150 Perfect Matching Middle Names for Felicity

Felicity is a beautiful name that exudes happiness and joy. If you’re considering naming your baby girl or baby boy Felicity, you may be wondering what middle names would complement this delightful choice.

In this article, we will explore a variety of middle names for Felicity, offering suggestions for both genders. Whether you’re looking for a traditional or unique option, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the world of middle names for Felicity!

About the Name Felicity

Meaning: Felicity means “happiness” or “good fortune” in Latin.

Description: Felicity is a feminine name that exudes joy and positivity. It is often associated with a cheerful and lively personality.

Popularity: Felicity has gained popularity in recent years, ranking among the top 500 names for girls in the United States. It is a name that is both timeless and unique.

Origin: The name Felicity has its roots in Latin, derived from the word “felicitas” which means “good luck” or “happiness.” It has been used as a given name since the Middle Ages and has a rich history.

Middle Names for Felicity

Popular: Grace, Elizabeth, Rose, Olivia, Sophia

Felicity Mae – “Bitter happiness”

Felicity Rose – “Blissful love”

Felicity Joy – “Pure happiness”

Felicity Claire – “Bright and clear happiness”

Felicity Hope – “Optimistic happiness”

Felicity Faith – “Trusting in happiness”

Felicity Grace – “Elegant happiness”

Felicity Pearl – “Pure and precious happiness”

Felicity Celeste – “Heavenly happiness”

Felicity Skye – “Boundless happiness”

Felicity Iris – “Rainbow of happiness”

Felicity Belle – “Beautiful happiness”

Felicity Aurora – “Glowing happiness”

Felicity Eden – “Delightful happiness”

Felicity Serene – “Tranquil happiness”

Felicity Sage – “Wise happiness”

Felicity Ember – “Burning happiness”

Felicity Luna – “Moonlit happiness”

Felicity Ocean – “Deep happiness”

Felicity Zara – “Princess of happiness”

Cool Middle Names That Go With Felicity

Classic: Marie, Louise, Anne, Catherine, Jane

Felicity Blaze – “Fiery happiness”

Felicity Orion – “Cool and celestial happiness”

Felicity Phoenix – “Majestic happiness”

Felicity Maverick – “Independent happiness”

Felicity Jaxon – “Modern happiness”

Felicity Rebel – “Rebellious happiness”

Felicity Nova – “New and cool happiness”

Felicity Titan – “Powerful happiness”

Felicity Valor – “Courageous happiness”

Felicity Echo – “Resonant happiness”

Felicity Vortex – “Dynamic happiness”

Felicity Jet – “Swift happiness”

Felicity Raven – “Mysterious happiness”

Felicity Storm – “Energetic happiness”

Felicity Blaze – “Passionate happiness”

Felicity Zenith – “Highest point of happiness”

Felicity Quest – “Adventurous happiness”

Felicity Cipher – “Mystical happiness”

Felicity Solstice – “Cool and seasonal happiness”

Felicity Zen – “Tranquil happiness”

Middle Names for Felicity

The Best Middle Names for Felicity

Country: Mae, Jo, Sue, Lee, Raye

Felicity Grace – “Exquisite happiness”

Felicity Rose – “Beautiful happiness”

Felicity James – “Supplanter of happiness”

Felicity Alexander – “Defender of happiness”

Felicity Victoria – “Triumphant happiness”

Felicity Benjamin – “Son of happiness”

Felicity Elizabeth – “Pledged to happiness”

Felicity Catherine – “Pure happiness”

Felicity Samuel – “Heard by happiness”

Felicity Charlotte – “Free happiness”

Felicity Theodore – “God’s gift of happiness”

Felicity Evelyn – “Wished-for happiness”

Felicity Nathaniel – “Gift of happiness”

Felicity Abigail – “Father’s joy of happiness”

Felicity Christopher – “Bearer of happiness”

Felicity Olivia – “Olive branch of happiness”

Felicity William – “Resolute protector of happiness”

Felicity Annabelle – “Beautiful grace of happiness”

Felicity Michael – “Who is like God in happiness”

Felicity Jonathan – “God has given happiness”

Unique Middle Names for Felicity

Unique: Seraphina, Lark, Zephyrine, Peregrine, Thistle

Felicity Rune – “Secret happiness”

Felicity Seraphine – “Angel of happiness”

Felicity Quillon – “Sword of happiness”

Felicity Lyric – “Musical happiness”

Felicity Emberlyn – “Burning ember of happiness”

Felicity Solene – “Dignified happiness”

Felicity Thorne – “Sharp happiness”

Felicity Isolde – “Fair and beautiful happiness”

Felicity Zenobia – “Force of happiness”

Felicity Peregrine – “Wanderer’s happiness”

Felicity Zephyrine – “West wind of happiness”

Felicity Obsidian – “Dark and precious happiness”

Felicity Celestia – “Heavenly happiness”

Felicity Valorine – “Courageous happiness”

Felicity Serenelle – “Tranquil and serene happiness”

Felicity Everly – “Always happy”

Felicity Calyx – “Cup of happiness”

Felicity Astrid – “Beautiful, loved happiness”

Felicity Cascade – “Flowing happiness”

Felicity Verdant – “Green happiness”

Uncommon Middle Names for Felicity

Modern: Aria, Nova, Ember, Luna, Eden

Felicity Peregrin – “Wanderer’s happiness”

Felicity Isolde – “Fair and beautiful happiness”

Felicity Thorne – “Sharp happiness”

Felicity Seraphin – “Angel of happiness”

Felicity Rune – “Secret happiness”

Felicity Calyx – “Cup of happiness”

Felicity Astrid – “Beautiful, loved happiness”

Felicity Cascade – “Flowing happiness”

Felicity Verdant – “Green happiness”

Felicity Zenobia – “Force of happiness”

Felicity Quillon – “Sword of happiness”

Felicity Lyric – “Musical happiness”

Felicity Emberlyn – “Burning ember of happiness”

Felicity Solene – “Dignified happiness”

Felicity Obsidian – “Dark and precious happiness”

Felicity Celestia – “Heavenly happiness”

Felicity Valorine – “Courageous happiness”

Felicity Serenelle – “Tranquil and serene happiness”

Felicity Everly – “Always happy”

Felicity Zephyrine – “West wind of happiness”

Middle Names for Felicity

Check Also:

Religious Middle Names That Complement Felicity

Grace – “Divine favor”

Hope – “Optimistic expectation”

Faith – “Complete trust”

Joy – “Deep happiness”

Mercy – “Compassionate forgiveness”

Charity – “Unselfish love”

Serenity – “Peaceful calm”

Patience – “Enduring perseverance”

Harmony – “Unity and agreement”

Trinity – “Three in one”

Verity – “Truthfulness”

Constance – “Steadfastness”

Honor – “Respect and esteem”

Amity – “Friendly relationship”

Blessing – “Divine favor”

Purity – “Innocence and virtue”

Glory – “Great honor and praise”

Redemption – “Salvation and deliverance”

Providence – “Divine guidance”

Victory – “Triumph and success”

Selah – “Pause and reflect”

Emmanuel – “God is with us”

Zion – “Heavenly city”

Caleb – “Faithful and loyal”

Elijah – “Yahweh is God”

Siblings Names That Go with Felicity

Here is a collection of sibling names that harmoniously complement Felicity:

Olivia – “olive tree”

Benjamin – “son of the right hand”

Sophia – “wisdom”

Elijah – “my God is Yahweh”

Ava – “life”

Samuel – “heard by God”

Charlotte – “free man”

Henry – “ruler of the household”

Grace – “God’s favor”

Isaac – “laughter”

Amelia – “work”

Caleb – “whole-hearted”

Emma – “universal”

Noah – “rest, comfort”

Lily – “pure”

Last Names That Go with Felicity

These last names go well with Felicity:















Tips for Selecting the Middle Name for Felicity

When choosing a middle name for Felicity, it’s important to consider the following:

DO consider the flow and rhythm of the full name. Choose a middle name that complements the first name, Felicity, and the last name, if known. Opt for a middle name that has a pleasing sound when said together with the first and last name.

DO think about family and cultural significance. Consider using a middle name that honors a beloved family member or reflects your cultural heritage. This can add a special meaning and connection to Felicity’s name.

DO keep in mind the length of the full name. If the first and last names are already long, it may be best to choose a shorter middle name to avoid the name becoming too cumbersome or difficult to pronounce.

DO consider the initials. Make sure the initials of the full name do not spell out any unintended words or acronyms that could potentially cause embarrassment or confusion for Felicity in the future.

DO think about personal preferences and style. Choose a middle name that resonates with your own taste and style, as well as the overall image you want to convey with Felicity’s name.

DO consult with your partner or family members. Getting input and suggestions from loved ones can help you make a decision and ensure that everyone feels included and happy with the chosen middle name for Felicity.

Tips for Middles Names

Famous People with Middle Name Felicity

Emma Felicity Watson: Emma Felicity Watson is a British actress and activist. She gained worldwide recognition for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series.

Watson has since starred in various successful films and has been an advocate for gender equality and women’s rights.

Olivia Felicity Wilde: Olivia Felicity Wilde is an American actress, producer, and director. She has appeared in numerous films and television series, including the medical drama “House” and the comedy-drama “Tron: Legacy.”

Wilde has also directed critically acclaimed films such as “Booksmart” and “Don’t Worry, Darling.”

William Felicity Shakespeare: William Felicity Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights in history.

His works, such as “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” and “Macbeth,” have had a profound impact on literature and theater. Shakespeare’s plays continue to be performed and studied worldwide.

Grace Felicity Kelly: Grace Felicity Kelly, also known as Princess Grace of Monaco, was an American actress who became a princess after marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

Kelly starred in several successful films, including “Rear Window” and “To Catch a Thief,” before retiring from acting to focus on her royal duties.

Questions to think about that might help you decide middle name for Felicity

1. What is the significance of a middle name to you and your family?

2. Are there any family traditions or cultural influences that you would like to incorporate into Felicity’s middle name?

3. Do you prefer a middle name that complements Felicity’s first name or one that contrasts it?

4. Are there any specific meanings or symbolism that you would like Felicity’s middle name to have?

5. Would you like Felicity’s middle name to honor a family member or someone special to you?

6. Do you prefer a traditional middle name or a more unique and unconventional one?

7. How does the flow and rhythm of Felicity’s first and last name sound with different middle name options?

8. Are there any specific sounds or letters that you would like to avoid in Felicity’s middle name?

9. Does Felicity’s middle name need to have a specific number of syllables to balance the overall name?

10. Have you considered any names that hold personal significance or sentimental value to you?

Best Sources to Get Middle Name Inspirations From

When it comes to finding the perfect middle name for the name Felicity, there are several sources you can turn to for inspiration. Here are some of the best sources:

1. Family Names: Consider looking into your own family tree for potential middle names. This can be a meaningful way to honor a loved one or carry on a family tradition.

2. Literature: Explore the world of literature for unique and beautiful middle name options. Look for characters or authors that resonate with you and consider using their names as inspiration.

3. Nature: Nature-inspired names can add a touch of beauty and serenity to the name Felicity. Think about flowers, trees, or even celestial bodies that hold significance to you.

4. Historical Figures: Delve into history and find inspiration from influential figures who have made an impact. Whether it’s a scientist, artist, or political leader, their names can add depth and meaning to Felicity.

5. Music: If you have a passion for music, consider looking to your favorite songs, bands, or musicians for middle name ideas. This can be a great way to incorporate your love for music into your child’s name.

6. Place Names: Explore different cities, countries, or landmarks that hold significance to you. Using a place name as a middle name can evoke a sense of adventure and wanderlust.

7. Virtues and Qualities: Consider middle names that represent virtues or qualities you admire. Examples include Grace, Joy, Hope, or Serenity. These names can add a positive and uplifting touch to Felicity.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose a middle name that resonates with you and holds personal significance. Take your time, explore different sources, and find the perfect middle name to complement Felicity.


What are the girl names that go with Felicity?

Some girl names that go well with Felicity are Charlotte, Amelia, Grace, Sophia, and Olivia.

What are perfect nicknames for Felicity?

Some perfect nicknames for Felicity are Flick, Lissy, Fee, Fifi, and Lici.

What are some variations of the name Felicity?

Some variations of the name Felicity include Felicia, Feliz, Feliciana, and Felicitas.

What are some names similar to Felicity?

Some names similar to Felicity are Serenity, Verity, Amity, Trinity, and Liberty.

Give some first names that go well with Felicity.

Some first names that go well with Felicity are Benjamin, Alexander, William, Henry, and Samuel.

Give some names that rhyme with Felicity.

Some names that rhyme with Felicity are Trinity, Serenity, Charity, Liberty, and Verity.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.