90 Names That Mean Turquoise and More

Names That Mean Turquoise are a beautiful choice for parents seeking unique and meaningful names for their baby boys and girls.

These names are inspired by the vibrant and captivating color of turquoise, which is often associated with tranquility and protection.

Choosing a name that means turquoise can be a way to honor the significance of this gemstone and its symbolism.

These names can also evoke a sense of calmness and serenity, making them perfect for parents who want to instill these qualities in their children.

Whether you are drawn to the soothing qualities of turquoise or simply appreciate its aesthetic appeal, Names That Mean Turquoise offer a range of options for your little one.

From names that directly translate to “turquoise” in different languages to names that have a similar meaning or association, there is a wide variety to choose from.

So, if you are looking for a name that is unique, meaningful, and inspired by the beauty of turquoise, explore our list of Names That Mean Turquoise for your baby boy or girl.

Each name carries its own charm and significance, allowing you to find the perfect name that resonates with you and your family.

Baby Names That Mean Turquoise

1. Azura – “sky blue” (Spanish)

2. Lapis – “deep blue stone” (Latin)

3. Cyan – “greenish-blue color” (English)

4. Teal – “blue-green color” (English)

5. Aqua – “water-like blue-green color” (Latin)

6. Turquesa – “turquoise” (Spanish)

7. Jade – “green gemstone” (Spanish)

8. Indigo – “deep blue color” (Greek)

9. Cerulean – “sky-blue color” (Latin)

10. Azure – “bright blue color” (English)

11. Aquamarine – “pale blue-green color” (Latin)

12. Tiffany – “turquoise jewelry brand” (English)

13. Marjani – “coral” (Swahili)

14. Mazarine – “deep blue color” (French)

15. Nila – “sapphire” (Sanskrit)

16. Zircon – “blue gemstone” (Persian)

17. Beryl – “pale greenish-blue gemstone” (Greek)

18. Azzurra – “sky blue” (Italian)

19. Cobalt – “deep blue color” (English)

20. Aquila – “eagle” (Latin)

21. Celeste – “heavenly” (Italian)

22. Larimar – “rare blue gemstone” (Spanish)

23. Navi – “blue” (Korean)

24. Sora – “sky” (Japanese)

25. Thalassa – “sea” (Greek)

26. Zephyr – “west wind” (Greek)

27. Aoi – “blue” (Japanese)

28. Niloufar – “water lily” (Persian)

29. Yara – “small butterfly” (Arabic)

30. Zara – “princess” (Arabic)

Names That Mean Turquoise

Boy Names That Mean Turquoise

1. Azur – “Sky blue” (French)

2. Cyan – “Greenish-blue” (English)

3. Teal – “Blue-green” (English)

4. Cobalt – “Deep blue” (English)

5. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple” (Greek)

6. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)

7. Turquoise – “Precious blue-green stone” (French)

8. Lapis – “Blue stone” (Latin)

9. Azure – “Sky blue” (English)

10. Cerulean – “Sky blue” (Latin)

11. Skyler – “Scholar” (Dutch)

12. Nile – “Blue” (Arabic)

13. Ocean – “Vast sea” (English)

14. Rio – “River” (Spanish)

15. Nilesh – “Blue lotus” (Sanskrit)

Girl Names That Mean Turquoise

1. Aysel – “Moonlight” (Turkish)

2. Lapis – “Semi-precious stone” (English)

3. Azura – “Sky blue” (Spanish)

4. Mavi – “Blue” (Turkish)

5. Cyan – “Greenish-blue” (English)

6. Teal – “Blue-green color” (English)

7. Turquesa – “Turquoise” (Spanish)

8. Niloufar – “Water lily” (Persian)

9. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)

10. Zeru – “Sky” (Basque)

11. Maral – “Deer” (Persian)

12. Azzurra – “Sky blue” (Italian)

13. Jade – “Green gemstone” (English)

14. Azure – “Sky blue” (English)

15. Tala – “Gold” (Filipino)

Unisex Names That Mean Turquoise

1. Azura – “Sky blue” (Spanish)

2. Cyan – “Greenish-blue” (English)

3. Teal – “Blue-green” (English)

4. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)

5. Jade – “Precious green stone” (Spanish)

6. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple” (English)

7. Cerulean – “Sky blue” (English)

8. Turquoise – “Blue-green gemstone” (French)

9. Azure – “Sky blue” (English)

10. Cobalt – “Blue pigment” (English)

11. Lapis – “Deep blue stone” (Latin)

12. Beryl – “Greenish-blue gemstone” (Greek)

13. Aquamarine – “Blue-green gemstone” (Latin)

14. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Italian)

15. Skyler – “Scholar” (Dutch)

16. Marlin – “Sea fortress” (English)

17. Ocean – “Vast sea” (English)

18. Nile – “Blue” (Greek)

19. Rio – “River” (Spanish)

20. Sapphire – “Blue gemstone” (Greek)

21. Topaz – “Yellowish-brown gemstone” (Greek)

22. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)

23. Azzurra – “Sky blue” (Italian)

24. Cobaltine – “Blue pigment” (English)

25. Lazuli – “Deep blue stone” (Latin)

26. Aqua Marine – “Blue-green gemstone” (Latin)

27. Ceruleana – “Sky blue” (English)

28. Turquesa – “Blue-green gemstone” (Spanish)

29. Azul – “Blue” (Spanish)

30. Jadeite – “Precious green stone” (Spanish)

Names That Mean Turquoise

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Turquoise

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance.

Many parents seek names that not only sound beautiful but also carry a deeper meaning or symbolism. One such concept is the idea of “baby names that mean turquoise.”

Turquoise, a stunning gemstone known for its vibrant blue-green color, has been cherished for centuries. It is often associated with qualities such as tranquility, protection, and healing.

Incorporating this symbolism into your child’s name can add a touch of uniqueness and meaning.

Names that mean turquoise can be a wonderful choice for parents who appreciate the beauty and symbolism of this gemstone.

These names can evoke a sense of calmness, serenity, and balance, reflecting the qualities often associated with turquoise.

Furthermore, turquoise is believed to have protective properties, shielding its wearer from negative energies and promoting overall well-being.

By choosing a name that means turquoise, parents may hope to bestow these protective qualities upon their child.

Additionally, turquoise has been used throughout history for its healing properties. It is believed to promote emotional and physical healing, making it a symbol of health and vitality.

Naming your baby after turquoise can be seen as a way to wish them a life filled with good health and well-being.

When considering names that mean turquoise, it is important to remember that the significance and symbolism behind the name can vary across different cultures and traditions.

Exploring names from various origins can provide a wider range of options and meanings.

In conclusion, the concept of “baby names that mean turquoise” offers parents an opportunity to choose a name that not only sounds beautiful but also carries a deeper symbolism.

These names can evoke a sense of tranquility, protection, and healing, reflecting the qualities associated with the vibrant gemstone.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.