California vs. Vermont LLC: Choosing the Best State

Welcome to our LLC guidance category, where we serve as your comprehensive resource for all things related to Limited Liability Companies.

Whether you’re exploring the idea of starting an LLC or looking for ways to optimize your existing business structure, our blog series is packed with valuable insights.

We’ll cover the fundamentals of LLC formation, the advantages of limited liability protection, tax considerations, and how to maintain compliance with ease.

Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for your business’s future.

Let’s dive into the world of LLCs and unlock the opportunities that lie ahead.

California vs. Vermont LLC


Filing fee: $70

State income tax: 1% to 12.3%.

Franchise tax:  $800

Foreign qualification fee: $200


Annual filing fee: $125

State income tax: 3.35% to 8.75%

Franchise tax: No

Foreign qualification fee: $100

California LLCVermont LLC
California LLC has lower initial formation fees, generally ranging from $70 to $90, with an additional $20 fee for filing the Statement of Information.Vermont LLC typically has formation fees ranging from $125 to $150, making it slightly more expensive to start an LLC compared to California.
California imposes an annual franchise tax of $800 on LLCs, regardless of the company’s profitability, representing a significant ongoing cost for businesses.Vermont does not impose an annual franchise tax on LLCs, providing potential cost savings for businesses operating in the state.
California has a progressive state income tax system, with rates ranging from 1% to 12.3% based on income levels, affecting the overall tax liability for LLC owners.Vermont also has a state income tax with rates ranging from 3.35% to 8.75% based on income levels, making it generally less burdensome than California for some LLC owners.
California has a state-wide sales tax rate of 7.25%, and local jurisdictions may impose additional taxes, leading to combined rates that can go up to 10.25%. This can impact the cost of goods and services for businesses and consumers.Vermont has a state-wide sales tax rate of 6%, and some local jurisdictions may impose additional taxes. The combined sales tax rate can vary, potentially providing cost savings for businesses and consumers compared to California.
California’s property tax rates are governed by Proposition 13, capping the tax rate at 1% of the property’s assessed value, plus local taxes.Vermont’s property tax rates vary by municipality and are based on the property’s assessed value. Vermont generally has lower property tax rates compared to California.
California imposes a corporate income tax rate of 8.84% on corporations doing business in the state, based on the corporation’s net income.Vermont imposes a flat corporate income tax rate of 8.5% on corporations doing business in the state, providing a simpler tax structure compared to California.

Cost Breakdown of The Two

You may use our free LLC cost calculator by state to find out filing fees, tax percentages, income taxes, and more.

California LLC:

Formation Fees: California requires filing fees of approximately $70 to $80 for submitting Articles of Organization.

Annual Fees: The state imposes a minimum $800 franchise tax on all LLCs, irrespective of income or size, and additional taxes may apply based on revenue and activities.

Compliance Costs: The complex regulatory environment in California may result in higher legal and accounting expenses for businesses.

Operating Expenses: California generally has a higher cost of living, impacting office space, salaries, and general operational costs.

Additional Taxes: Depending on the business, there may be other state and local taxes applicable in California.

Vermont LLC:

Formation Fees: The initial formation fees for a Vermont LLC are generally lower compared to California, typically ranging from $125 to $150.

Annual Report Fee: Vermont requires LLCs to file an annual report with the Vermont Secretary of State, which costs $35.

The report ensures that the LLC’s information is up-to-date with the state.

State Income Tax: Vermont has a progressive state income tax system, with rates ranging from 3.35% to 8.75% based on income levels.

Like California, this tax is applied to the LLC’s profits and reported on the owners’ individual tax returns.

Sales Tax: Vermont has a state-wide sales tax rate of 6%, and some local jurisdictions may impose additional taxes.

This combined sales tax rate can vary, impacting the cost of goods and services for businesses and consumers.

Property Tax: Vermont’s property tax rates vary by municipality and are based on the property’s assessed value.

The tax rates can differ depending on the locality where the LLC’s property is located.

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Similarities Between California and Vermont LLC

Limited Liability Protection: Both California and Vermont LLCs offer limited liability protection to their owners.

This means that the personal assets of the owners are generally protected from the debts and liabilities of the LLC.

Pass-Through Taxation: Both states follow a pass-through taxation system for LLCs.

This means that the LLC itself does not pay federal income taxes; instead, the profits and losses “pass-through” to the individual owners, who report them on their personal tax returns.

This taxation structure is generally advantageous as it avoids double taxation at both the entity and individual levels.

Flexible Management Structure: Both California and Vermont allow LLCs to choose between member-managed and manager-managed structures.

In a member-managed LLC, all owners (members) are involved in the day-to-day operations.

In a manager-managed LLC, the members can appoint one or more managers to handle the business affairs.

This flexibility provides LLC owners with the option to determine the most suitable management style for their business.

Limited Compliance Requirements: Compared to other business entities like corporations, LLCs in both states generally have fewer compliance requirements and formalities.

This can make LLCs an attractive choice for small and medium-sized businesses seeking a simpler administrative structure.

Annual Report Filing: Both California and Vermont require LLCs to file an annual report with the respective Secretary of State to ensure that the LLC’s information is up-to-date with the state.

The annual report filings help maintain accurate records and keep the LLC in good standing.

Legal Separation of Entity: In both California and Vermont, forming an LLC creates a separate legal entity distinct from its owners.

This separation allows the LLC to enter into contracts, acquire assets, and conduct business activities independently, providing a level of legal protection to the owners.

Business Flexibility: LLCs in both states offer business owners flexibility in decision-making and operational choices.

This flexibility allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and tailor their operations according to their specific needs and goals.

Additional Resources:

Steps to Form LLC in California

Choose a Name: Select a unique and distinguishable name for your LLC. Ensure the name complies with California’s naming requirements and is not already in use by another business.

Registered Agent: Appoint a registered agent with a physical address in California who will receive legal and official documents on behalf of your LLC.

Articles of Organization: Prepare and file the Articles of Organization with the California Secretary of State.

This document officially establishes your LLC and includes essential details such as the LLC’s name, registered agent information, member details, and the LLC’s purpose.

Operating Agreement: Although not required by California law, it is highly recommended to create an Operating Agreement.

This document outlines the internal workings of your LLC, including ownership percentages, management structure, profit distribution, and other important rules and regulations.

Obtain an EIN: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.

This unique nine-digit number is used for tax purposes and is necessary if you plan to hire employees or open a business bank account.

Business Licenses and Permits: Check with local and state authorities to determine if your LLC requires any specific business licenses or permits to operate legally in California.

Comply with Tax Requirements: Familiarize yourself with California’s tax obligations, including income tax, sales tax, and other applicable state taxes.

Register with the California Franchise Tax Board and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for tax purposes.

Publication Requirements (if applicable): California used to require new LLCs to publish a notice of formation in a local newspaper in the county of the LLC’s principal office.

However, please verify if this requirement is still in effect, as laws and regulations can change.

Bank Account and Finances: Open a business bank account to keep your personal and business finances separate. This will help maintain the limited liability protection offered by the LLC structure.

Maintain Compliance: Ensure your LLC remains in compliance with California’s ongoing requirements, such as filing annual reports and other necessary documents, to keep the LLC in good standing.

Steps to Form LLC in Vermont

Choose a Name: Select a unique name for your LLC that complies with Vermont’s naming requirements. The name must include “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.”

It should not be the same or too similar to any existing business entity’s name in the state.

Appoint a Registered Agent: Designate a registered agent with a physical address in Vermont who will receive legal and official documents on behalf of your LLC.

The registered agent must be available during regular business hours.

File Articles of Organization: Prepare and file the Articles of Organization with the Vermont Secretary of State.

This document officially creates your LLC and includes essential information such as the LLC’s name, address, registered agent’s details, and the purpose of the LLC.

Operating Agreement (Optional but Recommended): Although not required by law, it is highly recommended to create an operating agreement for your LLC.

This internal document outlines the ownership structure, management responsibilities, profit distribution, and other important provisions.

Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN): Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.

This unique nine-digit number is used for tax purposes and is necessary if your LLC plans to hire employees or open a business bank account.

Comply with State and Local Regulations: Depending on your type of business, you may need to obtain specific licenses or permits from state and local authorities.

Research the requirements for your industry and comply with all relevant regulations.

File Annual Report: Vermont requires LLCs to file an annual report with the Vermont Secretary of State.

The report confirms the LLC’s contact information and is typically due on the first day of the anniversary month of the LLC’s formation.

Pay State Taxes: LLCs in Vermont are subject to state income tax, which is based on the LLC’s profits and reported on the owners’ individual tax returns.

Additionally, your LLC may be subject to other state taxes, depending on the nature of your business activities.

Maintain Compliance: Ensure that your LLC complies with all ongoing legal requirements, such as maintaining accurate records, filing taxes, and adhering to any additional regulations specific to your industry.

Feature Comparisons Between California LLC vs. Vermont LLC

Formation Fees: The initial formation fees for a Vermont LLC are generally lower compared to California.

Vermont’s fees typically range from $125 to $150, while California’s fees range from $70 to $90, with an additional $20 fee for filing the Statement of Information.

Annual Franchise Tax: California imposes an annual franchise tax of $800 on LLCs, regardless of profitability, while Vermont does not have an equivalent annual franchise tax.

State Income Tax: California has a progressive state income tax system, with rates ranging from 1% to 12.3%, affecting the overall tax liability for LLC owners.

Vermont also has a state income tax with rates ranging from 3.35% to 8.75% based on income levels.

Sales Tax: California has a state-wide sales tax rate of 7.25%, with potential additional local taxes, whereas Vermont has a state-wide sales tax rate of 6%, with possible local taxes.

Property Tax: Both California and Vermont have property tax systems, but Vermont generally has lower property tax rates compared to California.

Business Environment: California offers a dynamic and diverse business environment, particularly in technology, entertainment, and agriculture sectors, attracting startups and established companies alike.

Vermont provides a supportive and business-friendly environment, particularly for smaller enterprises, with a focus on industries such as agriculture, tourism, and renewable energy.

Business Environment

Economic Stability: A stable economy with steady growth and low inflation creates a favorable business environment, encouraging investment and expansion.

Regulatory Framework: A clear and predictable regulatory environment supports business operations and fosters investor confidence.

Infrastructure: Well-developed infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and utilities, facilitates efficient business operations.

Skilled Workforce: Access to a skilled and educated workforce enhances productivity and innovation within businesses.

Market Opportunities: An environment with diverse market opportunities enables businesses to tap into various consumer segments and industries.

Taxation: Favorable tax policies and incentives can attract businesses and promote economic growth.

Supportive Government: Pro-business policies and initiatives from the government can create an enabling environment for entrepreneurial ventures.

Legal System: A transparent and reliable legal system ensures contract enforcement and protects intellectual property rights.

Access to Financing: Availability of capital and financial resources enables businesses to fund growth and expansion.

Innovation Ecosystem: A thriving innovation ecosystem with research institutions and startups fosters technological advancements and competitiveness.

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California vs. Vermont Taxes


Income Tax: California has a progressive income tax system, with nine tax rates ranging from 1% to 12.3%.

Sales Tax: The statewide base sales tax rate in California is 7.25%. Local jurisdictions may add additional sales taxes, leading to varying total rates.

Property Tax: California property taxes are governed by Proposition 13, with a maximum rate of 1% of the property’s assessed value, plus local assessments and voter-approved bonds.

Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Tax: California imposes an $800 annual franchise tax on LLCs and corporations.


State Income Tax: Vermont has a progressive state income tax system with rates ranging from 3.35% to 8.75% based on income levels.

The state’s income tax structure is generally less burdensome compared to California.

Sales Tax: Vermont has a state-wide sales tax rate of 6%, and local jurisdictions may impose additional taxes.

The combined sales tax rate can vary, potentially providing cost savings for businesses and consumers compared to California.

Property Tax: Vermont’s property tax rates vary by municipality and are based on the property’s assessed value.

The state’s property tax system can be advantageous for businesses as property tax rates are generally lower compared to some other states.

Corporate Income Tax: Vermont imposes a flat corporate income tax rate of 8.5% on corporations doing business in the state.

This tax rate is applied to the corporation’s net income.

Business Personal Property Tax: Vermont assesses a business personal property tax on tangible property used in a business. The tax rate varies by municipality.

Flexibility in Rules and Regulations

Adaptability to Innovation: Flexible regulations allow businesses and industries to embrace innovation and adopt new technologies, products, and services more easily.

This encourages creativity and progress within the economy.

Tailored Solutions: Different industries and businesses have unique requirements.

Flexibility allows authorities to tailor regulations to specific sectors, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach and ensuring more appropriate and effective solutions.

Reduced Burden on Businesses: Flexibility in rules can reduce bureaucratic red tape and administrative burdens on businesses, especially for startups and small enterprises.

This, in turn, encourages entrepreneurship and business growth.

Promotion of Investment: A regulatory environment that allows for adaptability and responsiveness can attract more investment from both domestic and foreign sources.

Investors appreciate a dynamic regulatory system that fosters a stable and favorable business climate.

Supporting Economic Growth: Flexibility in rules and regulations enables businesses to respond quickly to changing market conditions and economic challenges.

This agility supports economic growth and resilience during uncertain times.

Enhancing Competitiveness: In a globalized world, businesses need to be competitive on an international scale.

A flexible regulatory framework can help businesses remain agile and seize opportunities in the global market.

Key Differences Between California and Vermont

Differences between California and Vermont LLC
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