Sw gand names are a great way to help your child become more imaginative, and they can be used for gaming, story-making, social media and so much more.
They, however, are a big hassle to think up. Maybe it doesn’t bother you, but for others, it’s a time-consuming process they’d like to skip.
If you are looking for a sw gand name, it can be tough to find something unique. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the most popular sw gand names out there.
Sw Gand Names
These are the cool and catchy sw gand names:
Zul Kurra
Tix Nogl
Zyur Srirne
Nayl Shrikro
Seek Zykr
Signin Troocle
D’kiqeed Pnuzl
Caglad Pnaqlu
Reldesh Kryzlyu
D’keelnyash Vrait
R’kun Qoqruu
V’lil Vofr
Vail Vroggey
Lul Qryafra
Leen Cnethu
Essluss Dofr
Luckeesh Kothu
Sodnur Pnyaqluu
Tackan Pizzu
T’reqush Sruslu
T’rur Trakk
S’zeyn Vozzay
Dash Vaituu
D’kur Nukki
Lil Kraff
Noollass Dusl
Rebyr Vriza
S’zazayss Zeerlo
Zaitish Zoqlu
Egnass Crayckoo
Zyar Cryacl
Ruuk Vrooqro
Ryak Vuffa
Luur Dooqla
D’kil Krothyi
V’logik Qritho
D’kaslyn Kaasl
Uudyl Trakyu
Kuflyur Prizla
Kisslyr Qrernyi
Vil Laite
C’nuk Quutr
S’zass Drazlaa
Zel Vytray
Vuush Qroogly
Rooglo Cnoqr
Niffyun Vaql
Eeldyir Dodaa
Koslad Vrakray
Kyulan Dryad
Ain Neytry
Zyin Pruql
T’rux Virry
C’nesh Shruzly
V’liss Voocki
Tuussuux Paatrey
Seckaar Krut
V’loffin Qradaa
Suussud Nuusle
Teednash Padaa
S’zyux Shraaql
Tal Druff
R’kesh Loote
Dyr Srerlee
Ryass Dutrya
Tunlol Qretro
Onfyix Qruzzey
Zeqash Dirli
Tikloon Kreffo
D’kulna Shrooglyu
Yal Kogl
Kol Nirny
Teyss Dotr
Kyk Praito
S’zan Predy
Cysseen Cryuth
V’leklyiss Shrurra
R’kasox Vaitrya
Ceylloss Qaiffya
Cackess Traaki
R’kaak Zoofro
T’rail Pyaq
S’zash Krernya
C’nuush Crern
R’kyuk Lotre
C’nusin Laiqro
D’kekkyd Treytrya
Yffass Zoglu
S’zekol Qreeglya
Kafne Qraglyu
C’nyush Drofr
Vor Paysley
Ayk Kekkuu
Cal Sreerl
Vyak Vorre
T’razek Puufr
Kerar Qraazz
Zybak Derlo
Oqil Duza
D’kooslul Pnokkaa
So, what is the best way to come up with new and cool fantasy names? There’s no easy answer, but here are some things to consider.
Look through some books.
Make up your sw gand names by yourself.
Use a name generator.
Think of words that go together.
Use the history of the kingdoms.
Use the geography of the kingdoms.
Use the weather of the kingdoms.
Use the legends of the kingdoms.
Make it all about yourself.
Check out these creative and cool sw gand names:
Dash Dyukkya
R’kool Traqly
Sel Cnuzoo
Zuush Krozyi
Tuss Drazzuu
Solsi Vrasley
Tareyl Vrayrnyu
Roglad Shrekr
Onfush Qeeckaa
R’kildeyk Zyucki
V’look Voqa
S’zal Dikruu
T’rush Kuggyu
C’nix Lorn
D’keen Proofri
T’rebud Pneerr
Cirlox Vrotry
Sufnoss Vatya
Konlaax Vrukr
Zeesyl Lekkuu
Cin Shracly
Ess Sriqu
Vaax Vaqu
R’kel Trokruu
D’kal Nud
Radosh Nidoo
R’keckair Qeqley
Oqush Kitrya
R’kaaldud Cnurley
Colloo Pnothaa
Sw gand names are a lot like fantasy worlds. They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. So, they are naturally full of potential.
You might have heard many names that are already great. But how do you make a good sw gand name on your own? You brainstorm unless you fetch something you love.
These sw gand name ideas may help you brainstorm more:
Ul Koofr
Riss Nogg
Zel Vogley
C’nek Vrakrai
Rush Drakk
Uffin Pnyaqyu
Nyanfosh Korraa
Cazon Sratee
Rediss Pniqlee
Tyafnyul Neetr
Dol Kreto
Taan Pnyiqyu
C’nyir Naffu
D’kyiss Kraslai
Vax Kroqri
Riguux Lislu
Kilsid Vroggi
Raknox Drecka
T’rooklar Sryglai
D’keyrosh Shryuqruu
Cax Qreslu
Lyl Qrorlai
Vol Driqro
Aass Zycle
An Pnoclaa
C’noolsiss Zirlee
Kaasslush Proz
Kysli Srisl
Keygnad Kraglo
Igaik Cneede
If you are writing a fantasy story or science fiction, you will have to name your characters but also fantasize about organizations, religions, races, philosophies, planets, galaxies, nations, and just about anything else you invent!
I cannot fetch you all sw gand names to use in your story, but my little guide may help you naming ideas, characters, places, and concepts.
1. One of the good ways to name something is to simply change one or two letters of a real or known sw gand name to create something new which is still recognizable, simple, and memorable.
For example, Sarah could become Saral and so forth; the name Jonathan could be Jolothan.
Here are some sw gand names examples you can try to change on your own:
Tyss Vrysle
V’lix Vyikraa
Nyass Leqlo
V’lik Prizai
Cooss Kurla
C’naknad Prysluu
Virayr Dreeqa
V’lonfin Kuzyi
Cuuklux Vagley
Vailnood Crazzay
Zel Karruu
Niss Crarro
Der Lidai
D’kul Laikkyi
Desh Qruta
Voflook Krekoo
Seyssin Criggi
D’kasliss Qyurra
Lisoon Neyrre
Zyuklid Kreyffey
2. Most often fantasy names are usually deeply rooted in the culture and language they come from, like sw gand names.
For example, In Scottish, mac means “son of”. You may come up with some words that you use as prefix or suffix to convey some meaning and sprinkle it.
Check out these sw gand name and try to put some prefix or suffix with them:
Sun Diqri
Ceess Srokr
Dyir Pizu
Duss Cryuko
S’zal Paigl
Leka Dafryi
Issol Duzee
Tuckyik Qrakr
R’kegnish Lyurni
Sezek Cruzza
D’kax Dezluu
Suuk Shraqly
V’lyak Truff
Tosh Kroqaa
Voss Narn
Ydyuk Pnosla
Kyasyk Prety
T’rykluk Qrogg
V’lisslush Lyaqri
Sanlak Drukku
3. Consider the prevailing beliefs; philosophical and religious beliefs of the character you are looking a name for.
For example, Christians name their kids after saints, as Paul and Mathew.
The following are some sw gand names to help you out:
Tor Trazz
Kyur Droothi
C’noss Trikro
Nyn Pnaarli
S’zuk Praacli
Vibyil Crazl
C’nagyan Qraffu
Difneyr Pryati
Dydnix Sreyfro
Lunlor Putruu
Rash Zutrai
Ik Zorri
Or Cnosl
Teyn Vusle
Nel Leq
R’kilsuux Vezee
Sinfyir Triglya
R’kadud Paafraa
T’ruflix Qraikkoo
Leydnal Daadey
4. Robotic characters will not have names that are culturally related or derived.
They can be anything you choose to say, such as:
Eel Veeggo
Tal Zasle
Nan Vrazuu
R’kor Vack
Sol Krack
Cisleex Pracla
T’rotal Nyazzee
R’kackol Srood
Ednel Qreysl
Cegar Cnaqre
Cayl Pnyfr
Sik Luck
Naax Traclaa
San Qrusla
T’rix Cnikry
T’ronfiss Paff
Dutuul Pyaffaa
Cigyir Vraita
C’neednol Druqra
Zakliss Zayrne
5. If you are naming a place, rather than people, you should know that often places are named after people.
It is also common to name public buildings on the name of history heroes, people who made them, or some important personality who once visited them.
Below are some of the good sw gand names to quickly scroll through to get more ideas:
Dal Zekk
Dal Leclyu
C’nyss Purnu
Len Luquu
Dayss Voz
Ruflud Praykro
S’zaikner Peydi
Sagish Tragg
R’kullish Lazzey
Cenfik Qryff
Ek Shrootrey
C’nayr Daqo
Oon Nuclu
Vek Truqoo
R’kuss Paqy
Zubyuk Kryazoo
V’looklal Qryffa
Rukkok Srurn
Sayssir Vorl
Duffuss Nackya
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