100 Names That Mean Eldest and More

Names That Mean Eldest are a popular choice for parents seeking meaningful and unique names for their baby boys and girls.

These names often carry a sense of importance and honor, symbolizing the firstborn or the eldest child in a family.

With their rich cultural and historical significance, Names That Mean Eldest can be a wonderful way to celebrate the special place of a child in their family.

When it comes to baby boy names, there are numerous options that convey the meaning of being the eldest.

These names may draw inspiration from various languages and cultures, reflecting the diverse traditions and customs around the world.

From traditional names rooted in ancient civilizations to modern and trendy choices, there is a wide range of Names That Mean Eldest for baby boys to choose from.

Similarly, for baby girls, Names That Mean Eldest offer a beautiful and meaningful choice.

These names often embody strength, wisdom, and leadership qualities, reflecting the importance of the eldest child in a family.

Whether you prefer classic and timeless names or more contemporary options, there are plenty of Names That Mean Eldest for baby girls that can capture the essence of their position as the firstborn.

Choosing a name that means eldest for your baby boy or girl can be a way to honor their place in the family and celebrate their unique identity.

With the wide variety of Names That Mean Eldest available, you can find a name that not only sounds beautiful but also carries a special significance.

Whether you are drawn to traditional names or prefer more modern choices, Names That Mean Eldest can be a meaningful and memorable choice for your little one.

Baby Names That Mean Eldest

1. Adar (Hebrew) – “Firstborn”

2. Adiv (Hebrew) – “The oldest one”

3. Alula (African) – “First-born twin”

4. Angharad (Welsh) – “Eldest or first”

5. Ata (Turkish) – “The firstborn”

6. Beathan (Scottish) – “First-born”

7. Eamon (Irish) – “Eldest or oldest”

8. Eilam (Hebrew) – “Firstborn son”

9. Eldest (English) – “The oldest or firstborn”

10. Elgin (Scottish) – “The eldest child”

11. Elmo (Italian) – “The firstborn”

12. Enoch (Hebrew) – “Dedicated, initiated, eldest son”

13. Eoghan (Irish) – “Born of the yew tree, eldest”

14. Gwennan (Welsh) – “Eldest or first-born”

15. Hachiro (Japanese) – “Eighth son, eldest son”

16. Hikaru (Japanese) – “Radiant, shining, eldest child”

17. Ishaan (Sanskrit) – “The first ray of the sun, eldest”

18. Jelani (Swahili) – “Mighty, powerful, eldest child”

19. Kaelan (Irish) – “Mighty warrior, eldest son”

20. Kian (Persian) – “King, eldest of the family”

21. Lachlan (Scottish) – “From the land of the lakes, eldest”

22. Mael (Breton) – “Chief, prince, eldest son”

23. Naoise (Irish) – “Mythical hero, eldest son”

24. Oisin (Irish) – “Little deer, eldest son”

25. Primus (Latin) – “First, eldest”

26. Rishon (Hebrew) – “First, eldest”

27. Tadashi (Japanese) – “Loyal, faithful, eldest son”

28. Taro (Japanese) – “First-born son, eldest”

29. Ulysses (Greek) – “Wrathful, eldest son of Sisyphus”

30. Zale (Greek) – “Power of the sea, eldest”

Names That Mean Eldest

Boy Names That Mean Eldest

Eldan – “elder” (Anglo-Saxon)

Primus – “first” (Latin)

Rishabh – “the eldest” (Sanskrit)

Aldwin – “old friend” (Old English)

Zahir – “preeminent” (Arabic)

Jovan – “young warrior” (Slavic)

Senan – “eldest” (Irish)

Takumi – “eldest son” (Japanese)

Roldan – “famous land” (Spanish)

Arvid – “eagle tree” (Scandinavian)

Prahlad – “excess of joy” (Sanskrit)

Amirul – “prince” (Arabic)

Edan – “fire” (Irish)

Oberon – “noble, bear-like” (Germanic)

Yuvan – “youthful” (Sanskrit)

Girl Names That Mean Eldest

Adana – “First daughter” (African)

Priya – “Beloved sister” (Sanskrit)

Primula – “Firstborn” (Latin)

Eilin – “Eldest child” (Irish)

Sanaa – “Firstborn” (Arabic)

Prima – “First” (Italian)

Anara – “Eldest sister” (Kazakh)

Vanya – “The oldest” (Russian)

Kaia – “First and eldest” (Hawaiian)

Zarina – “Golden eldest” (Persian)

Yelizaveta – “First pledged to God” (Ukrainian)

Anisa – “Firstborn” (Arabic)

Primavera – “First spring” (Spanish)

Ola – “Eldest child” (Nordic)

Itzel – “Rainbow, first daughter” (Mayan)

Sahana – “The first one” (Sanskrit)

Alara – “Eldest daughter” (Turkish)

Zara – “Princess, firstborn” (Hebrew)

Ume – “First-born” (Japanese)

Soraya – “The eldest one” (Persian)

Unisex Names That Mean Eldest

Aiden-“firstborn” (Irish)

Prim-“first” (Latin)

Zane-“God is gracious” (Hebrew)

Hera-“first” (Greek)

Prota-“first” (Sanskrit)

Alaric-“ruler of all” (Germanic)

Amara-“eternal” (African)

Taro-“first son” (Japanese)

Esra-“first” (Turkish)

Caelum-“heavens” (Latin)

Elan-“first ray of the sun” (Hebrew)

Una-“first” (Irish)

Piers-“first” (Greek)

Nadir-“first” (Arabic)

Hani-“first of joy” (Swahili)

Zephyr-“west wind” (Greek)

Zara-“princess” (Arabic)

Ishaan-“sun” (Sanskrit)

Edda-“great grandmother” (Norse)

Kavi-“wise” (Sanskrit)

Ori-“my light” (Hebrew)

Quinlan-“chief” (Irish)

Surya-“sun” (Sanskrit)

Imara-“strong” (Swahili)

Zev-“wolf” (Hebrew)

Syra-“sun” (Persian)

Pax-“peace” (Latin)

Arlen-“pledge” (Gaelic)

Imani-“faith” (Swahili)

Ravi-“sun” (Sanskrit)

Names That Mean Eldest

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Eldest

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds deep meaning and symbolism.

One unique category of names that parents often consider is “Names That Mean Eldest.”

These names carry a special significance and can be a beautiful way to honor the firstborn child in a family.

The concept of “Names That Mean Eldest” stems from the idea of celebrating the eldest child’s role as the firstborn and the leader of their siblings.

These names symbolize the importance of being the first in a family and the responsibilities that come with it.

By choosing a name that means “eldest,” parents can acknowledge and embrace the unique qualities and characteristics associated with the firstborn child.

These names can serve as a reminder of the eldest child’s leadership qualities, wisdom, and ability to pave the way for their siblings.

Furthermore, “Names That Mean Eldest” can also be seen as a way to honor family traditions and heritage.

In some cultures, the firstborn child holds a special status and is often given a name that reflects their position within the family.

By selecting a name that means “eldest,” parents can pay homage to their cultural roots and honor their family’s values.

It is important to note that the choice of a name is a personal one, and parents should consider their own preferences and beliefs when selecting a name for their child.

While “Names That Mean Eldest” can hold significant meaning, it is essential to ensure that the name resonates with both the parents and the child.

In conclusion, “Names That Mean Eldest” are a unique category of names that symbolize the importance of the firstborn child and their role as a leader within the family.

These names can carry deep significance, honor family traditions, and serve as a reminder of the eldest child’s unique qualities.

Ultimately, the choice of a name should reflect the parents’ values and resonate with their child, creating a meaningful and special connection for years to come.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.