150 Perfect Matching Middle Names for Esther

Looking for the perfect middle names for Esther? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re expecting a baby boy or a baby girl, we’ve got a list of beautiful and meaningful names that will complement the name Esther perfectly.

Choosing a middle name is an important decision as it adds depth and uniqueness to your child’s full name.

With our carefully curated list, you’ll find a variety of options that range from traditional to modern, allowing you to find the perfect middle name that suits your style and preferences.

From classic choices like James and Elizabeth to more unique options like Asher and Seraphina, our list of middle names for Esther has something for everyone. So, let’s dive in and explore the wonderful world of middle names for Esther!

About the Name Esther

Meaning: Star

Description: Esther is a feminine name of Persian origin. It is derived from the Persian word “setareh,” meaning “star.” The name is often associated with beauty, grace, and wisdom.

Popularity: Esther has been a popular name throughout history and continues to be well-loved today. It has a timeless appeal and has remained in the top 500 names for girls in the United States for many years.

Origin: The name Esther has its roots in ancient Persia, where it was commonly used.

It gained popularity in the Jewish community due to its association with the biblical figure Queen Esther, who displayed courage and strength in saving her people from destruction.

Middle Names for Esther

Popular: Grace, Elizabeth, Rose, Marie, Faith

Esther Marie – “Bitter sea”

Esther Rose – “Beloved flower”

Esther Claire – “Clear and bright”

Esther Grace – “Charm and elegance”

Esther Sophia – “Wisdom”

Esther Louise – “Famous warrior”

Esther Maeve – “Intoxicating”

Esther Elise – “Consecrated to God”

Esther Pearl – “Precious gem”

Esther Hazel – “Commander”

Esther Joy – “Happiness and delight”

Esther Faith – “Complete trust and confidence”

Esther Hope – “Optimistic expectation”

Esther Faye – “Fairy”

Esther Celeste – “Heavenly”

Esther Vivian – “Full of life”

Esther Nadine – “Hopeful”

Esther Noelle – “Christmas”

Esther Ruby – “Red gemstone”

Esther Skye – “Infinite expanse”

Cool Middle Names That Go With Esther

Classic: Anne, Louise, Jane, Katherine, Margaret

Esther Blaze – “Fiery and intense”

Esther Orion – “Hunter”

Esther Phoenix – “Rebirth”

Esther Zane – “God is gracious”

Esther Jaxon – “Son of Jack”

Esther Ryder – “Knight”

Esther Maverick – “Independent thinker”

Esther Luna – “Moon”

Esther Echo – “Reflecting sound”

Esther Kai – “Ocean”

Esther Cruz – “Cross”

Esther Ryder – “Mounted warrior”

Esther Ember – “Small, glowing piece of coal”

Esther Griffin – “Strong lord”

Esther Storm – “Tempest”

Esther Raine – “Queen”

Esther Solstice – “Sun’s highest point”

Esther Orion – “Rising in the sky”

Esther Zephyr – “Gentle breeze”

Esther Rogue – “Vagrant or wanderer”

Middle Names for Esther

The Best Middle Names for Esther

Country: Lynn, Mae, Jo, Sue, Raye

Esther Grace – “Divine favor”

Esther Alexander – “Defender of the people”

Esther Victoria – “Victorious”

Esther Gabriel – “God is my strength”

Esther Seraphina – “Fiery, angelic being”

Esther Nathaniel – “Gift of God”

Esther Isabella – “Devoted to God”

Esther Oliver – “Olive tree”

Esther Juliet – “Youthful”

Esther Maximilian – “Greatest”

Esther Evangeline – “Bearer of good news”

Esther Benjamin – “Son of the right hand”

Esther Anastasia – “Resurrection”

Esther Christopher – “Bearer of Christ”

Esther Cordelia – “Heart”

Esther Dominic – “Belonging to the Lord”

Esther Eleanor – “Bright, shining one”

Esther Jonathan – “Gift of Jehovah”

Esther Lillian – “Pure”

Esther Raphael – “God heals”

Unique Middle Names for Esther

Unique: Wren, Seraphina, Calliope, Peregrine, Thalassa

Esther Calista – “Most beautiful”

Esther Thorne – “Sharp point”

Esther Phoenix – “Rebirth”

Esther Daxton – “Warrior’s town”

Esther Seren – “Star”

Esther Peregrine – “Wanderer”

Esther Zephyrine – “West wind”

Esther Eulalia – “Well-spoken”

Esther Lucian – “Light”

Esther Cosette – “Victorious people”

Esther Leocadia – “Clear, bright”

Esther Caius – “Rejoice”

Esther Isolde – “Fair lady”

Esther Peregrine – “Wanderer”

Esther Octavian – “Eighth”

Esther Tindra – “Sparkle”

Esther Alaric – “Ruler of all”

Esther Selene – “Moon goddess”

Esther Florian – “Flourishing”

Esther Rune – “Secret”

Uncommon Middle Names for Esther

Modern: Aria, Nova, Ember, Jaxon, Ryder

Esther Liora – “I have light”

Esther Thaddeus – “Heart”

Esther Solene – “Sunshine”

Esther Oleander – “Evergreen shrub”

Esther Phineas – “Mouth of a serpent”

Esther Isolde – “Ice ruler”

Esther Malachai – “Messenger of God”

Esther Euphemia – “Well-spoken”

Esther Thalia – “To flourish”

Esther Zephyrine – “West wind”

Esther Lysander – “Liberator of mankind”

Esther Calliope – “Beautiful voice”

Esther Icarus – “To ascend”

Esther Amadeus – “Lover of God”

Esther Sapphira – “Sapphire”

Esther Ignatius – “Fiery one”

Esther Eudora – “Generous gift”

Esther Alaric – “Ruler of all”

Esther Cyrene – “Sovereign queen”

Esther Isidore – “Gift of Isis”

Middle Names for Esther

Check Also:

Religious Middle Names That Harmonize with Esther

Grace – “Divine favor”

Hope – “Confident expectation”

Faith – “Complete trust”

Joseph – “God will increase”

David – “Beloved”

Ruth – “Companion”

Samuel – “God has heard”

Abigail – “Father’s joy”

Benjamin – “Son of the right hand”

Elizabeth – “God is my oath”

Jonathan – “God has given”

Mary – “Bitter”

Michael – “Who is like God”

Rebecca – “To bind”

Stephen – “Crown”

Timothy – “Honoring God”

Deborah – “Bee”

Joshua – “God is salvation”

Samson – “Sun”

Naomi – “Pleasantness”

Isaac – “Laughter”

Hannah – “Grace”

Daniel – “God is my judge”

Sarah – “Princess”

Matthew – “Gift of God”

Siblings Names That Go with Esther

Here is a collection of sibling names that harmoniously complement Esther:

Olivia – “olive tree”

Benjamin – “son of the right hand”

Sophia – “wisdom”

Samuel – “heard by God”

Ava – “life”

Elijah – “my God is Yahweh”

Mia – “mine”

Isaac – “laughter”

Charlotte – “free man”

Caleb – “whole-hearted”

Amelia – “work”

Jacob – “supplanter”

Grace – “favor”

Noah – “rest, comfort”

Emily – “rival”

Last Names That Go with Esther

These last names go well with Esther:
















Middle Names for Esther

Tips for Selecting the Middle Name for Esther

When selecting a middle name for Esther, it’s important to consider the following:

DO choose a middle name that complements the first name, Esther. Look for names that have a similar style or sound good when said together.

DO consider family names as middle names for Esther. This can be a meaningful way to honor a loved one or carry on a family tradition.

DO think about the meaning behind the middle name. Choose a name that holds significance or has a special meaning to you or your family.

DO consider the flow and rhythm of the full name. Say the first and middle name together to ensure they sound harmonious and don’t create any awkward or unintended associations.

DO keep in mind the length of the middle name. A shorter middle name can balance out a longer first name, while a longer middle name can add elegance and sophistication to a shorter first name like Esther.

DO consider cultural or ethnic names that resonate with your heritage or personal background. This can add depth and uniqueness to Esther’s full name.

DO consult with your partner or family members to get their input and suggestions. They may have ideas or insights that you haven’t considered.

DO trust your instincts and choose a middle name that you genuinely love. Ultimately, it’s your decision and should reflect your personal taste and preferences.

Tips for Middles Names

Famous People with Middle Name Esther

Esther Williams: Esther Jane Williams was an American competitive swimmer and actress. She achieved international fame for her roles in various aquatic-themed films, becoming one of Hollywood’s biggest stars during the 1940s and 1950s.

Esther Rolle: Esther Elizabeth Rolle was an American actress. She is best known for her role as Florida Evans on the CBS television sitcom Maude for two seasons (1972–1974) and its spin-off series Good Times for five seasons (1974–1979).

Esther Hicks: Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and author.

She has co-authored nine books with her late husband Jerry Hicks, presented numerous workshops on the law of attraction with Abraham Hicks Publications, and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film The Secret.

Questions to think about that might help you decide middle name for Esther

What are some family names that could be used as a middle name for Esther?

Do you want the middle name to have a specific meaning or significance?

Are there any cultural or traditional names that you would like to consider for Esther’s middle name?

Do you prefer a shorter or longer middle name for Esther?

Would you like the middle name to complement or contrast with Esther’s first name?

Are there any names that have a special connection to you or your partner that you would like to use as Esther’s middle name?

Do you want the middle name to have a similar style or origin as Esther’s first name?

Are there any names that you have always loved and would like to incorporate as Esther’s middle name?

Do you want the middle name to flow well with Esther’s last name?

Are there any names that have personal significance or sentimental value to you that you would like to consider for Esther’s middle name?

Best Sources to Get Middle Name Inspirations From

When searching for the perfect middle name to complement the name Esther, there are several sources you can turn to for inspiration:

1. Family Names: Consider using a family name as a middle name for Esther. This can be a meaningful way to honor a loved one or carry on a family tradition.

2. Biblical Names: Since Esther is a biblical name, you can explore other biblical names for inspiration. Look for names that have a special significance or meaning to you.

3. Nature-Inspired Names: Draw inspiration from nature by considering middle names that evoke a sense of beauty or tranquility. Examples include Lily, Rose, Willow, or Aurora.

4. Literary Names: If you are a book lover, consider looking to literature for middle name ideas. Characters from your favorite novels or authors can provide unique and meaningful options.

5. Historical Figures: Explore the names of historical figures who inspire you. Whether it’s a scientist, artist, or activist, their names can add depth and significance to Esther’s middle name.

6. Cultural Names: Delve into your own cultural heritage or explore names from different cultures that resonate with you. This can be a wonderful way to celebrate diversity and embrace different traditions.

7. Virtue Names: Consider middle names that embody positive qualities or virtues. Examples include Grace, Hope, Joy, or Faith.

8. Place Names: If you have a special connection to a particular place, consider using its name as Esther’s middle name. This can be a city, country, or even a meaningful location that holds significance to you.

Remember, the most important thing is to choose a middle name that holds personal meaning and resonates with you and your family. Take your time, explore different sources, and trust your instincts to find the perfect middle name for Esther.


What are the girl names that go with Esther?

Some girl names that go well with Esther are Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, and Rebecca.

What are perfect nicknames for Esther?

Some perfect nicknames for Esther include Essie, Etta, Essa, and Estie.

What are some variations of the name Esther?

Some variations of the name Esther include Ester, Estera, Hester, and Ettie.

What are some names similar to Esther?

Some names similar to Esther are Stella, Eleanor, Clara, and Violet.

Give some first names that go well with Esther.

Some first names that go well with Esther are Grace, Elizabeth, Olivia, and Sophia.

Give some names that rhyme with Esther.

Some names that rhyme with Esther are Chester, Lester, Sylvester, and Hester.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.