Boy Names That Start with “SYL”

Boy names that start with “SYL” offer a unique and intriguing selection for your little one.

While not as common as some other starting letters, SYL presents a range of options that are both distinctive and meaningful.

From timeless choices like Sylvester, meaning “wooded” or “wild,” to more modern selections like Sylvain, there’s a name to suit every taste and style.

In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best boy names that start with “SYL” and uncover their origins and significance.

Whether you’re searching for a name with historical roots or something fresh and unconventional, you’re sure to find inspiration among these SYL names.

So, join us as we journey through the captivating world of boy names that start with “SYL,” and discover the perfect moniker for your little one.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “SYL”

Sylvain – “Forest” (French)

Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylvestre – “Wild” (French)

Sylvio – “Of the forest” (Latin)

Sylvin – “From the forest” (French)

Sylvano – “Of the woods” (Italian)

Sylwen – “White forest” (Welsh)

Sylbor – “Wild boar” (English)

Sylvanus – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Syle – “Wild” (English)

Sylbert – “Bright forest” (English)

Sylwin – “Friend of the woods” (English)

Sylvain – “Of the forest” (French)

Sylrick – “Ruler of the woods” (German)

Sylar – “Wooded, shady” (English)

Sylaric – “Ruler of the woods” (English)

Sylbart – “Bright woods” (English)

Sylburn – “Stream in the woods” (English)

Sylrock – “Ruler of the forest” (English)

Sylbert – “Bright forest” (English)

Sylwest – “Wild” (Polish)

Sylpher – “Wild” (English)

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Modern Boy Names That Start with “SYL”

Sylar – “Powerful” (English)

Syland – “Land of victory” (English)

Sylven – “Bright forest” (English)

Sylvano – “Of the woods” (Italian)

Sylvon – “Forest man” (English)

Sylvin – “Forest friend” (English)

Sylston – “Stone of the forest” (English)

Sylvian – “From the woods” (English)

Sylmir – “Miracle of the woods” (English)

Sylvenn – “Forest wanderer” (English)

Sylwood – “Woodland protector” (English)

Sylvian – “Of the forest” (English)

Sylvenn – “Woodland seeker” (English)

Sylaric – “Ruler of the forest” (English)

Sylbert – “Bright woods” (English)

Sylburn – “Burnt forest” (English)

Sylwin – “Winning in the woods” (English)

Sylvian – “Woodland dweller” (English)

Sylvian – “Forest spirit” (English)

Sylphus – “Guardian of the forest” (English)

Sylvus – “Protector of the woods” (English)

Sylman – “Man of the forest” (English)

Sylvanor – “Noble of the woods” (English)

Sylaric – “Ruler of the woods” (English)

Sylber – “Forest bearer” (English)

Sylfear – “Fearless in the forest” (English)

Sylvano – “Woodland guide” (English)

Sylvest – “Harvester of the woods” (English)

Sylfern – “Fern in the forest” (English)

Sylhorn – “Horn of the woods” (English)

Unique “SYL” Names for Boys

Syloric – “Mystical protector” (English)

Sylrune – “Rune of the forest” (English)

Sylvare – “Guardian of the green” (English)

Sylvont – “Eternal forest” (English)

Sylstice – “Frozen forest” (English)

Sylmor – “Forest of dreams” (English)

Sylcreek – “Flowing woods” (English)

Sylarion – “Son of the forest” (English)

Sylstorm – “Tempest in the woods” (English)

Sylvus – “Whisperer of the woods” (English)

Syloriax – “Guardian of the ancient woods” (English)

Sylvarix – “Protector of the sacred forest” (English)

Sylarix – “Ruler of the enchanted woods” (English)

Sylentor – “Silent protector of the woods” (English)

Sylshade – “Shadow of the forest” (English)

Sylcinder – “Flame of the woods” (English)

Sylraven – “Raven of the forest” (English)

Sylark – “Songbird of the woods” (English)

Sylvaleaf – “Leaf of the forest” (English)

Sylphire – “Fire of the woods” (English)

Sylvior – “Guardian of the greenery” (English)

Sylveron – “Eternal guardian of the woods” (English)

Sylmarrow – “Heart of the forest” (English)

Sylbreeze – “Breeze of the woods” (English)

Sylendell – “Endless forest” (English)

Sylorien – “Enchanter of the woods” (English)

Sylstone – “Stone of the forest” (English)

Sylaro – “Watcher of the woods” (English)

Sylarium – “Sanctuary of the forest” (English)

Sylshade – “Shade of the forest” (English)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “SYL”

Sylvester – “Wild” (Latin)

Sylvain – “From the forest” (French)

Sylvio – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylvan – “Wooded, of the forest” (Latin)

Sylvanus – “Of the forest” (Latin)

Sylviano – “Of the woods” (Italian)

Sylviano – “From the forest” (Spanish)

Sylvius – “Forest dweller” (Latin)

Sylvano – “Wooded” (Italian)

Sylvio – “Forest man” (Italian)

Sylverio – “Of the woods” (Portuguese)

Sylviano – “Woodsman” (Spanish)

Sylester – Variation of Sylvester, meaning “Wild” (English)

Sylwin – “Friend of the woods” (English)

Sylford – “From the wooded ford” (English)

Sylven – “Forest dweller” (French)

Sylvin – “Companion of the woods” (French)

Sylrick – “Ruler of the woods” (German)

Sylrich – “Powerful ruler of the woods” (German)

Sylwald – “Powerful ruler of the forest” (German)

Sylhelm – “Protector of the woods” (German)

Sylbrand – “Sword of the woods” (Dutch)

Sylmond – “Protector of the forest” (English)

Sylar – “Of the woods” (English)

Syltun – “From the wooded enclosure” (English)

Sylston – “From the wooded settlement” (English)

Sylman – “Man of the woods” (English)

Sylgar – “Spear of the woods” (English)

Sylford – “Guardian of the woods” (English)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “SYL”

Sylvestre – “Wild, forest dweller” (French)

Sylian – “From the woods” (French)

Sylviu – “Woodland man” (Romanian)

Sylvain – “From the forest” (French)

Sylvano – “From the woods” (Italian)

Sylwester – “Wild, forest dweller” (Polish)

Sylvi – “Of the woods” (Scandinavian)

Sylvian – “Of the forest” (French)

Sylwan – “Man of the woods” (Polish)

Sylviano – “Of the woods” (Spanish)

Sylwanus – “Forest dweller” (Polish)

Sylviano – “Woodsman” (Spanish)

Sylwin – “Friend of the woods” (English)

Sylven – “Forest dweller” (French)

Sylvino – “Of the woods” (Portuguese)

Sylveer – “From the woods” (Dutch)

Sylvester – “Wild” (Latin)

Sylvo – “Of the woods” (Portuguese)

Sylvis – “Forest dweller” (French)

Sylvar – “Protector of the woods” (Czech)

Sylvio – “Forest man” (Italian)

Sylwester – “Forest dweller” (Polish)

Sylwanus – “From the woods” (Polish)

Sylviano – “Wooded” (Italian)

Sylverio – “Of the woods” (Portuguese)

Sylvin – “Companion of the woods” (French)

Sylviano – “From the forest” (Spanish)

Sylrich – “Powerful ruler of the woods” (German)

Sylar – “Of the woods” (English)

Sylhelm – “Protector of the woods” (German)

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “SYL”

Sylvan – “From the forest” (Latin)

Sylver – “Of the forest” (English)

Sylvie – “From the forest” (French)

Sylph – “Air spirit” (Greek)

Sylas – Variation of Silas, meaning “wood, forest” (Latin)

Sylvaine – “From the forest” (French)

Sylvester – “Wild, wooded” (Latin)

Sylka – “Strength” (Slavic)

Sylvian – “Woodland” (French)

Sylena – “Moon” (Greek)

Sylvi – “Forest” (Norse)

Sylva – “Forest” (Latin)

Sylvain – “Of the woods” (French)

Sylo – “From the forest” (Latin)

Sylvaine – “Of the forest” (French)

Sylverin – “Forest” (Latin)

Sylvianna – “From the forest” (English)

Sylwen – “White forest” (Welsh)

Sylvin – “Of the forest” (French)

Sylphie – “Air spirit” (Greek)

Sylvano – “Of the forest” (Italian)

Sylman – “Man of the forest” (English)

Sylvaire – “Forest” (French)

Syleste – “Of the forest” (English)

Sylvanor – “Forest” (English)

Sylena – “Moon” (Greek)

Sylaire – “Of the forest” (French)

Sylvana – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylwester – “Wild, wooded” (Polish)

Sylvian – “Forest” (English)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “SYL”

Sylas – “Variant of Silas, a companion of St. Paul” (Greek)

Sylvestre – “Wood, forest” (Latin)

Sylvanus – “Wood, forest” (Latin)

Sylvain – “Of the woods” (French)

Sylvester – “Wild, wooded” (Latin)

Syler – “Man of the forest” (English)

Sylester – “Wild, wooded” (English)

Sylo – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylwester – “Forest” (Polish)

Sylvaire – “Forest” (French)

Sylvanor – “Forest” (English)

Sylvianna – “From the forest” (English)

Sylvain – “Of the woods” (French)

Sylvano – “Of the forest” (Italian)

Sylwan – “From the woods” (Polish)

Sylvian – “Forest” (English)

Sylvio – “From the forest” (Italian)

Sylas – “Of the forest” (Latin)

Sylvester – “Wood, forest” (Latin)

Sylvain – “Of the woods” (French)

Sylvanus – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylus – “From the forest” (Greek)

Sylas – “Companion of St. Paul” (Greek)

Sylvester – “Wild, wooded” (Latin)

Sylvar – “From the forest” (Latin)

Sylvain – “Of the woods” (French)

Sylvanus – “Of the woods” (Latin)

Sylvester – “Wild, wooded” (Latin)

Sylwin – “From the forest” (English)

Sylvaire – “Forest” (French)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “SYL”

Sylvain Sylvain

Guitarist and songwriter, a founding member of the influential rock band New York Dolls.

Sylvester McCoy

Scottish actor, notably portrayed the Seventh Doctor in the long-running British TV series “Doctor Who.”

Syl Johnson

American blues and soul singer, songwriter, and musician, known for hits like “Take Me to the River.”

Sylvain White

Film director and screenwriter, known for directing movies like “Stomp the Yard” and “The Losers.”

Syl Apps

Canadian ice hockey player and politician, inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, served as a Member of Provincial Parliament in Ontario.

Syl Cheney-Coker

Sierra Leonean poet, novelist, and essayist, known for his works exploring themes of African identity and politics.

Sylvain Grenier

Canadian professional wrestler, known for his time in WWE as a member of the faction La Résistance.

Syl Johnson

American sprinter, won Olympic gold medals in the 4×100 meters relay at the 1960 and 1964 Olympics.

Sylvester Gardiner

Colonial American physician, entrepreneur, and landowner, known for founding the town of Gardiner, Maine, and for his controversial role in land speculation.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.