170+ Best Weight Loss Group Names Ideas

If you have no idea how to go about naming your group, then why not give something that sounds fun and creative.

Here I’ll share some good weight loss group names to help you choose a name right away.

In the end, there are some points to help you come up with a name for your weight loss group by yourself.

So let’s get started with our first example:

“The Boring Group”

This is an interesting one because it has the word boring in there which makes this sound like a negative thing but if you think of it positively.

It could be seen as a very cool-sounding and funny name for a group, team, or even a club! what do you think?

Next up we’ve got…

“The Funky Band”

Again here we can see that funky is used positively so again it would make sense to use this when describing a friend’s group. Wouldn’t it?

Here is a list of creative group names that will be loved by everyone:

Dropping Weight

Fat To Fab

The Chubby Squad

Out of my weigh

The Gladeaters

Lost Cause

Body Positive

Not A Cent More


Healthy Hearts


Alive & Fit


Weight Loss Group Names

Here are the creative group names for weight loss:

Mindful & Fit

Skinny Minnies

Guts to Dust

March Against Fat



The Breakers

No Excesses

Carbs Crushers

Team Energized

Droppin’ Loads

Obsessive Workouts

Shed It Off

Flat Balloons


No Weigh

Thick n Thin

Cereal Killer

Spin Doctors

The Shredders

Bootie Busters

Walk the Walk


Weigh to Go

Beef Down

Tour de Fat

Diet Group Names

Check out these group names for diet:

Weight Mates

Team No Carbs

Yum B Gone

Thunderous Thighs

On Becoming

Operation Downsize

The Wobbly Women

Weight Watchmen

Profits In Losses

The Phatties

Ready To Burn

The Chunky Bunch

Walking Women

Biggie Smalls

Diminishing Returns

Fatty Bom-Boms

Die Lard

Minnesota Thins

Fatso Fiesto

Going the Distance

As Thin As Gandhi

Better Naked

Fat Assasins

New Dimension

Allergic 2 Fat

Fat Extractors

Fat B-Gone

Fat Busters

weight loss group names

Related Resources

How to come up with a name for your group

What do you think of when I say the word “group”? Do you picture an organized collection of people who meet regularly or maybe even work together on projects?

Or perhaps it is more like a bunch of friends hanging out in one place.

Whatever image comes into mind first might be what you should consider as the basis for choosing a name for your group. If this doesn’t seem right, try thinking outside the box.

1.  Create a name out of the group’s interest or purpose.

For instance, if you’re interested in cooking, create a name based on food. You may also want to take inspiration from hobbies such as sports teams, music groups, etc.

Use these weight loss group names for your inspiration:

Team Squeezed

The Push Club

Faithful Fit

No Extra Cheese

Body Goals


Flexing Muscle

Fiesty Fighters


Fitness Calls

Belly Fat Gone

Less Bod Baggage

Net Weight

It Figures

Lost Cause Squad

Kilo Game

So, what you would do is to pick a title that reflects the purpose or interest of the group. For instance, “Sole Trainers”, “The Bit Cheese,” “World Wide Weight.”

2.  Make it short but catchy!

Just remember to keep things simple and memorable. Be sure to know the related words to weight loss that could be used instead.

Here are words related to weight loss you can consider adding to the group’s name:





Net loss



3.  Use your locality name.

Many cities and towns have unique names that reflect their history and culture.

These local names are usually quite distinctive and easily remembered.

That’s what you can do too. How would it be if you use your region name in your group name adding a word or two with it?

Check out these interesting weight loss group names and see if you can fit them with your locality name:

Going-Green Gang

Team Future

Mindful Eating

Muffin Top Stoppers

Less Of Excess

Winning Losers


Scale Sensitive

Cut it Out

Let it Melt

Got The Runs

Rump Yours

Nothing Extra

Thinner than You



You can also use the name of the place you love instead of your locality name.

4.  Use movie or TV show name as the group name.

If you love movies or television shows, then why not choose a name inspired by them? Some suggestions include “Friends Forever,” “Glee Fanatics,” and “Harry Potter Fans.”

How to about these weight loss group name ideas:


Bulging Bandits

Droopy Drawers

Unpacking the Trunk

Blubbery Bodies

Twinkies Defence

Fat & Flabby

Lighten Up


Belly Flat

Dump Your Rump

Back Breakers

The Trimtones

Run Track Minds

Banging Bellies

New Creations

Don’t limit yourself to these options. There are plenty of others that will come to mind once you start brainstorming.

5.  Think of something fun.

Sometimes just having a funny name makes everything else fall into place.

Try coming up with a silly name for your group. Maybe you could call it “The Crazy People Who Like To Have Fun Together!”

Just kidding. Not that long. You can, however, consider these weight loss group names:

Belly Shrinkers

Waist Basket

Aunty Hippies

Slim Pickens

Fat ‘n’ Furious

Sauna Mina Dika

Fat Bottoms

Lost My Mine

Fat Melters

Dwindling Divas

My So Called Legs




Pumba Tumba

Choose to Lose

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About Mehroz Sohail

Mehroz Sohail is a computer science student. He specializes in research and content writing. Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience.