96 Names That Mean Funny and More

Looking for a unique and playful name for your baby? Look no further than Names That Mean Funny.

In this article, we will explore a collection of baby boy and baby girl names that have a humorous or lighthearted meaning.

These names are perfect for parents who want to add a touch of laughter and joy to their child’s life.

When it comes to choosing a name for your little one, why not opt for something that will bring a smile to everyone’s face?

Names That Mean Funny offers a wide range of options that are sure to tickle your funny bone.

From clever wordplay to whimsical meanings, these names are bound to stand out from the crowd.

Imagine the delight on your friends and family’s faces when they hear the name you’ve chosen for your baby.

Whether it’s a boy or a girl, Names That Mean Funny has got you covered.

These names not only have a playful meaning but also carry a sense of charm and uniqueness that will make your child truly one-of-a-kind.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a naming journey that is filled with laughter and joy, join us as we explore Names That Mean Funny.

Get ready to discover a world of delightful names that will bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart.

Baby Names That Mean Funny

1. Jester – “Joyful entertainer” (English)

2. Comedian – “One who makes people laugh” (Latin)

3. Chuckle – “To laugh softly” (English)

4. Giggles – “Frequent and light-hearted laughter” (English)

5. Prankster – “Mischievous practical joker” (English)

6. Witty – “Clever and humorous” (English)

7. Quirk – “Unusual and amusing behavior” (English)

8. Jokester – “One who tells jokes” (English)

9. Funnybone – “Sense of humor” (English)

10. Hilarious – “Extremely funny and entertaining” (English)

11. Amusing – “Causing laughter or enjoyment” (English)

12. Silly – “Playfully funny or foolish” (English)

13. Droll – “Oddly amusing or comical” (English)

14. Whimsical – “Playfully quaint or fanciful” (English)

15. Jolly – “Full of good humor and happiness” (English)

16. Laughster – “One who laughs frequently” (English)

17. Guffaw – “Loud and boisterous laughter” (English)

18. Mirthful – “Full of mirth or laughter” (English)

19. Hysterical – “Uncontrollably funny or amusing” (English)

20. Teaser – “One who provokes laughter or amusement” (English)

21. Giggler – “One who giggles often” (English)

22. Jocose – “Given to joking or jesting” (English)

23. Playful – “Full of fun and humor” (English)

24. Waggish – “Mischievous and playful in a humorous way” (English)

25. Lighthearted – “Cheerful and carefree in nature” (English)

26. Jokester – “One who tells jokes” (English)

27. Mirth – “Amusement or laughter” (English)

28. Glee – “Great delight or happiness” (English)

29. Merriment – “Cheerful and lively fun” (English)

30. Banter – “Playful and witty conversation” (English)

Names That Mean Funny

Boy Names That Mean Funny

1. Jester – “Entertainer” (English)

2. Comedian – “Funny person” (English)

3. Joker – “Prankster” (English)

4. Witty – “Clever and humorous” (English)

5. Amusing – “Entertaining and enjoyable” (English)

6. Hilarious – “Extremely funny” (English)

7. Chuckle – “To laugh quietly” (English)

8. Giggles – “Light, silly laughter” (English)

9. Quirky – “Unconventional and peculiar” (English)

10. Droll – “Oddly amusing” (English)

11. Prankster – “Mischievous practical joker” (English)

12. Funnybone – “Sense of humor” (English)

13. Jolly – “Cheerful and happy” (English)

14. Whimsical – “Playfully quaint or fanciful” (English)

15. Silly – “Lighthearted and foolish” (English)

Girl Names That Mean Funny

Jestine – “full of jest” (Latin)

Risa – “laughter” (Spanish)

Gigglyn – “giggly and cheerful” (Invented)

Amusa – “amusing” (Latin)

Hilara – “joyful and funny” (Latin)

Comica – “comic, amusing” (Latin)

Hahaia – “laughter” (Hawaiian)

Joviala – “jovial and merry” (Latin)

Merrida – “merry and humorous” (Latin)

Chuckla – “full of laughter” (Invented)

Quirkia – “quirky and amusing” (Invented)

Ridella – “full of amusement” (Invented)

Whimsyra – “whimsical and funny” (Invented)

Smila – “always smiling” (Swedish)

Joculara – “jocular and playful” (Latin)

Snickra – “to chuckle” (Swedish)

Gleefia – “full of glee” (Invented)

Ludela – “playful and funny” (Latin)

Grinna – “always grinning” (Swedish)

Jestara – “filled with jest” (Invented)

Quipara – “full of quips” (Invented)

Hilaria – “hilarious and merry” (Latin)

Whoopee – “exclamation of joy” (Invented)

Jokina – “joking and funny” (Invented)

Mirtha – “full of mirth” (English)

Humoria – “humorous” (Invented)

Unisex Names That Mean Funny

Jocund – “jovial and cheerful” (Latin)

Jeston – “one who jokes” (English)

Risa – “laughter” (Spanish)

Quippy – “witty and clever” (Invented)

Haha – “expressing laughter” (English)

Merrick – “merry and lively” (English)

Giggles – “playful laughter” (Invented)

Humor – “amusing and funny” (English)

Jestelle – “playful and humorous” (English)

Lark – “carefree and amusing” (English)

Chuckle – “light-hearted laughter” (English)

Felicity – “joy and happiness” (English)

Whimsi – “whimsical and fanciful” (Invented)

Droll – “amusing in an odd way” (English)

Quirk – “unusual and amusing trait” (English)

Amuseo – “to entertain” (Latin)

Witty – “clever and humorous” (English)

Snicker – “quiet laugh” (English)

Jestin – “full of jokes” (English)

Glee – “exuberant joy” (English)

Mirth – “amusement and joy” (English)

Jovial – “cheerful and good-humored” (English)

Teasin – “playful teasing” (Invented)

Frolic – “playful and cheerful” (English)

Jester – “entertaining and humorous” (English)

Names That Mean Funny

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Funny

Choosing a name for your baby is an exciting and important decision. It not only reflects your child’s identity but also holds significance and symbolism.

While many parents opt for traditional or meaningful names, some may consider exploring the realm of “Names That Mean Funny.”

The concept of “Names That Mean Funny” revolves around selecting names that bring joy, laughter, and a sense of humor.

These names often have playful or comical meanings, adding a lighthearted touch to your child’s identity.

While the primary purpose of a name is to identify an individual, opting for a funny name can have several advantages.

Firstly, it can create a positive and cheerful atmosphere around your child, as their name becomes a source of amusement and laughter for others.

Furthermore, funny names can help your child stand out and be memorable.

In a world where uniqueness is valued, having a name that brings a smile to people’s faces can leave a lasting impression.

Symbolically, “Names That Mean Funny” can represent a joyful and optimistic outlook on life.

They embody the ability to find humor in everyday situations and encourage a light-hearted approach to challenges.

Such names can serve as a reminder to embrace laughter and not take oneself too seriously.

It is important to note that choosing a funny name for your baby should be done with care and consideration.

While humor is subjective, it is crucial to ensure that the name is not offensive or disrespectful.

It should be a name that your child can proudly carry throughout their life without feeling embarrassed or ridiculed.

Ultimately, the decision to choose a funny name for your baby is a personal one. It depends on your individual preferences, cultural background, and the image you want to project.

If you value humor and want to bring a smile to people’s faces, “Names That Mean Funny” can be a delightful choice.

Remember, a name is a gift that accompanies your child throughout their life.

Whether you choose a traditional, meaningful, or funny name, what matters most is the love and care you provide as they grow and develop into their unique selves.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.