75 Names That Mean Ice and More

Names That Mean Ice are a unique and captivating choice for parents seeking a cool and refreshing moniker for their baby.

These names evoke a sense of icy beauty and strength, making them perfect for both baby boys and baby girls.

Whether you’re drawn to the symbolism of ice or simply love the sound of these names, there are plenty of options to explore.

When it comes to Names That Mean Ice, you’ll find a wide range of origins and meanings.

Some names directly translate to “ice” in various languages, while others have related meanings such as “snow” or “frost.”

These names can be a subtle nod to the winter season or a powerful representation of resilience and purity.

Choosing a name that means ice for your little one can also be a way to honor your love for winter sports or your fascination with the beauty of snow-capped mountains.

These names have a timeless quality that will stand out in a crowd and leave a lasting impression.

Whether you’re looking for a name that is strong and masculine or delicate and feminine, Names That Mean Ice offer a diverse range of options.

From traditional names with icy associations to more unique and modern choices, there is a name out there that perfectly captures the essence of ice and all its enchanting qualities.

Baby Names That Mean Ice

1. Frost – “Cold weather phenomenon” (English)

2. Neva – “Snowy river” (Spanish)

3. Crystal – “Clear, transparent ice” (English)

4. Icelyn – “Beautiful ice” (American)

5. Glacia – “Frozen ice” (Latin)

6. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)

7. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)

8. Lumi – “Snow” (Finnish)

9. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

10. Serafina – “Fiery ice” (Italian)

11. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)

12. Icicle – “Long, thin piece of ice” (English)

13. Eirwen – “White as snow” (Welsh)

14. Frostina – “Cold and icy” (English)

15. Neve – “Snow” (Italian)

16. Frosty – “Covered in frost” (English)

17. Icy – “Frozen and cold” (English)

18. Neige – “Snow” (French)

19. Frostina – “Cold and icy” (English)

20. Sniega – “Snow” (Latvian)

21. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

22. Nevena – “Snow” (Bulgarian)

23. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

24. Snieguole – “Snowflake” (Lithuanian)

25. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

26. Nevenka – “Snow” (Slovene)

27. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

28. Sniezana – “Snow” (Polish)

29. Frostine – “Cold and icy” (French)

30. Neven – “Snow” (Croatian)

Names That Mean Ice

Boy Names That Mean Ice

1. Frost – “Frozen water particles” (English)

2. Iceman – “A man made of ice” (English)

3. Neve – “Snow” (Latin)

4. Glacier – “A large mass of ice” (French)

5. Frostbite – “Injury caused by freezing” (English)

6. Winter – “The coldest season of the year” (English)

7. Frosty – “Covered in frost” (English)

8. Icicle – “A hanging piece of ice” (English)

9. Sleet – “Frozen rain or ice pellets” (English)

10. Hail – “Frozen raindrops” (English)

11. Blizzard – “A severe snowstorm” (English)

12. Polar – “Relating to the North or South Pole” (Greek)

13. Chion – “Snow” (Greek)

14. Frostine – “Resembling frost” (English)

15. Icy – “Covered in ice” (English)

Girl Names That Mean Ice

1. Aislinn – “Vision of ice” (Irish)

2. Crystal – “Clear ice” (English)

3. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)

4. Frost – “Frozen dew” (English)

5. Gwyneira – “White snow” (Welsh)

6. Icelyn – “Ice waterfall” (English)

7. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)

8. Lumi – “Snow” (Finnish)

9. Neva – “Snowy” (Spanish)

10. Serafina – “Burning ice” (Italian)

11. Sigrid – “Beautiful victory” (Scandinavian)

12. Tundra – “Frozen plain” (English)

13. Vaila – “Ice ruler” (Scottish)

14. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)

15. Zima – “Winter” (Slavic)

Unisex Names That Mean Ice

1. Frost – “Cold weather phenomenon” (English)

2. Neve – “Snow” (Latin)

3. Crystal – “Clear, transparent gemstone” (English)

4. Glacier – “Large body of ice” (French)

5. Frostine – “Resembling frost” (English)

6. Icelyn – “Beautiful ice” (English)

7. Winter – “Coldest season of the year” (English)

8. Frosty – “Covered in frost” (English)

9. Icicle – “Long, thin piece of ice” (English)

10. Snow – “Frozen precipitation” (English)

11. Frostine – “Resembling frost” (English)

12. Frostbite – “Freezing of body tissues” (English)

13. Ice – “Solid form of water” (English)

14. Frostine – “Resembling frost” (English)

15. Icy – “Covered in ice” (English)

Names That Mean Ice

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Ice

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only becomes a part of their identity but also carries a deeper meaning and symbolism.

One intriguing option that parents may consider is selecting a name that means “ice.”

The concept of baby names that mean ice is rooted in the symbolism associated with this natural element.

Ice is often associated with qualities such as purity, clarity, and strength. It represents a sense of coolness and calmness, as well as resilience and adaptability.

By choosing a name that means ice, parents can imbue their child’s identity with these symbolic qualities.

It can serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience they possess, as well as their ability to remain composed and adaptable in challenging situations.

Furthermore, names that mean ice can also be seen as a representation of purity and clarity. Just as ice is transparent and pristine, these names can reflect a sense of innocence and purity in the child’s character.

Another aspect to consider is the uniqueness of names that mean ice. These names often have a distinct and uncommon sound, setting the child apart from others.

They can be a conversation starter and a source of intrigue, making the child’s name memorable and distinctive.

Names that mean ice can be particularly fitting for babies born in winter or those with a connection to cold climates.

They can serve as a nod to the season or environment in which the child was born, adding an extra layer of personal significance to their name.

In conclusion, the concept of baby names that mean ice offers a unique and symbolic choice for parents.

By selecting a name associated with ice, parents can convey qualities of purity, clarity, strength, and adaptability.

These names can be a source of inspiration and serve as a reminder of the child’s unique identity and the qualities they possess.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.