75 Names That Mean Angry and More

Names That Mean Angry are a unique choice for parents seeking strong and powerful names for their babies.

These names convey a sense of intensity and passion, making them perfect for parents who want their child to stand out.

Whether you’re looking for a name that means anger or a name that has a related meaning, this article will provide you with a variety of options for both baby boys and baby girls.

Choosing a name that means angry can be a way to honor your heritage or simply reflect the strong emotions you hope your child will possess.

These names often have deep historical and cultural significance, adding an extra layer of meaning to your child’s identity.

With so many options available, you’re sure to find a name that perfectly captures the fierce and fiery spirit you envision for your little one.

Names That Mean Angry can also be a way to inspire your child to embrace their emotions and channel them in a positive way.

These names can serve as a reminder that anger, when harnessed correctly, can be a powerful force for change and growth.

By giving your child a name that embodies anger, you’re encouraging them to embrace their passions and stand up for what they believe in.

Whether you’re drawn to names that mean anger, rage, or fury, this article will provide you with a diverse selection of options.

From traditional names with deep historical roots to more modern and unique choices, there’s something for every parent seeking a name that exudes strength and intensity.

Explore the world of Names That Mean Angry and discover the perfect name for your little firecracker.

Baby Names That Mean Angry

Zorn – “wrath” (German)

Irato – “angry” (Italian)

Furia – “fury” (Spanish)

Iratea – “irate” (English)

Rashek – “rage” (Slavic)

Wrothgar – “wrathful spear” (Old English)

Furens – “furious” (Latin)

Zemsta – “revenge” (Polish)

Colerico – “choleric” (Spanish)

Tokushin – “angry heart” (Japanese)

Grimor – “fierce anger” (Old Norse)

Wrathwyn – “fierce joy” (English)

Furioso – “furious” (Italian)

Irawan – “wrathful” (Indonesian)

Vehementis – “violent” (Latin)

Hæðengrim – “heathen rage” (Old English)

Grrth – “growl of anger” (Fictional)

Fúriya – “fury” (Japanese)

Wutang – “rage” (Chinese)

Tumultor – “agitator” (Latin)

Rancor – “deep-seated hatred” (English)

Vindicta – “vengeance” (Latin)

Kettudottir – “daughter of the fox” (Old Norse)

Fumoso – “smoky anger” (Italian)

Mokushi – “silent anger” (Japanese)

Grymhet – “cruelty” (Swedish)

Ruzgar – “storm” (Turkish)

Zalim – “cruel” (Arabic)

Bíldr – “wrathful” (Old Norse)

Kivuli – “anger” (Swahili)

Names That Mean Angry

Boy Names That Mean Angry

Thanor – “thunderous anger” (Fantasy)

Ragnor – “ruthless anger” (Old Norse)

Malvolio – “ill-will” (Italian)

Zephyros – “west wind, stormy” (Greek)

Draven – “dark avenger” (English)

Morosco – “grim fate” (Spanish)

Tenebris – “shadow of darkness” (Latin)

Viperox – “venomous rage” (Fictional)

Kasai – “fire” (Japanese)

Nefarius – “wicked” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Angry

Thanor – “thunderous anger” (Fictional)

Kharak – “fiery rage” (Persian)

Tormund – “mighty fury” (Old Norse)

Harshil – “harsh anger” (Hindi)

Dreogan – “to burn with anger” (Old English)

Roshanak – “bright fury” (Persian)

Ulfgrim – “wolf’s wrath” (Old Norse)

Khazak – “angry warrior” (Turkic)

Zephyrion – “stormy anger” (Greek)

Jigoku – “hellfire” (Japanese)

Vortigern – “fierce lord” (Old English)

Torvald – “thunder ruler” (Norse)

Intiqam – “revenge” (Arabic)

Branthor – “blade of anger” (Fictional)

Katsuhiro – “victorious anger” (Japanese)

Unisex Names That Mean Angry

Vortex – “whirlwind of emotions” (English)

Dredan – “fiery one” (Anglo-Saxon)

Moros – “doom” (Greek)

Ardor – “burning passion” (Latin)

Stormrage – “stormy fury” (English)

Ignatius – “fiery” (Latin)

Tempestus – “tempest” (Latin)

Bronton – “thunderous” (Greek)

Emberik – “spark of anger” (Scandinavian)

Typhoon – “violent storm” (Greek)

Vulcanus – “volcano” (Roman)

Fumetsu – “immortal anger” (Japanese)

Vipertongue – “sharp-tongued” (English)

Scorcher – “intense heat” (English)

Blaize – “blazing fire” (Old English)

Incendio – “fire” (Italian)

Cyclonus – “cyclone” (Latin)

Pyrothos – “fiery anger” (Greek)

Baneblade – “bane of wrath” (English)

Infernus – “inferno” (Latin)

Names That Mean Angry

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Angry

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance.

While many parents opt for names that convey positive qualities like happiness or strength, some may consider exploring names that carry a different kind of symbolism.

One such category is “baby names that mean angry.”

The significance of names that mean angry lies in their ability to evoke a range of emotions and convey a sense of power and intensity.

These names can be seen as a reflection of the complexities of human emotions and serve as a reminder that anger, when channeled appropriately, can be a catalyst for change and growth.

Symbolically, names that mean angry can represent resilience, determination, and the strength to overcome challenges.

They can be seen as a representation of the fire within, the passion that fuels one’s drive to achieve their goals and stand up for what they believe in.

Choosing a name that means angry can also be a way to honor cultural or mythological figures who embody this emotion.

In various mythologies, angry deities or heroes are often associated with courage, justice, and the pursuit of truth.

By naming your child after such a figure, you may hope to instill these qualities in them or pay homage to a particular cultural heritage.

It is important to note that the choice of a name that means angry should be made with careful consideration.

While anger can be a powerful force, it is essential to teach children how to manage and express their emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.

The name should serve as a reminder of the potential within, rather than promoting negativity or aggression.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean angry offers a unique and thought-provoking approach to naming your child.

It allows for a deeper exploration of human emotions and the qualities associated with anger.

Whether you choose a name from this category or not, the most important aspect is to select a name that resonates with you and holds personal significance for your family.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.