93 Names That Mean Prediction and More

Names That Mean Prediction are a popular choice for parents who want to give their children a name that carries a sense of foresight and anticipation.

These names, whether for baby boys or baby girls, often have meanings that are closely related to the concept of prediction.

They evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, hinting at the potential future paths and destinies that lie ahead.

Choosing a name that means prediction can be a way for parents to express their hopes and dreams for their child’s future.

It can also be a way to honor the idea of intuition and the ability to foresee what is to come.

These names carry a sense of anticipation, as if the child is destined for greatness or has a special role to play in the world.

Names That Mean Prediction can come from various cultures and languages, each with their own unique interpretations of the concept.

Some names may have a more literal meaning, directly translating to “prediction” or “foretelling.”

Others may have more subtle associations, such as names that mean “prophet” or “seer.”

Whether you are drawn to the idea of giving your child a name that signifies prediction or simply find the concept intriguing, exploring these names can be a fascinating journey.

They offer a glimpse into the power of words and the significance we attach to them, as well as the hopes and dreams we have for our children’s futures.

Baby Names That Mean Prediction

Vaticus – “prophetic” (Latin)

Almira – “foreseeing” (Arabic)

Foresighta – “visionary” (English)

Oraculo – “oracle” (Spanish)

Enigma – “mysterious prediction” (Greek)

Pravida – “wise foresight” (Latin)

Sibylla – “prophetess” (Greek)

Vidente – “seer” (Spanish)

Prognosis – “foreknowledge” (Greek)

Divinus – “divine prediction” (Latin)

Kahi – “premonition” (Maori)

Vorhersage – “forecast” (German)

Futura – “future” (Latin)

Nahuatl – “foretelling” (Nahuatl, Aztec origin)

Prophesia – “prophecy” (Greek)

Anka – “vision” (Hopi)

Augura – “omens” (Latin)

Manteia – “divination” (Greek)

Soothra – “truthful prediction” (Sanskrit)

Vörsägelse – “foretelling” (Swedish)

Arva – “to foresee” (Old Norse)

Tohara – “precognition” (Japanese)

Vangara – “foreseeing” (Sanskrit)

Wyrdson – “fate’s insight” (Old English)

Predicere – “to predict” (Latin)

Jyotisha – “astrology” (Sanskrit)

Avviso – “warning” (Italian)

Antevisto – “foreseen” (Italian)

Oraclea – “oracle” (English)

Kahea – “call, prophecy” (Hawaiian)

Names That Mean Prediction

Boy Names That Mean Prediction

Fores – “prediction” (Latin)

Voros – “foreseeing” (Hungarian)

Prognos – “foreknowledge” (Greek)

Vaticus – “prophetic” (Latin)

Anirva – “without surprises” (Sanskrit)

Futurus – “future” (Latin)

Omenus – “omen” (Latin)

Seeran – “one who sees” (English)

Visionix – “visionary” (Latin)

Tohid – “divine revelation” (Persian)

Destin – “destiny foretold” (French)

Oracleo – “oracle” (Greek)

Auguro – “to predict” (Italian)

Foretellis – “predicts the future” (Latin)

Zaman – “time” (Arabic)

Divinus – “divine” (Latin)

Jyotir – “light, vision” (Sanskrit)

Anticipus – “anticipates” (Latin)

Girl Names That Mean Prediction

Vatesha – “foreseeing” (Sanskrit)

Zephyra – “west wind, oracle” (Greek)

Prophelia – “prophetess” (Greek)

Avila – “life’s course” (Germanic)

Divina – “divine revelation” (Latin)

Farsa – “foretelling” (Persian)

Vorana – “future insight” (Russian)

Orakela – “oracle” (Spanish)

Sibylla – “prophetess” (Greek)

Amina – “trustworthy” (Arabic)

Futura – “the future” (Latin)

Sootha – “truthful prediction” (English)

Destina – “destiny foretold” (Latin)

Vidente – “seer” (Spanish)

Mingxia – “bright prophecy” (Chinese)

Predia – “predictive” (Latin)

Kalpana – “imagination, vision” (Sanskrit)

Fortuna – “fortune-teller” (Latin)

Sagan – “wise one” (Irish)

Ora – “spoken prophecy” (Latin)

Syrena – “enchanter” (Greek)

Visiona – “having visions” (Latin)

Talia – “divine muse” (Greek)

Farsia – “foreseeing” (Persian)

Oraclea – “oracle” (Latin)

Provida – “foreseeing, providing” (Latin)

Adhira – “lightning, intuition” (Sanskrit)

Vaticia – “prophetic” (Latin)

Enara – “illumination” (Basque)

Predixa – “predictor” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Prediction

1. Sibyl – “Prophetess” (Greek)

2. Oracle – “Divine Messenger” (Greek)

3. Vates – “Seer” (Latin)

4. Diviner – “Fortune Teller” (English)

5. Soothsayer – “Predictor of the Future” (English)

6. Augur – “Interpreter of Omens” (Latin)

7. Haruspex – “Reader of Entrails” (Latin)

8. Futura – “Future” (Latin)

9. Prophecy – “Foretelling of Events” (English)

10. Visionary – “One with Exceptional Insight” (English)

11. Prognosticator – “Forecaster of Future Events” (English)

12. Seeress – “Female Seer” (English)

13. Foreseer – “One who Foresees” (English)

14. Harbinger – “Bringer of News or Events” (English)

15. Predictor – “One who Predicts” (English)

Names That Mean Prediction

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Prediction

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance in many cultures.

It is believed that the name we give our child can influence their personality, destiny, and even their future.

One intriguing category of names that parents often consider is “Names That Mean Prediction.”

Names That Mean Prediction are names that carry a symbolic meaning related to foreseeing or predicting the future.

These names can be found in various cultures and languages, each with its own unique significance and symbolism.

The concept of Names That Mean Prediction stems from the belief that a name can shape a person’s destiny.

By choosing a name that signifies prediction, parents hope to instill qualities associated with foresight, intuition, and wisdom in their child.

These names can be particularly meaningful for parents who have a strong belief in astrology, divination, or other forms of fortune-telling.

They may see the name as a way to honor their own spiritual practices or to bestow upon their child a special connection to the mystical realm.

Furthermore, Names That Mean Prediction can also serve as a reminder of the importance of planning and preparation in life.

They can symbolize the idea that being able to anticipate and foresee potential outcomes can lead to success and fulfillment.

When choosing a name that means prediction, parents may consider the qualities and characteristics they hope their child will possess.

They may also reflect on their own beliefs and values, as well as the cultural or historical significance of certain names.

It is important to note that the significance and symbolism of Names That Mean Prediction may vary across different cultures and individuals.

What matters most is that the chosen name resonates with the parents and holds a special meaning for their family.

In conclusion, Names That Mean Prediction offer a unique and intriguing option for parents seeking a name that carries symbolic significance.

Whether rooted in spirituality, cultural traditions, or personal beliefs, these names can serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of foresight and planning in shaping one’s future.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.