110 Names That Mean Able and More

Names That Mean Able are a popular choice for parents looking for meaningful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names often carry a sense of strength, capability, and determination.

Whether you want a name that directly translates to “able” or one that symbolizes similar qualities, there are plenty of options to choose from.

For baby boys, Names That Mean Able can evoke a sense of power and resilience. These names can inspire confidence and ambition in your little one as they grow.

From traditional names with historical significance to modern names with a contemporary feel, there is a wide range of choices available.

Similarly, for baby girls, Names That Mean Able can convey a sense of empowerment and independence.

These names can instill a strong sense of self-worth and determination in your daughter.

Whether you prefer classic names with a timeless appeal or unique names that stand out, there are numerous options to explore.

Choosing a name that means “able” or has a related meaning can be a meaningful way to honor the qualities you hope your child will possess.

It can also serve as a reminder of their potential and the belief that they can overcome any challenges they may face in life.

Names That Mean Able offer a beautiful way to celebrate strength and capability in your child’s name.

Baby Names That Mean Able

Capableus – “able” (Latin)

Yara – “capable” (Arabic)

Dexter – “skillful” (Latin)

Valero – “strong, able” (Spanish)

Kynan – “able, intelligent” (Irish)

Isara – “able” (Sanskrit)

Zelig – “blessed, able” (Hebrew)

Eirian – “bright, able” (Welsh)

Competo – “competent, able” (Latin)

Zahir – “able, bright” (Arabic)

Amara – “grace, ability” (Latin)

Adro – “skilled, able” (Greek)

Sahil – “capable” (Hindi)

Verva – “able” (Polish)

Egon – “able, strong” (German)

Fikri – “intelligent, able” (Arabic)

Jovan – “skilled, able” (Serbian)

Yuki – “courage, ability” (Japanese)

Acumen – “sharpness, ability” (Latin)

Kavi – “wise, able” (Sanskrit)

Maitreya – “friendly, capable” (Sanskrit)

Prowess – “skill, ability” (English)

Zorion – “happiness, ability” (Basque)

Qadir – “able, powerful” (Arabic)

Taito – “skill, ability” (Maori)

Yared – “able, strong” (Amharic)

Fahim – “intelligent, able” (Arabic)

Astuto – “clever, able” (Spanish)

Zama – “ability” (Zulu)

Miki – “beautiful, able” (Japanese)

Names That Mean Able

Boy Names That Mean Able

Arjan – “able” (Sanskrit)

Zelig – “blessed, able” (Yiddish)

Valor – “strength, courage” (Latin)

Kavi – “able, skilled” (Sanskrit)

Capable – “able, competent” (English, invented)

Yuki – “courage, ability” (Japanese)

Dexter – “skilled, dexterous” (Latin)

Eirik – “forever strong, always able” (Norse)

Aiden – “fiery, able” (Irish)

Zafar – “victory, able” (Arabic)

Ravi – “able, skilled” (Sanskrit)

Felix – “fortunate, lucky, able” (Latin)

Taro – “big, able” (Japanese)

Sahil – “guide, able” (Hindi)

Kynan – “intelligent, able” (Welsh)

Kanoa – “free, able” (Hawaiian)

Ethan – “strong, firm, able” (Hebrew)

Zayd – “growth, abundance, able” (Arabic)

Valiant – “brave, strong, able” (English, invented)

Yul – “to be able” (Korean)

Girl Names That Mean Able

Valora – “strong, brave” (Latin)

Isara – “able to see” (Hindu)

Capablea – “capable” (English)

Feliara – “able to achieve” (Latin)

Vivan – “full of life, lively” (Sanskrit)

Competia – “competent” (Latin)

Amara – “immortal, eternal” (Sanskrit)

Prowessa – “skillful” (English)

Zelma – “ambitious” (German)

Potentia – “powerful” (Latin)

Aptara – “apt, suitable” (Latin)

Shakti – “energy, strength” (Sanskrit)

Abila – “able” (Hebrew)

Valienta – “valiant” (Spanish)

Efficia – “effective” (Latin)

Capabla – “capable” (Esperanto)

Dyna – “able, powerful” (Greek)

Skillara – “skilled” (English)

Capricia – “capable” (Latin)

Graciana – “graceful” (Spanish)

Empowera – “empowered” (English)

Amabilis – “able, capable” (Latin)

Virtua – “virtuous” (Latin)

Potencia – “potential” (Spanish)

Adepta – “adept, skilled” (Latin)

Valorine – “valor, strength” (Latin)

Yara – “capable” (Arabic)

Proficia – “proficient” (English)

Ableira – “able” (English)

Fidelis – “faithful, reliable” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Able

Capable – “able” (English)

Yara – “powerful” (Arabic)

Dexter – “skillful” (Latin)

Zara – “princess; capable” (Hebrew)

Valor – “strength; courage” (Latin)

Asher – “fortunate; blessed” (Hebrew)

Edda – “prosperity and fortune” (Norse)

Evren – “universe; capable” (Turkish)

Kairos – “opportune moment; capable” (Greek)

Quinn – “wise; capable” (Irish)

Arya – “noble; capable” (Sanskrit)

Adeo – “able; accomplished” (Latin)

Amara – “grace; capable” (Igbo)

Valen – “strong; capable” (Latin)

Sajan – “able; competent” (Hindi)

Brio – “vitality; energy; capable” (Italian)

Harika – “wonderful; capable” (Turkish)

Ethan – “strong; firm; capable” (Hebrew)

Zephyr – “strong wind; capable” (Greek)

Virtus – “virtue; capability” (Latin)

Zia – “light; capable” (Italian)

Keon – “God is gracious; capable” (Irish)

Eiko – “prosperous child; capable” (Japanese)

Valoris – “courageous; capable” (Latin)

Nara – “strong; capable” (Sanskrit)

Remy – “oarsman; capable” (French)

Zelig – “blessed; capable” (Yiddish)

Fionn – “fair; capable” (Irish)

Azara – “ability; capable” (Arabic)

Tekoa – “able; proficient” (Hebrew)

Names That Mean Able

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Able

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. Many parents seek names that not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper meaning.

One such category of names that has gained popularity is “Names That Mean Able.”

The concept behind “Names That Mean Able” is to select a name that symbolizes strength, capability, and the potential for success.

These names often have origins in various cultures and languages, each with its unique interpretation of ability and power.

By choosing a name that means able, parents hope to instill a sense of confidence and determination in their child.

It serves as a reminder that they have the potential to overcome challenges and achieve greatness in their lives.

Furthermore, names that mean able can also be seen as a way to honor and celebrate the qualities of strength and resilience.

They serve as a tribute to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional abilities and inspire the child to follow in their footsteps.

Symbolically, names that mean able represent the belief in one’s own capabilities and the belief that every individual has the power to accomplish their goals.

They encourage a positive mindset and serve as a constant reminder of the potential within oneself.

Parents often choose names that mean able for their children during significant life events or milestones.

It can be seen as a way to mark a new beginning, such as the birth of a child, or to commemorate personal achievements and triumphs.

Ultimately, the concept of “Names That Mean Able” reflects the desire to give a child a name that not only sounds pleasing but also carries a profound meaning.

It serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment, reminding the child of their inherent abilities and encouraging them to embrace their full potential.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.