220 Cute Boy Names That Start with “SEX”

Choosing a name for your baby boy can be a challenging task, as it often sets the tone for their entire life.

If you’re looking for a unique and bold name that starts with the rare letter combination “SEX”, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we will explore a list of boy names that begin with “SEX” and delve into their origins and meanings.

From traditional classics to modern and trendy options, there is a wide range of choices to suit every taste and preference.

Whether you’re drawn to names that exude strength, masculinity, or individuality, you’re sure to find something that resonates with you on this comprehensive list.

Let’s dive into the world of boy names that start with “SEX” and discover the perfect moniker for your little one.

Popular Boy Names That Start with “SEX”

Sexton – “church official” (English)

Sextus – “sixth son” (Latin)

Sexby – “from the Saxon’s settlement” (English)

Sexburga – “victory” (English)

Sexwulf – “wolf of victory” (English)

Sexred – “advice of victory” (English)

Sexhelm – “helmet of victory” (English)

Sexi – “sixth” (Spanish)

Sexbaldo – “bold protector” (Spanish)

Sexmundo – “protector of victory” (Spanish)

Sexanio – “gift of the sixth” (Spanish)

Sexnardo – “bold and strong” (Spanish)

Sexavier – “new house” (Spanish)

Sexander – “defender of men” (Greek)

Sexophon – “voice of victory” (Greek)

Sexandros – “man’s defender” (Greek)

Sexippos – “horse of victory” (Greek)

Sexipater – “father of victory” (Greek)

Sexion – “one who heals” (Greek)

Sexandros – “defender of men” (Greek)

Sexos – “skilled in the art of war” (Greek)

Sexeidon – “god of the sea” (Greek)

Sexisthenes – “strength of victory” (Greek)

Sexistratos – “army of victory” (Greek)

Sexophanes – “bringer of light” (Greek)

Sexigoras – “defender of the people” (Greek)

Sexio – “to help” (Greek)

Sexylus – “light, brightness” (Greek)

Sexon – “victorious one” (Greek)

Sexystus – “sixth son” (Latin)

Boy Names That Start with "SEX"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “SEX”

Sextonio – “devoted to the sixth” (Spanish)

Sexberto – “bright and glorious” (Spanish)

Sexdrian – “man from the Adriatic Sea” (English)

Seximus – “greatest; superlative” (Latin)

Sexaniel – “God has heard” (Spanish)

Sexcilio – “heavenly; of the sky” (Spanish)

Sexionel – “gift of the sun” (Spanish)

Sexerick – “ruler of the home” (English)

Sexardo – “bold and strong ruler” (Spanish)

Sexevander – “new man; fresh” (Greek)

Sexcalibur – “legendary sword” (English)

Sexaviero – “bright new house” (Spanish)

Sexdor – “gift of the gods” (Greek)

Sexalvador – “savior; rescuer” (Spanish)

Sexcar – “beloved friend” (English)

Sexnando – “daring journey” (Spanish)

Sexcander – “protector of men” (Greek)

Sexias – “gift of God” (Spanish)

Sexirion – “warrior of peace” (English)

Sexalberto – “bright nobility” (Spanish)

Sexidoro – “gift of the gods” (Spanish)

Sexelio – “heavenly” (Spanish)

Sexadius – “from the sixth” (Latin)

Sexarius – “bold and courageous” (Latin)

Sexpero – “forever fruitful” (Spanish)

Sexian – “God is gracious” (English)

Sexcander – “brave protector” (Greek)

Sexiago – “Saint James” (Spanish)

Sexaris – “gift of love” (Spanish)

Sexen – “born sixth” (Spanish)

Unique “SEX” Names for Boys

Sexanio – “graceful sixth son” (Spanish)

Sexthor – “thunder of victory” (English)

Sexius – “fortunate; lucky” (Latin)

Sexidion – “divine judgment” (Greek)

Sexander – “defender of mankind” (Greek)

Sexiello – “bright and shining” (Spanish)

Sextravio – “traveler; wanderer” (Spanish)

Sexorus – “hero of the sixth” (Greek)

Sexdrian – “from Hadria; dark one” (English)

Sexalvo – “wise protector” (Spanish)

Sexphor – “bringer of light” (Greek)

Sexevan – “young warrior” (English)

Sexilo – “smooth-talking” (Spanish)

Seximar – “sea lover” (Greek)

Sexrico – “powerful ruler” (Spanish)

Sexadius – “from the sixth century” (Latin)

Sexelias – “gift of God’s salvation” (Spanish)

Sexor – “great conqueror” (Greek)

Sexilo – “noble defender” (Spanish)

Sexinio – “innocent and pure” (Spanish)

Sexorico – “rich in victory” (Spanish)

Sexander – “brave protector” (Greek)

Sexyrion – “king of peace” (English)

Sexandro – “strong man” (Greek)

Sextus – “the sixth” (Latin)

Sexaris – “beloved gift” (Spanish)

Sexilo – “resolute protector” (Spanish)

Sexathor – “divine thunder” (English)

Sexiphras – “wise counselor” (Greek)

Sexias – “God’s gift of salvation” (Spanish)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “SEX”

Sexford – “from the sword ford” (English)

Sexilo – “strong and brave” (Spanish)

Sexonius – “divine victory” (Latin)

Sextonio – “eternal defender” (Spanish)

Sexander – “protector of mankind” (Greek)

Sexidore – “gift of the gods” (Spanish)

Sexarius – “brave and courageous” (Latin)

Seximo – “the greatest” (Spanish)

Sexander – “defender of humanity” (Greek)

Seximus – “superlative; highest” (Latin)

Sexcalus – “bringer of light” (Greek)

Sexanuel – “God has heard” (Spanish)

Sextravio – “adventurous traveler” (Spanish)

Sexalion – “lion of victory” (English)

Sexador – “adorable gift” (Spanish)

Sexocrates – “wise power” (Greek)

Sexibald – “bold and courageous” (English)

Sexanor – “light of peace” (Greek)

Sexero – “everlasting ruler” (Spanish)

Sexalio – “noble protector” (Spanish)

Sexiphras – “wise advisor” (Greek)

Sexandros – “manly defender” (Greek)

Sexico – “conqueror of hearts” (Spanish)

Sexart – “artistic genius” (English)

Sexelon – “defender of the people” (Greek)

Seximer – “eternal ruler” (Spanish)

Sexilo – “loyal guardian” (Spanish)

Sexene – “sixth-born” (Spanish)

Sexippus – “horse of victory” (Greek)

Sexarist – “the best of the best” (Greek)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “SEX”

Sexuan – “gracious gift” (Chinese)

Sexaro – “bringer of joy” (Italian)

Sexemir – “emir of victory” (Arabic)

Seximiro – “famous ruler” (Portuguese)

Sexeko – “blessed child” (Basque)

Sexovar – “noble warrior” (Persian)

Sexehiro – “prosperous son” (Japanese)

Sexelmo – “protector of peace” (German)

Sexito – “little sixth” (Spanish)

Sexorin – “light of dawn” (Irish)

Sexerik – “eternal ruler” (Norwegian)

Sexano – “gift of the sky” (Filipino)

Seximán – “strong leader” (Mapuche)

Sexilo – “free spirit” (Swahili)

Sexhak – “wise ruler” (Albanian)

Sexovski – “from the woods” (Polish)

Sexavio – “beloved voice” (Italian)

Sexzad – “born of joy” (Persian)

Sexar – “guardian of the night” (Armenian)

Sexesh – “forever cherished” (Kurdish)

Sexaj – “peaceful soul” (Bengali)

Sexundra – “protector of the people” (Sanskrit)

Sexaiah – “God is salvation” (Hebrew)

Sexit – “brave heart” (Thai)

Sexembryo – “embryo of hope” (Swahili)

Sexash – “bright star” (Tamil)

Sexelius – “son of the sun” (Swedish)

Sexion – “one who heals” (Finnish)

Sexozi – “prosperous and wealthy” (Yoruba)

Sexuvan – “graceful and noble” (Tamil)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “SEX”

Sexley – “meadow of victory” (English)

Sexum – “unique and special” (English)

Sexriel – “gift of God’s love” (Spanish)

Sexos – “harmony and balance” (Greek)

Sexlen – “bright and shining” (English)

Sexaris – “beloved and cherished” (Spanish)

Sexro – “brave and courageous” (English)

Sexon – “peaceful soul” (Spanish)

Sexel – “sunshine and warmth” (English)

Sexaris – “precious gift” (Greek)

Sexis – “wise and insightful” (Greek)

Sexmo – “graceful and elegant” (Spanish)

Sexio – “joyful and playful” (Spanish)

Sexan – “adventurous and daring” (Greek)

Sexil – “free spirit” (Spanish)

Sexas – “gentle and kind” (Greek)

Sexo – “pure and innocent” (Spanish)

Sexor – “strong and resilient” (English)

Sexio – “bright star” (Spanish)

Sexia – “peaceful and serene” (Greek)

Sexus – “creative and imaginative” (Latin)

Sexaro – “admirable and noble” (Spanish)

Sexion – “compassionate healer” (Greek)

Sexen – “blessed with grace” (Spanish)

Sexar – “protector and guardian” (Greek)

Sexis – “intelligent and wise” (Spanish)

Sexen – “gifted and talented” (Greek)

Sexiro – “dreamer and visionary” (Spanish)

Sexa – “strong and resilient” (Greek)

Sexer – “bringer of joy” (English)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “SEX”

Sexaltiel – “prayer of God” (Hebrew)

Sexavior – “savior; rescuer” (Spanish)

Sexanctus – “holy and sacred” (Latin)

Sexaias – “God is salvation” (Greek)

Sexuriel – “my rock is God” (Hebrew)

Sexaniel – “God has heard” (Spanish)

Sexuth – “God is my strength” (Hebrew)

Sexeraphim – “angelic beings” (Hebrew)

Sexeleazar – “God has helped” (Spanish)

Sexenoch – “dedicated and consecrated” (Hebrew)

Sexonias – “God is merciful” (Greek)

Sexathan – “gift of God” (Hebrew)

Sexichael – “who is like God?” (Hebrew)

Sexagon – “messenger of God” (Greek)

Sexeremiah – “appointed by God” (Hebrew)

Sexirael – “God contended” (Hebrew)

Sexephaniah – “God has hidden” (Hebrew)

Sexechiel – “vision of God” (Hebrew)

Sexarius – “servant of God” (Latin)

Sexemiel – “God hears” (Hebrew)

Sexah – “God has made” (Hebrew)

Sexarai – “God sees” (Hebrew)

Sexerub – “God will increase” (Hebrew)

Sexepher – “rock of God” (Hebrew)

Sexaniel – “gift of God” (Hebrew)

Sexathan – “given by God” (Hebrew)

Sexoel – “light of God” (Hebrew)

Sexamuel – “heard by God” (Hebrew)

Sexaniel – “God’s judge” (Hebrew)

Sexathan – “God’s gift” (Hebrew)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “SEX”

Sextus Empiricus

Ancient Greek philosopher known for his skepticism and contributions to the field of epistemology.

Sextus Pompey

Roman military and political leader during the late Republic era, known for his conflicts with Julius Caesar.

Sextus Propertius

Roman poet of the Augustan age, celebrated for his elegiac poetry.

Sextus Roscius

Prominent Roman actor in the 1st century BCE, known for his theatrical performances.

Sextus Tarquinius

Legendary figure in Roman history, notorious for his involvement in the rape of Lucretia, leading to the overthrow of the monarchy.

Sextus Aurelius Propertius

Latin elegiac poet of the Augustan age, known for his romantic poetry and literary talent.

Sextus Julius Frontinus

Roman author and military strategist, best known for his works on military engineering and water management.

Sextus Tarquinius Priscus

King of Rome in the 6th century BCE, remembered for his expansionist policies and ambitious building projects.

Sextus Roscius Amerinus

Roman senator and supporter of Cicero during the late Republic period, known for his oratorical skills.

Sextus Appuleius

Roman politician and jurist, remembered for his contributions to Roman law and legal scholarship.

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About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.