85 Names That Mean Law and More

Names That Mean Law are a popular choice for parents looking for meaningful and powerful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names often carry a sense of authority, justice, and order, making them ideal for parents who want to instill these values in their children from an early age.

When choosing a name that means law, parents can opt for names that directly translate to “law” in different languages, such as “Dika” in Igbo or “Hukum” in Hindi.

Alternatively, they can choose names that have related meanings, such as “Judge,” “Justice,” or “Ruler.”

Names That Mean Law can be a great way to honor a family’s legal heritage or simply to convey a sense of strength and righteousness.

These names can also serve as a reminder of the importance of upholding justice and fairness in society.

Whether you’re looking for a name that embodies the concept of law or simply want a name that exudes power and authority, Names That Mean Law offer a wide range of options for parents seeking a meaningful and impactful name for their baby boy or girl.

Baby Names That Mean Law

Justin – “Just, Fair” (Latin)

Lex – “Law” (Latin)

Justina – “Fair, Righteous” (Latin)

Amicus – “Friend” (Latin)

Nomos – “Law” (Greek)

Dikaia – “Just” (Greek)

Adalbert – “Noble and bright” (Germanic)

Themis – “Law, Custom” (Greek)

Rita – “Righteous” (Sanskrit)

Asher – “Blessed, Happy” (Hebrew)

Vered – “Rose” (Hebrew)

Dike – “Justice” (Greek)

Suleiman – “Man of Peace” (Arabic)

Hikaru – “Light” (Japanese)

Chanda – “Fierce, Hot, Passionate” (Sanskrit)

Juste – “Just” (French)

Giustino – “Just, Righteous” (Italian)

Edwin – “Wealthy Friend” (Old English)

Recht – “Law, Right” (German)

Nigisti – “Law” (Amharic)

Names That Mean Law

Boy Names That Mean Law

1. Adalbert – “noble and bright” (Germanic)

2. Aiken – “made of oak” (English)

3. Alaric – “ruler of all” (Germanic)

4. Baldwin – “brave friend” (Germanic)

5. Barrett – “bear strength” (Germanic)

6. Conrad – “brave counsel” (Germanic)

7. Emeric – “powerful ruler” (Germanic)

8. Finnegan – “fair and white” (Irish)

9. Frederick – “peaceful ruler” (Germanic)

10. Griffin – “strong lord” (Welsh)

11. Harold – “ruler of the army” (Scandinavian)

12. Hugo – “mind, intellect” (Germanic)

13. Kendrick – “royal ruler” (Welsh)

14. Leopold – “brave people” (Germanic)

15. Lionel – “young lion” (Latin)

16. Osmond – “divine protection” (Germanic)

17. Reginald – “counsel power” (Germanic)

18. Roland – “famous land” (Germanic)

19. Solomon – “peace” (Hebrew)

20. Theobald – “bold people” (Germanic)

Girl Names That Mean Law

1. Adalheid – “Noble kind” (German)

2. Adiva – “Gentle, pleasant” (Hebrew)

3. Aiko – “Beloved child” (Japanese)

4. Aislinn – “Vision, dream” (Irish)

5. Althea – “Healer” (Greek)

6. Amara – “Eternal” (Latin)

7. Anika – “Grace” (Hindi)

8. Arwen – “Noble maiden” (Welsh)

9. Astrid – “Divinely beautiful” (Scandinavian)

10. Boudicca – “Victorious” (Celtic)

11. Dike – “Justice” (Greek)

12. Eunice – “Good victory” (Greek)

13. Justine – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

14. Lexi – “Defender of mankind” (Greek)

15. Themis – “Divine law” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Law

1. Adalbert – “Noble and bright” (Germanic)

2. Aiken – “Made of oak” (English)

3. Alaric – “Ruler of all” (Germanic)

4. Alfred – “Elf counsel” (English)

5. Amara – “Eternal” (Igbo)

6. Asher – “Happy” (Hebrew)

7. Auden – “Old friend” (English)

8. Beryl – “Precious green gemstone” (Greek)

9. Dara – “Compassionate” (Hebrew)

10. Edric – “Wealthy ruler” (English)

11. Eunice – “Good victory” (Greek)

12. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)

13. Justice – “Fairness and righteousness” (English)

14. Lawton – “Hill settlement” (English)

15. Lex – “Law” (Latin)

16. Lyndon – “Linden tree hill” (English)

17. Mika – “Beautiful fragrance” (Japanese)

18. Nima – “Just” (Persian)

19. Paxton – “Peaceful town” (English)

20. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)

21. Reed – “Red-haired” (English)

22. Sage – “Wise and knowing” (English)

23. Sina – “Defender” (Arabic)

24. Tatum – “Bringer of joy” (English)

25. Verity – “Truth” (English)

26. Wren – “Small bird” (English)

27. Yara – “Butterfly” (Arabic)

28. Zale – “Power of the sea” (Greek)

29. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)

Names That Mean Law

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Law

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only shapes their identity but also carries a deeper meaning.

One intriguing option to consider is selecting a name that means “law.” These names hold a special symbolism and can convey a sense of strength, justice, and order.

The concept of baby names that mean law stems from the idea of instilling a sense of righteousness and fairness in your child.

By choosing a name associated with law, you are emphasizing the importance of upholding principles and abiding by rules.

Names that mean law can be a powerful choice for parents who value justice and want to inspire their child to make a positive impact on the world.

These names can serve as a constant reminder of the significance of fairness, equality, and the rule of law.

Furthermore, names that mean law can also symbolize leadership and authority. They evoke a sense of responsibility and the ability to make sound judgments.

By giving your child a name associated with law, you are encouraging them to develop qualities such as integrity, wisdom, and a strong moral compass.

It is important to note that the significance of names that mean law can vary across different cultures and traditions.

In some cultures, these names may be associated with specific legal systems or historical figures who played a significant role in shaping laws and regulations.

When considering names that mean law, it is essential to reflect on your own values and beliefs.

Think about the qualities you wish to instill in your child and how a name associated with law aligns with those aspirations.

Ultimately, the choice of a name is deeply personal and should resonate with both you and your child.

Names that mean law can be a meaningful and powerful choice for parents who want to instill a sense of justice, order, and responsibility in their child.

They carry a symbolism that goes beyond mere words, representing the values and principles you hold dear.

Consider exploring the world of names that mean law and discover the perfect name that will inspire your child to embrace fairness, leadership, and the pursuit of justice.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.