75 Names That Mean Death and More

Names That Mean Death are a unique and intriguing choice for parents seeking a distinctive moniker for their baby. These names carry a sense of mystery and darkness, evoking a sense of curiosity and fascination.

Whether you are looking for a baby boy or baby girl name, there are plenty of options that convey the concept of death or have closely related meanings.

Choosing a name with a morbid connotation may not be for everyone, but for those who appreciate the unconventional, Names That Mean Death can be a powerful choice.

These names often have deep historical and cultural roots, adding an extra layer of significance to your child’s identity.

While some may associate death with negativity, others view it as a natural part of life’s cycle.

Names That Mean Death can symbolize transformation, rebirth, and the circle of life.

They can also serve as a reminder to live each day to the fullest and embrace the fleeting nature of existence.

Whether you are drawn to the dark and mysterious or simply want a name that stands out from the crowd, Names That Mean Death offer a unique and thought-provoking option.

Explore the possibilities and find a name that resonates with your personal style and beliefs.

Baby Names That Mean Death

1. Morrigan – “Great Queen” (Irish mythology)

2. Thanatos – “Death” (Greek mythology)

3. Hades – “Unseen” (Greek mythology)

4. Mordred – “Sea fortress” (Arthurian legend)

5. Keres – “Death spirits” (Greek mythology)

6. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew mythology)

7. Morana – “Death” (Slavic mythology)

8. Hel – “Hidden” (Norse mythology)

9. Ankou – “Death” (Breton folklore)

10. Nephthys – “Lady of the House” (Egyptian mythology)

11. Persephone – “Bringer of destruction” (Greek mythology)

12. Yama – “God of death” (Hindu mythology)

13. Osiris – “Powerful” (Egyptian mythology)

14. Mors – “Death” (Roman mythology)

15. Valkyrie – “Chooser of the slain” (Norse mythology)

16. Moros – “Doom” (Greek mythology)

17. Calavera – “Skull” (Mexican folklore)

18. Gorgon – “Terrible” (Greek mythology)

19. Styx – “Hateful” (Greek mythology)

20. Azrael – “Help of God” (Abrahamic religions)

21. Morwen – “Dark maiden” (Welsh mythology)

22. Erebus – “Darkness” (Greek mythology)

23. Morticia – “Death” (Fictional character from The Addams Family)

24. Morosina – “Fate” (Italian mythology)

25. Morgana – “Sea circle” (Arthurian legend)

26. Thanatosia – “Death” (Invented name)

27. Morbidia – “Morbid” (Invented name)

28. Mortimer – “Dead sea” (English origin)

29. Morwen – “Dark maiden” (Welsh mythology)

30. Morticia – “Death” (Fictional character from The Addams Family)

Names That Mean Death

Boy Names That Mean Death

1. Keres – “evil spirits” (Greek)

2. Thanatos – “death personified” (Greek)

3. Morana – “goddess of death” (Slavic)

4. Mors – “god of death” (Roman)

5. Hades – “god of the underworld” (Greek)

6. Anubis – “god of death and embalming” (Egyptian)

7. Azrael – “angel of death” (Hebrew)

8. Garmr – “hound guarding the gates of Hel” (Norse)

9. Yama – “god of death and justice” (Hindu)

10. Pluto – “god of the underworld” (Roman)

11. Erebus – “personification of darkness and shadow” (Greek)

12. Mictlantecuhtli – “god of the dead” (Aztec)

13. Osiris – “god of the afterlife” (Egyptian)

14. Styx – “river of the underworld” (Greek)

15. Charon – “ferryman of the dead” (Greek)

Girl Names That Mean Death

1. Morrigan – “Great Queen” (Irish mythology)

2. Keres – “Death spirits” (Greek mythology)

3. Hecate – “Goddess of witchcraft and death” (Greek mythology)

4. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew mythology)

5. Morgana – “Sea circle” (Arthurian legend)

6. Persephone – “Bringer of destruction” (Greek mythology)

7. Morana – “Goddess of winter and death” (Slavic mythology)

8. Hel – “Goddess of the underworld” (Norse mythology)

9. Lamia – “Child-eating monster” (Greek mythology)

10. Pandora – “All-gifted” (Greek mythology)

11. Calypso – “She who hides” (Greek mythology)

12. Morrighan – “Phantom queen” (Irish mythology)

13. Banshee – “Fairy woman who heralds death” (Irish mythology)

14. Morwen – “Dark maiden” (Welsh mythology)

15. Nephthys – “Goddess of mourning” (Egyptian mythology)

Unisex Names That Mean Death

1. Morrigan – “Great Queen” (Irish mythology)

2. Thanatos – “Death” (Greek mythology)

3. Hades – “Unseen” (Greek mythology)

4. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew mythology)

5. Mordred – “Sea fortress” (Arthurian legend)

6. Persephone – “Bringer of destruction” (Greek mythology)

7. Azrael – “Helper of God” (Islamic mythology)

8. Keres – “Death spirits” (Greek mythology)

9. Morana – “Goddess of winter and death” (Slavic mythology)

10. Osiris – “God of the afterlife” (Egyptian mythology)

11. Valkyrie – “Chooser of the slain” (Norse mythology)

12. Anubis – “God of the dead” (Egyptian mythology)

13. Banshee – “Female spirit of death” (Irish mythology)

14. Hel – “Goddess of the underworld” (Norse mythology)

15. Reaper – “One who harvests souls” (English origin)

Names That Mean Death

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Death

The concept of baby names that mean death refers to the practice of choosing names for newborns that have a symbolic association with death.

These names are often selected for various reasons, ranging from cultural and religious beliefs to personal preferences and artistic expression.

While the idea of naming a child after death may seem unconventional or even morbid to some, it holds significant meaning and symbolism in different cultures and contexts.

It is important to note that the intention behind choosing such names is not to wish harm or ill fortune upon the child, but rather to embrace the deeper symbolism and philosophical aspects associated with death.

Names that mean death can carry a profound significance, representing the cycle of life and the inevitability of mortality.

They can serve as a reminder of the transient nature of existence and the importance of cherishing each moment.

These names can also symbolize rebirth, transformation, and the journey to the afterlife.

In certain cultures, naming a child after death can be seen as a way to honor deceased loved ones or to pay tribute to ancestors.

It can be a means of keeping their memory alive and ensuring their legacy continues through the next generation.

Additionally, some individuals may choose these names as a form of artistic expression or to evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue.

It is worth mentioning that the choice of a name is a deeply personal decision, and parents should consider their own beliefs, values, and cultural background when selecting a name for their child.

While names that mean death may hold profound symbolism for some, they may not resonate with others or align with their cultural or religious traditions.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean death is a reflection of the diverse ways in which individuals perceive and interpret the concept of death.

It highlights the complexity of human emotions and the various meanings we attach to significant life events, such as the birth of a child.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.