110 Names That Mean Justice and More

Names That Mean Justice are a popular choice for parents looking for meaningful and powerful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names symbolize fairness, righteousness, and the pursuit of truth.

Whether you want a name that reflects your values or simply love the sound of these names, there are plenty of options to choose from.

When it comes to baby boy names, you can find a variety of options that embody the concept of justice.

These names often have strong and noble meanings, evoking a sense of integrity and honor.

From traditional names to more unique and modern choices, there is a name that will suit every taste and style.

Similarly, baby girl names that mean justice are both beautiful and empowering.

These names often have a graceful and elegant sound, while still carrying a strong and meaningful message.

Whether you prefer classic names or more unconventional options, there is a name that will capture the essence of justice for your little girl.

Choosing a name that means justice for your baby is not only a way to honor this important value, but it can also serve as a reminder of the qualities you hope to instill in your child.

These names carry a sense of purpose and responsibility, making them a perfect choice for parents who want to raise their children to be fair, compassionate, and just.

Baby Names That Mean Justice

Justina – “fair and righteous” (Latin)

Darian – “upholder of justice” (Greek)

Veridius – “truthful and just” (Latin)

Adalbert – “noble and bright justice” (Germanic)

Themis – “divine law and order” (Greek mythology)

Amalric – “work of justice” (Germanic)

Vesta – “guardian of justice” (Latin)

Fidelis – “faithful and just” (Latin)

Eunomia – “good order and justice” (Greek mythology)

Alden – “old friend, defender of justice” (Old English)

Justus – “upright and just” (Latin)

Winfred – “friend of peace and justice” (Old English)

Dike – “goddess of justice” (Greek mythology)

Victorius – “victorious in justice” (Latin)

Arvid – “eagle tree, defender of justice” (Old Norse)

Aequitas – “equity and justice” (Latin)

Selene – “moon, symbol of justice” (Greek mythology)

Reynard – “counselor and defender of justice” (Old French)

Thalassa – “sea, symbol of justice and fairness” (Greek)

Wulfric – “wolf ruler, just and wise” (Old English)

Concordia – “harmony and justice” (Latin)

Edda – “great grandmother, source of justice” (Old Norse)

Cato – “wise and just” (Latin)

Althea – “healer, promoter of justice” (Greek)

Haldis – “stone spirit, upholder of justice” (Old Norse)

Seraphim – “burning ones, advocates of justice” (Hebrew)

Honorius – “honorable and just” (Latin)

Astraea – “star maiden, symbol of justice” (Greek mythology)

Ealdhelm – “old helmet, protector of justice” (Old English)

Verena – “truthful and just” (Latin)

Names That Mean Justice

Boy Names That Mean Justice

Justin – “fair and righteous” (Latin)

Justus – “just” (Latin)

Adalbert – “noble and bright” (Germanic)

Dike – “justice” (Greek)

Amalric – “work of justice” (Germanic)

Asher – “fortunate, blessed” (Hebrew)

Roderick – “famous power” or “famous ruler” (Germanic)

Conan – “little wolf” or “wise, hound” (Irish)

Aksel – “father of peace” (Scandinavian)

Ferris – “rock” or “iron” (Irish)

Eamon – “wealthy protector” (Irish)

Edda – “great grandmother” (Norse)

Themis – “law, custom” (Greek)

Edwin – “wealthy friend” (Old English)

Caleb – “faithful, devoted” (Hebrew)

Solomon – “peace” (Hebrew)

Felix – “fortunate, happy” (Latin)

Justino – “just” (Spanish)

Zadok – “righteous” (Hebrew)

Mikael – “who is like God?” (Hebrew)

Derek – “ruler of the people” (Germanic)

Efrain – “fruitful” (Hebrew)

Benedict – “blessed” (Latin)

Oliver – “olive tree” or “peaceful” (Latin)

Aiden – “little fire” (Irish)

Franklin – “free landowner” (English)

Victor – “conqueror” (Latin)

Conrad – “brave counsel” (Germanic)

Nikodem – “victory of the people” (Greek)

Clement – “mild, gentle” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Justice

1. Adalheid – “Noble and kind” (German)

2. Adalyn – “Noble and just” (English)

3. Adira – “Strong and powerful” (Hebrew)

4. Aiko – “Beloved and just” (Japanese)

5. Althea – “Healer and truth-seeker” (Greek)

6. Amara – “Eternal and fair” (African)

7. Anaya – “Caring and righteous” (Hebrew)

8. Astrid – “Divinely beautiful and fair” (Scandinavian)

9. Dalia – “Gentle and fair” (Lithuanian)

10. Eudora – “Generous and just” (Greek)

11. Felicity – “Happiness and righteousness” (English)

12. Justina – “Fair and upright” (Latin)

13. Laila – “Night and just” (Arabic)

14. Maia – “Great and just” (Greek)

15. Nia – “Purpose and justice” (Swahili)

16. Rima – “White antelope and just” (Arabic)

17. Seraphina – “Fiery and righteous” (Hebrew)

18. Tessa – “Harvester and just” (Greek)

19. Valeria – “Strong and fair” (Latin)

20. Zara – “Princess and just” (Arabic)

Unisex Names That Mean Justice

1. Adlai – “God is just” (Hebrew)

2. Dike – “Justice” (Greek)

3. Justine – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

4. Adalberto – “Noble, bright” (Germanic)

5. Justus – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

6. Adalyn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

7. Justina – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

8. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

9. Justino – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

10. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

11. Justis – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

12. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

13. Justyce – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

14. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

15. Justyne – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

16. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

17. Justyn – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

18. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

19. Justyne – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

20. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

21. Justyn – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

22. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

23. Justyne – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

24. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

25. Justyn – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

26. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

27. Justyne – “Fair, righteous” (Latin)

28. Adalynn – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

29. Justyn – “Just, righteous” (Latin)

30. Adalynne – “Noble, kind” (Germanic)

Names That Mean Justice

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Justice

Choosing a name for your baby is a significant decision that holds great meaning and symbolism.

One popular theme that many parents consider is selecting a name that embodies the concept of justice.

These names not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper significance that can shape your child’s identity and values.

The concept of justice is rooted in the principles of fairness, equality, and righteousness.

By choosing a name that means justice, you are instilling these values right from the start, emphasizing the importance of standing up for what is right and treating others with fairness and respect.

Names that mean justice can be found in various cultures and languages, each with its unique interpretation and symbolism.

These names often have historical or mythological origins, adding a touch of depth and richness to your child’s name.

By giving your child a name that means justice, you are also encouraging them to become advocates for positive change in the world.

This name can serve as a constant reminder of the importance of fighting for equality, speaking up against injustice, and making a difference in society.

Furthermore, names that mean justice can inspire your child to develop qualities such as empathy, compassion, and a strong sense of morality.

These names can serve as a guiding force, reminding them to always strive for fairness and to treat others with kindness and understanding.

When considering names that mean justice, it is essential to reflect on the significance it holds for you and your family.

Think about the values you wish to instill in your child and how this name aligns with your beliefs and aspirations.

Ultimately, choosing a name that means justice is a powerful way to honor the concept of fairness and righteousness.

It is a name that carries a profound message and can shape your child’s character, reminding them of the importance of justice throughout their life.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.