “moonlight” (Hindi)

Arianrhod – “silver wheel” (Welsh)

Qamar – “moon” (Arabic)

Artemis – “Goddess of the moon” (Greek)

Marama – “moon” (Maori)

Tsuki – “moon” (Japanese)

Mahina – “moonlight” (Hawaiian)

Seraphina – “fiery one” or “angel of the moon” (Hebrew)

Calista – “most beautiful” or “moon” (Greek)

Ilargi – “moon” (Basque)

Selenia – “moon” (Greek)

Amaris – “child of the moon” (Latin)

Nehir – “river” or “flowing like the moon” (Turkish)

Qamarah – “moonlit” (Arabic)

Artemisa – “Goddess of the moon” (Spanish)

Ayla – “halo around the moon” (Hebrew)

Liora – “my light” or “light for me” (Hebrew)

Yue – “moon” (Chinese)

Soma – “moon” (Sanskrit)

Hecate – “Goddess of the moon” (Greek)

Ilma – “moonlight” (Finnish)

Miah – “moon” (Native American)

Sibyl – “prophetess” or “oracle of the moon” (Greek)

Isra – “nocturnal journey” or “night journey” (Arabic)

Diana – “Goddess of the moon” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Lunar

1. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)

2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)

3. Cynthio – “Moon Goddess” (Greek)

4. Ayla – “Moonlight” (Turkish)

5. Kamaria – “Like the Moon” (Swahili)

6. Jericho – “City of the Moon” (Hebrew)

7. Mahina – “Moon” (Hawaiian)

8. Qamar – “Moon” (Arabic)

9. Artemis – “Goddess of the Moon” (Greek)

10. Tsukiko – “Moon Child” (Japanese)

11. Amaris – “Child of the Moon” (Hebrew)

12. Arianrhod – “Silver Wheel” (Welsh)

13. Badar – “Full Moon” (Arabic)

14. Chandrakant – “Beloved by the Moon” (Sanskrit)

15. Dian – “Moon Goddess” (Indonesian)

16. Hala – “Moon Halo” (Arabic)

17. Jerneja – “Moon” (Slovene)

18. Kuu – “Moon” (Finnish)

19. Mahin – “Moon-like” (Persian)

20. Neoma – “New Moon” (Greek)

21. Phoebe – “Bright and Shining” (Greek)

22. Selen – “Moon” (Turkish)

23. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek)

24. Yue – “Moon” (Chinese)

25. Zira – “Moonlight” (Hebrew)

Names That Mean Lunar

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Lunar

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. Many parents seek names that not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper meaning.

One such concept that has gained popularity is selecting baby names that mean lunar.

The moon has captivated human beings for centuries, with its gentle glow and mysterious presence in the night sky.

It has been associated with various symbolic meanings across different cultures and religions.

By choosing a name that means lunar, parents can imbue their child’s identity with the enchanting qualities of the moon.

The significance of names that mean lunar lies in the symbolism associated with the moon itself. The moon represents femininity, intuition, and emotional depth.

It is often seen as a symbol of change, growth, and transformation.

By naming their child after the moon, parents hope to bestow upon them these qualities and a connection to the celestial world.

Furthermore, the moon is also associated with cycles and rhythms. Just as the moon goes through phases, our lives go through different stages and transitions.

Naming a child after the moon can serve as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing growth and transformation.

Names that mean lunar can be chosen for various reasons and occasions.

Some parents may choose these names to honor their cultural or religious beliefs, as the moon holds significant symbolism in many traditions.

Others may simply be drawn to the ethereal and mystical qualities associated with the moon.

Additionally, names that mean lunar can be a beautiful choice for babies born during a full moon or on a special lunar event.

It can serve as a unique way to commemorate the timing of their birth and create a deeper connection to the celestial realm.

In conclusion, the concept of baby names that mean lunar offers a meaningful and symbolic choice for parents.

By selecting a name associated with the moon, parents hope to bestow upon their child qualities such as femininity, intuition, and a connection to the ever-changing nature of life.

Whether chosen for cultural, personal, or astrological reasons, these names carry a sense of enchantment and wonder that can shape a child’s identity and journey through life.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.