105 Names That Mean Exile and More

Exile, a word that carries a weight of longing and separation, has inspired many parents in their search for meaningful names for their children.

Names That Mean Exile or have a closely related meaning can evoke a sense of wanderlust, resilience, and the strength to overcome adversity.

These names hold a certain allure, capturing the essence of a journey, a longing for home, or a sense of being an outsider.

Whether you are looking for a baby boy or baby girl name, Names That Mean Exile offer a unique and poignant choice.

When choosing a name for your child, you may be drawn to the idea of embracing their individuality and celebrating their ability to navigate life’s challenges.

Names That Mean Exile can reflect this sentiment, reminding us of the power of resilience and the ability to adapt to new surroundings.

These names can also serve as a reminder of the importance of embracing our differences and finding strength in our unique experiences.

Names That Mean Exile can also carry a sense of mystery and intrigue. They can evoke images of far-off lands, ancient civilizations, and tales of adventure.

These names have a timeless quality, connecting us to the past while also inspiring a sense of curiosity about the future.

Whether you are looking for a name that reflects your own personal journey or one that captures the spirit of exploration, Names That Mean Exile offer a wealth of possibilities.

Ultimately, the choice of a name is deeply personal and meaningful.

Names That Mean Exile can provide a powerful and evocative option for parents seeking a name that reflects their values, aspirations, and hopes for their child.

These names carry a sense of history, resilience, and the ability to overcome adversity.

They remind us of the power of embracing our unique experiences and finding strength in our individuality.

Names That Mean Exile offer a beautiful and poignant choice for parents embarking on the journey of naming their child.

Baby Names That Mean Exile

Banquo – “exile” (Scottish)

Nauheed – “exiled” (Persian)

Ulysses – “wrathful exile” (Latin)

Farishta – “heavenly exile” (Arabic)

Izumi – “fountain, exile” (Japanese)

Wyrdan – “outcast” (Old English)

Sarnai – “exiled princess” (Mongolian)

Ateret – “crown of exile” (Hebrew)

Vartan – “exiled hero” (Armenian)

Kusal – “happy exile” (Sanskrit)

Zephyrine – “west wind, exile” (Greek)

Zafar – “victorious exile” (Arabic)

Wairimu – “daughter of exile” (Kikuyu)

Drystan – “tryst, exile” (Welsh)

Kairav – “white lotus, exile” (Sanskrit)

Lysander – “liberator, exile” (Greek)

Maiko – “child of exile” (Japanese)

Azadeh – “free, exiled” (Persian)

Svana – “banished” (Old Norse)

Tarique – “morning star, exile” (Arabic)

Zesiro – “exiled wanderer” (African)

Vagish – “lord of exile” (Sanskrit)

Soley – “exile’s sun” (Icelandic)

Munira – “bright, exile” (Arabic)

Outi – “exile” (Finnish)

Kanan – “exiled poet” (Armenian)

Ayan – “exile” (African)

Natsuki – “summer moon, exile” (Japanese)

Sionan – “wise, exile” (Irish)

Anila – “wind, exile” (Sanskrit)

Names That Mean Exile

Boy Names That Mean Exile

Banished – “exiled” (English)

Wyrmund – “outcast protector” (Old English)

Exilius – “one who is in exile” (Latin)

Utari – “wanderer” (Sanskrit)

Vagabond – “a person without a settled home” (French)

Asfari – “dispersed” (Arabic)

Urukh – “displaced” (Sumerian)

Kito – “away from home” (Japanese)

Estragon – “exiled knight” (French)

Utkhan – “nomad” (Mongolian)

Solitario – “solitary, alone” (Spanish)

Zawia – “stranger” (Arabic)

Peregrinus – “wanderer” (Latin)

Yabani – “wild, untamed” (Turkish)

Veldan – “exiled warrior” (Old Norse)

Girl Names That Mean Exile

Banisheda – “exiled” (Invented)

Alana – “to wander” (Irish)

Farida – “unique, solitary” (Arabic)

Zara – “princess in exile” (Hebrew)

Umea – “graceful exile” (Japanese)

Selenia – “moonlit exile” (Greek)

Eseldra – “dweller in exile” (Invented)

Liora – “my light in exile” (Hebrew)

Kaida – “little dragon in exile” (Japanese)

Elinara – “light of exile” (Invented)

Solara – “sunlight in exile” (Invented)

Althea – “healing in exile” (Greek)

Sahira – “exiled wanderer” (Arabic)

Lysandra – “freedom in exile” (Greek)

Isolde – “ice exiled” (German)

Valeria – “strength in exile” (Latin)

Elysia – “heavenly exile” (Greek)

Rhiannon – “queen in exile” (Welsh)

Aridessa – “dry, barren exile” (Invented)

Nyla – “winner in exile” (Arabic)

Tamsin – “twin in exile” (English)

Eirlys – “snowdrop in exile” (Welsh)

Kalila – “beloved in exile” (Arabic)

Seraphina – “fiery exile” (Hebrew)

Fiorella – “little flower in exile” (Italian)

Malina – “soothing exile” (Inuit)

Astraia – “starlight in exile” (Greek)

Siofra – “elfin exile” (Irish)

Tanith – “serpent queen in exile” (Phoenician)

Amara – “eternal exile” (Igbo)

Unisex Names That Mean Exile

Banu – “exiled” (Persian)

Vagabond – “wanderer, exile” (English)

Nalo – “outcast” (African)

Yurei – “ghost, wanderer” (Japanese)

Efron – “stranger, exile” (Hebrew)

Vanya – “exile” (Russian)

Solai – “banished” (Tamil)

Zephyr – “wandering breeze” (Greek)

Pariya – “outcast” (Persian)

Asura – “exiled deity” (Sanskrit)

Alloca – “foreigner, exile” (Native American)

Kito – “lost, exile” (Swahili)

Estragon – “exile” (French)

Vartan – “exile” (Armenian)

Akel – “wanderer” (Arabic)

Riven – “broken, exiled” (English)

Uzume – “banished” (Japanese)

Veeran – “exiled one” (Tamil)

Yorlin – “outcast” (Norse)

Nyssa – “exiled” (Greek)

Odys – “wanderer” (Slavic)

Zainab – “exile” (Arabic)

Ulyss – “wandering exile” (Latin)

Thiri – “outcast” (Burmese)

Lirael – “exiled one” (Fantasy-inspired)

Xeno – “foreigner, exile” (Greek)

Vanara – “wandering soul” (Sanskrit)

Banished – “exile” (English)

Akio – “exiled prince” (Japanese)

Davian – “exile” (English)

Names That Mean Exile

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Exile

Choosing a baby name is a significant decision for parents, as it often carries deep meaning and symbolism.

One unique and thought-provoking category of names is “Names That Mean Exile.” These names hold a special significance and can be chosen for various reasons.

The concept of “Names That Mean Exile” revolves around the idea of being separated or isolated from one’s homeland or community.

These names can be inspired by historical events, literary works, or personal experiences, and they can evoke a sense of longing, resilience, or strength.

By selecting a name that means exile, parents may aim to honor their own heritage or acknowledge the struggles faced by their ancestors.

It can serve as a reminder of the resilience and determination exhibited by those who were forced to leave their homes and start anew in unfamiliar lands.

Furthermore, “Names That Mean Exile” can also symbolize the idea of individuality and uniqueness.

Just as exiles often stand out in a foreign land, these names can reflect the desire to raise a child who embraces their own distinct identity and stands apart from the crowd.

Parents may choose a name that means exile for their child to instill a sense of strength and resilience from an early age.

Such a name can serve as a source of inspiration, reminding the child to overcome challenges and embrace their own journey, even in the face of adversity.

It is important to note that the choice of a name is deeply personal, and the concept of “Names That Mean Exile” may not resonate with everyone.

However, for those who find significance in these names, they can provide a powerful and meaningful way to honor history, express individuality, and inspire strength in their child’s life.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.