90 Names That Mean Huntress and More

Names That Mean Huntress are a popular choice for parents who want to give their children strong and powerful names.

These names, whether for baby boys or baby girls, evoke a sense of strength, independence, and bravery.

With their origins rooted in mythology and history, Names That Mean Huntress carry a rich and captivating meaning.

When choosing a name for your child, it is important to consider the qualities and characteristics you want them to embody.

Names That Mean Huntress are perfect for parents who want their children to be fierce, determined, and resilient.

These names can inspire a sense of adventure and a love for the outdoors.

Names That Mean Huntress can also be a way to honor the strong women in your family or pay tribute to legendary female warriors.

These names have a timeless appeal and can give your child a unique and memorable identity.

Whether you are looking for a name with a strong historical background or a name that simply sounds powerful, Names That Mean Huntress offer a wide range of options.

So, if you are searching for a name that embodies strength, courage, and the spirit of the hunt, consider Names That Mean Huntress.

These names have a powerful and captivating allure that will make your child stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Baby Names That Mean Huntress

1. Artemis – Greek goddess of the hunt (Greek mythology)

2. Diana – Roman goddess of the hunt (Roman mythology)

3. Atalanta – Swift-footed huntress (Greek mythology)

4. Callisto – A nymph turned into a huntress (Greek mythology)

5. Hecate – Goddess associated with witchcraft and hunting (Greek mythology)

6. Aife – Warrior woman and huntress (Irish mythology)

7. Brigid – Celtic goddess of fire and hunting (Celtic mythology)

8. Freya – Norse goddess associated with love and hunting (Norse mythology)

9. Niamh – Irish goddess of hunting and sovereignty (Irish mythology)

10. Oriana – Golden-haired huntress (Latin origin)

11. Selene – Greek goddess of the moon and hunting (Greek mythology)

12. Rhiannon – Welsh goddess associated with horses and hunting (Welsh mythology)

13. Sigrun – Norse name meaning “victory rune” and associated with hunting (Norse origin)

14. Althea – Greek name meaning “healer” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

15. Epona – Celtic goddess associated with horses and hunting (Celtic mythology)

16. Isolde – Celtic name meaning “ice ruler” and associated with hunting (Celtic origin)

17. Morrigan – Irish goddess associated with war and hunting (Irish mythology)

18. Nyx – Greek goddess of the night and hunting (Greek mythology)

19. Phoebe – Greek name meaning “bright” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

20. Skadi – Norse goddess associated with winter, skiing, and hunting (Norse mythology)

21. Thalia – Greek name meaning “to blossom” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

22. Valkyrie – Norse mythological female warriors associated with hunting (Norse mythology)

23. Xena – Greek name meaning “guest” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

24. Yara – Brazilian name meaning “water lady” and associated with hunting (Brazilian origin)

25. Zephyra – Greek name meaning “west wind” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

26. Aella – Greek name meaning “whirlwind” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

27. Eurydice – Greek name meaning “wide justice” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

28. Hestia – Greek goddess of the hearth and hunting (Greek mythology)

29. Kallisto – Greek name meaning “most beautiful” and associated with hunting (Greek origin)

30. Nessa – Irish name meaning “ambitious” and associated with hunting (Irish origin)

Names That Mean Huntress

Boy Names That Mean Huntress

1. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

2. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

3. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

4. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

5. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

6. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

7. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

8. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

9. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

10. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

11. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

12. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

13. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

14. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

15. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

16. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

17. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

18. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

19. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

20. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

21. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

22. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

23. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

24. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

25. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

26. Orion – “rising in the sky” (Greek)

27. Actaeon – “effulgent” (Greek)

28. Artemas – “gift of Artemis” (Greek)

29. Caelan – “powerful warrior” (Irish)

30. Evander – “good man” (Greek)

Girl Names That Mean Huntress

1. Diana – “Roman goddess of the moon” (Latin)

2. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)

3. Atalanta – “Swift-footed huntress” (Greek)

4. Callisto – “Great huntress” (Greek)

5. Hecate – “Goddess associated with witchcraft and crossroads” (Greek)

6. Selene – “Goddess of the moon” (Greek)

7. Rhiannon – “Divine queen and huntress” (Welsh)

8. Freya – “Goddess of love, beauty, and war” (Norse)

9. Aife – “Warrior woman and huntress” (Irish)

10. Brigid – “Goddess of fire, poetry, and hunting” (Celtic)

11. Epona – “Goddess of horses and fertility” (Celtic)

12. Niamh – “Bright and radiant huntress” (Irish)

13. Skaði – “Goddess of winter, mountains, and hunting” (Norse)

14. Althea – “Healer and huntress” (Greek)

15. Arianrhod – “Silver wheel” (Welsh)

16. Meleager – “Huntress who sent a boar” (Greek)

17. Oriana – “Golden dawn” (Latin)

18. Phoebe – “Bright and shining huntress” (Greek)

19. Thalia – “To blossom or flourish” (Greek)

20. Xena – “Hospitable and welcoming huntress” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Huntress

1. Artemis – “Greek goddess of the hunt” (Greek)

2. Orion – “hunter in Greek mythology” (Greek)

3. Diana – “Roman goddess of the hunt” (Roman)

4. Actaeon – “hunter turned into a stag” (Greek)

5. Atalanta – “fast-footed huntress” (Greek)

6. Orionis – “constellation named after a hunter” (Latin)

7. Ataegina – “Celtic goddess of the hunt” (Celtic)

8. Ceryneian – “hind captured by Heracles” (Greek)

9. Ataecina – “Iberian goddess of the hunt” (Iberian)

10. Atalante – “mythical huntress and athlete” (Greek)

11. Atalantia – “feminine form of Atalante” (Greek)

12. Atalantos – “masculine form of Atalante” (Greek)

Names That Mean Huntress

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Huntress

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only becomes a part of their identity but also carries a deeper meaning and symbolism.

One intriguing category of names that parents often consider is “Names That Mean Huntress.”

The concept of “Names That Mean Huntress” revolves around the idea of strength, independence, and the ability to navigate through challenges.

These names are inspired by the image of a huntress, a skilled and fierce female hunter, who embodies qualities such as bravery, determination, and resourcefulness.

By selecting a name that means huntress for your baby, you are instilling a sense of empowerment and resilience right from the start.

It symbolizes the idea that your child has the potential to overcome obstacles, face adversity head-on, and emerge victorious, just like a huntress in pursuit of her prey.

Furthermore, names that mean huntress often have historical and mythological roots.

They can be derived from ancient cultures, legends, or even goddesses associated with hunting.

These names carry a sense of heritage and connection to the past, adding depth and richness to your child’s name.

When considering names that mean huntress, it is essential to think about the qualities and values you wish to imbue in your child.

Do you want them to be strong, resilient, and fearless? Are you drawn to the idea of embracing their adventurous spirit and ability to navigate through life’s challenges?

Names that mean huntress can be a wonderful choice for parents who want to celebrate the strength and independence of their child.

They can serve as a constant reminder of the qualities you hope your little one will embody as they grow and face the world.

Ultimately, the concept of “Names That Mean Huntress” offers a unique and powerful way to honor your child’s future journey.

It encapsulates the idea of strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles, while also connecting them to ancient traditions and mythologies.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.