96 Names That Mean Prayer and More

Names That Mean Prayer are a beautiful choice for parents seeking meaningful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names hold a deep spiritual significance and can serve as a constant reminder of the power of prayer in one’s life.

Choosing a name that means prayer for your child can be a way to instill a sense of faith and connection to a higher power from an early age.

These names often have origins in various cultures and languages, adding a unique and diverse touch to your child’s identity.

Names That Mean Prayer can also be a source of inspiration and strength for your child as they navigate through life’s challenges.

They can serve as a reminder to always turn to prayer in times of need and to seek guidance and solace in their faith.

Whether you are looking for a name that directly translates to “prayer” or one that carries a similar meaning, Names That Mean Prayer offer a meaningful and powerful choice for your baby boy or girl.

These names are a testament to the importance of prayer in our lives and can serve as a constant reminder of the spiritual connection we share.

Baby Names That Mean Prayer

Devan – “divine prayer” (Sanskrit)

Liora – “my light, my prayer” (Hebrew)

Niyama – “religious observance” (Sanskrit)

Aradhya – “worthy of prayer” (Sanskrit)

Oratio – “spoken prayer” (Latin)

Amina – “trustful prayer” (Arabic)

Kanno – “wishful prayer” (Japanese)

Zainul – “ornament of prayer” (Arabic)

Aarzu – “hopeful prayer” (Persian)

Hikari – “light, illumination, prayer” (Japanese)

Adora – “adorable prayer” (Latin)

Tefila – “prayer” (Hebrew)

Parnika – “small leaf used in prayer” (Sanskrit)

Salat – “ritual prayer” (Arabic)

Bhakti – “devotion, prayer” (Sanskrit)

Iltimas – “request, prayer” (Arabic)

Sujan – “one who prays with a pure heart” (Sanskrit)

Rahim – “merciful prayer” (Arabic)

Kaji – “keeper of prayer” (Japanese)

Ilahi – “divine prayer” (Arabic)

Anando – “blissful prayer” (Sanskrit)

Duaa – “supplication, prayer” (Arabic)

Manju – “gentle, melodious prayer” (Sanskrit)

Rukhsar – “cheek, symbolizing prayer” (Arabic)

Eucharia – “prayerful” (Greek)

Sabha – “assembly for prayer” (Arabic)

Daya – “compassionate prayer” (Sanskrit)

Halima – “gentle, patient prayer” (Arabic)

Upasana – “worship, prayer” (Sanskrit)

Oremus – “let us pray” (Latin)

Names That Mean Prayer

Boy Names That Mean Prayer

Oren – “pine tree; prayer” (Hebrew)

Kavi – “wise man; prayer” (Sanskrit)

Oratio – “prayer” (Latin)

Eilam – “eternity; forever” (Hebrew)

Zephyr – “gentle breeze; prayer” (Greek)

Salah – “prayer” (Arabic)

Benedict – “blessed; prayer” (Latin)

Devan – “divine; prayer” (Sanskrit)

Hugh – “heart, mind; prayer” (Germanic)

Aarav – “peaceful; prayer” (Sanskrit)

Mantra – “sacred chant; prayer” (Sanskrit)

Matthew – “gift of God; prayer” (Hebrew)

Omer – “speech, word; prayer” (Hebrew)

Tadhg – “poet; prayer” (Irish)

Issei – “firstborn; prayer” (Japanese)

Ilario – “cheerful; prayer” (Italian)

Samuel – “heard by God; prayer” (Hebrew)

Rafi – “noble; prayer” (Arabic)

Milad – “birth; prayer” (Arabic)

Euan – “God is gracious; prayer” (Scottish)

Girl Names That Mean Prayer

Amana – “faithful prayer” (Arabic)

Devika – “little goddess, divine prayer” (Sanskrit)

Oralee – “prayerful” (Hebrew)

Elara – “bright, shining prayer” (Greek)

Farida – “unique prayer” (Arabic)

Imani – “faithful prayer” (Swahili)

Ananya – “unique prayer” (Sanskrit)

Paloma – “dove, symbol of peace and prayer” (Spanish)

Amira – “princess of prayer” (Arabic)

Tadhana – “destined prayer” (Filipino)

Seraphina – “angelic prayer” (Hebrew)

Salma – “safe and sound prayer” (Arabic)

Bhakti – “devotion and prayer” (Sanskrit)

Amalina – “hopeful prayer” (Arabic)

Thalia – “blooming prayer” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Prayer

Devan – “divine prayer” (Sanskrit)

Orison – “prayer” (English)

Kyrie – “Lord, have mercy” (Greek)

Iman – “faithful prayer” (Arabic)

Adora – “adoring prayer” (Latin)

Praise – “expression of reverence” (English)

Salat – “ritual prayer” (Arabic)

Caelum – “heavenly prayer” (Latin)

Zenan – “peaceful prayer” (Japanese)

Anjali – “offering, prayer” (Sanskrit)

Eliah – “God is my prayer” (Hebrew)

Vesper – “evening prayer” (Latin)

Ruku – “bowing in prayer” (Arabic)

Sora – “sky, prayer” (Japanese)

Dua – “supplication, prayer” (Arabic)

Litan – “litany, prayer” (Invented)

Jinja – “shrine, prayer” (Japanese)

Ashe – “wish, prayer” (Yoruba)

Vespera – “evening prayer” (Latin)

Ilahi – “divine prayer” (Turkish)

Niyama – “devotional prayer” (Sanskrit)

Oremus – “let us pray” (Latin)

Havva – “Eve, living prayer” (Turkish)

Manto – “prophetess, prayer” (Greek)

Kanan – “graceful prayer” (Japanese)

Talha – “fruitful prayer” (Arabic)

Berachah – “blessing, prayer” (Hebrew)

Yukio – “blessed, prayer” (Japanese)

Khuda – “God, divine prayer” (Persian)

Mana – “spiritual power, prayer” (Polynesian)

Names That Mean Prayer

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Prayer

Choosing a name for your baby is a significant decision that holds great meaning and symbolism.

Many parents seek names that reflect their values, beliefs, and hopes for their child’s future. One popular category of names is “Names That Mean Prayer.”

Names That Mean Prayer are names that have a direct or indirect association with the act of prayer.

These names often carry a deep spiritual significance and can serve as a reminder of the importance of faith and connection to a higher power.

When parents choose a name that means prayer for their child, they are expressing their desire for their child to have a strong spiritual foundation.

They hope that their child will grow up with a sense of reverence, gratitude, and the ability to seek guidance and solace through prayer.

The significance of Names That Mean Prayer lies in their ability to inspire and encourage a lifelong practice of prayer.

These names can serve as a constant reminder of the power of prayer and its role in one’s life.

They can also foster a sense of connection to a larger community of believers who share the same values and beliefs.

Furthermore, Names That Mean Prayer can also carry a sense of hope and optimism.

They symbolize the belief that prayer has the ability to bring comfort, healing, and blessings.

By giving their child a name that means prayer, parents are expressing their hope that their child will experience the transformative power of prayer throughout their life.

It is important to note that the choice of a name is deeply personal and subjective.

Some parents may choose Names That Mean Prayer based on their own religious or cultural traditions, while others may simply resonate with the symbolism and meaning behind these names.

In conclusion, Names That Mean Prayer hold a significant place in the realm of baby names.

They represent the desire for a child to have a strong spiritual foundation, the belief in the power of prayer, and the hope for a life filled with blessings and connection to a higher power.

About Claire Sierra

Claire Sierra is a passionate name enthusiast and creative mind behind the art of naming. With a keen eye for blending tradition and innovation, she specializes in curating the perfect monikers for your little ones. From charming first names to distinctive last names and everything in between, Claire's expertise extends to crafting meaningful nicknames and exploring the nuances of surnames.