73 Names That Mean City and More

Names That Mean City are a popular choice for parents looking for unique and meaningful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names often have a strong connection to urban life and evoke a sense of cosmopolitanism.

Whether you’re a city dweller yourself or simply appreciate the energy and diversity of urban environments, Names That Mean City can be a great option for your little one.

When choosing a name that means city, you have a wide range of options to explore.

Some names directly translate to “city” in different languages, while others have symbolic meanings associated with urban life.

These names can be a nod to your favorite city or a way to celebrate the vibrant spirit of urban culture.

Names That Mean City can also be a way to honor your own personal connection to a specific city or to pay tribute to a place that holds special meaning for you.

Whether it’s the city where you met your partner, the city where your child was born, or simply a city that has had a profound impact on your life, choosing a name that reflects this connection can be a beautiful and meaningful choice.

So if you’re looking for a name that is unique, meaningful, and evokes the spirit of urban life, consider Names That Mean City for your baby boy or girl.

These names can be a wonderful way to celebrate the energy, diversity, and cosmopolitanism of cities around the world.

Baby Names That Mean City

Urbs – “City” (Latin)

Polis – “City” (Greek)

Sheher – “City” (Turkish)

Ville – “City” (French)

Ciudad – “City” (Spanish)

Cidade – “City” (Portuguese)

Stadt – “City” (German)

Qasaba – “City” (Arabic)

Machi – “City” (Japanese)

Chengshi – “City” (Chinese)

Shahar – “City” (Hebrew)

Madina – “City” (Arabic)

Bandar – “City” (Persian)

Kota – “City” (Indonesian)

Nakara – “City” (Sanskrit)

Grad – “City” (Slavic)

Thota – “City” (Telugu)

Kaadu – “City” (Tamil)

Names That Mean City

Boy Names That Mean City

Cairo – “victorious” (Arabic)

Medina – “city” (Arabic)

Urbs – “city” (Latin)

Metro – “city” (Greek)

Polis – “city” (Greek)

Duryodhana – “hard city” (Sanskrit)

Medina – “city” (Hebrew)

Zoran – “urban” (Slavic)

Orbán – “city-dweller” (Hungarian)

Ciutadà – “citizen” (Catalan)

Stadtler – “city dweller” (German)

Machar – “city” (Scottish)

Kaupunki – “city” (Finnish)

Cidade – “city” (Portuguese)

Gorod – “city” (Russian)

Belt – “city” (Irish)

Shahr – “city” (Persian)

Mesto – “city” (Slovak)

Magas – “city” (Chechen)

Urbe – “city” (Spanish)

Sehir – “city” (Turkish)

Girl Names That Mean City

Astoria – “City of the stars” (Greek)

Urbania – “City-dweller” (Latin)

Citara – “City melody” (Sanskrit)

Metroa – “City essence” (Greek)

Urbana – “City girl” (Latin)

Polisina – “City woman” (Greek)

Citta – “City” (Italian)

Citrine – “City-like” (English)

Metra – “City life” (Greek)

Urba – “City” (Latin)

Astoria – “City” (English)

Civita – “City” (Latin)

Metropolis – “City” (Greek)

Urdana – “City dweller” (Old English)

Citadelle – “City fortress” (French)

Citara – “City song” (Sanskrit)

Metroelle – “City princess” (Modern English blend)

Unisex Names That Mean City

Urban – “City dweller” (Latin)

Metro – “City” (Greek)

Citra – “City” (Sanskrit)

Citadel – “Fortified city” (Latin)

Polis – “City” (Greek)

Metroplex – “Large city or urban complex” (English)

Urbane – “Suave and sophisticated, like a city” (Latin)

Cosmo – “City or order” (Greek)

Astor – “City hawk” (Old English)

Urbis – “Of the city” (Latin)

Civic – “Related to a city or citizens” (Latin)

Burg – “City or fortress” (Germanic)

Staton – “Settlement or city” (Old English)

Doshi – “Urbanite” (Japanese)

Tyre – “City” (Phoenician)

Burgan – “City dweller” (Anglo-Saxon)

Siti – “City” (Swahili)

Names That Mean City

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean City

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. It not only shapes their identity but also reflects the hopes and dreams you have for them.

One unique and meaningful option to consider is selecting a name that means city.

Names that mean city are more than just a geographical reference. They carry a deeper symbolism that can resonate with both the child and their parents.

These names evoke a sense of adventure, exploration, and the vibrant energy that cities embody.

By choosing a name that means city, you are instilling a sense of curiosity and wanderlust in your child from the very beginning.

It can serve as a reminder of the vast world waiting to be discovered and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Furthermore, names that mean city can also be a way to honor a special place or a cherished memory.

If you have a deep connection to a particular city or if it holds sentimental value in your life, giving your child a name associated with that city can be a beautiful tribute.

These names can also be seen as a celebration of diversity and multiculturalism. Cities are melting pots of different cultures, languages, and traditions.

By choosing a name that means city, you are embracing the richness and diversity of our global society.

When considering names that mean city, it’s important to find one that resonates with you and your family.

Take the time to research the meanings and origins of different city names, and choose one that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean city offers a unique and meaningful way to bestow a name upon your child.

It represents a sense of adventure, honors special places, celebrates diversity, and serves as a reminder of the boundless opportunities that await them in the world.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.