105 Names That Mean Hell and More

Names That Mean Hell are becoming increasingly popular for parents who want to give their children unique and edgy names.

These names, whether for baby boys or baby girls, carry a powerful and mysterious aura that sets them apart from more traditional names.

Choosing a name that means Hell for your child can be seen as a bold statement, reflecting a desire to break away from societal norms and embrace individuality.

These names often have deep historical and cultural roots, adding an extra layer of meaning and significance.

While some may view these names as controversial or provocative, others see them as a way to celebrate strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome adversity.

Names That Mean Hell can evoke a sense of power and rebellion, making them a popular choice for parents who want their child to stand out from the crowd.

Whether you are drawn to the dark and mysterious connotations of these names or simply appreciate their unique sound and meaning.

Names That Mean Hell offer a distinctive option for parents seeking a name that is both unconventional and meaningful.

Baby Names That Mean Hell

Tartarus – “abyss of suffering” (Greek)

Gehenna – “valley of Hinnom” (Hebrew)

Stygian – “dark and gloomy” (Greek)

Nether – “lower world” (Old English)

Avernus – “gate to the underworld” (Latin)

Mephisto – “destroyer” (German)

Abaddon – “place of destruction” (Hebrew)

Caligo – “darkness” (Latin)

Sheol – “grave” (Hebrew)

Pandemonium – “place of all demons” (Invented)

Erebus – “darkness” (Greek)

Perdition – “eternal damnation” (Latin)

Malebolge – “evil ditches” (Italian)

Hades – “the unseen” (Greek)

Infernus – “infernal” (Latin)

Charon – “ferryman of the underworld” (Greek)

Niflheim – “mist home” (Norse)

Beelzebub – “lord of the flies” (Hebrew)

Noctis – “of the night” (Latin)

Cimmerian – “dark and gloomy” (Greek)

Acheron – “river of woe” (Greek)

Abysmal – “bottomless” (English)

Maleficarum – “witch’s curse” (Latin)

Gehinnom – “Valley of the Son of Hinnom” (Hebrew)

Moros – “doom” (Greek)

Abyssus – “abyss” (Latin)

Tenebris – “darkness” (Latin)

Obskur – “obscure” (German)

Tophet – “burning place” (Hebrew)

Umbra – “shadow” (Latin)

Names That Mean Hell

Boy Names That Mean Hell

Mephisto – “devil” (Greek)

Gehenna – “valley of the damned” (Hebrew)

Inferno – “hellfire” (Italian)

Diablo – “devil” (Spanish)

Hades – “god of the underworld” (Greek)

Belial – “worthless one” (Hebrew)

Tartarus – “deep abyss” (Greek)

Damion – “to tame or subdue” (Greek)

Malefic – “causing harm or evil” (Latin)

Perdition – “eternal damnation” (Latin)

Beelzebub – “lord of the flies” (Hebrew)

Styx – “river of the dead” (Greek)

Abaddon – “place of destruction” (Hebrew)

Vesper – “evening star, associated with darkness” (Latin)

Erebus – “darkness, shadow” (Greek)

Girl Names That Mean Hell

Malina – “little malicious one” (Polish)

Kalma – “death and darkness” (Finnish)

Morrigan – “phantom queen” (Irish)

Lilith – “night monster” (Hebrew)

Persephone – “bringer of destruction” (Greek)

Vritra – “the enveloper” (Hindu)

Helene – “bright, shining one” (Greek)

Keres – “spirits of violent death” (Greek)

Tempest – “violent storm” (English)

Thana – “death” (Arabic)

Hecate – “queen of the underworld” (Greek)

Obsidia – “dark as the underworld” (Invented)

Maura – “dark and bitter” (Irish)

Styx – “hateful” (Greek)

Nocturna – “of the night” (Latin)

Zemira – “song of destruction” (Hebrew)

Erebos – “deep darkness” (Greek)

Ravenna – “blackbird” (Latin)

Moros – “doom” (Greek)

Cimmeria – “dark and mysterious land” (Invented)

Kalista – “most beautiful one” (Greek)

Obsidia – “shadow” (Latin)

Vespera – “evening star” (Latin)

Kaida – “little dragon” (Japanese)

Calypso – “concealer” (Greek)

Sable – “black, dark” (English)

Mordreda – “dark and ruthless” (Invented)

Vesta – “goddess of the hearth and home” (Latin)

Tempesta – “storm” (Italian)

Gehenna – “valley of the shadow of death” (Hebrew)

Unisex Names That Mean Hell

1. Azazel – “Hebrew demon associated with scapegoat” (Hebrew)

2. Diablo – “Devil, evil spirit” (Spanish)

3. Lilith – “Night demon, seductress” (Hebrew)

4. Mephisto – “Demon, tempter” (Greek)

5. Perdition – “Eternal damnation, destruction” (English)

6. Sammael – “Blind god of death” (Hebrew)

7. Styx – “River of the underworld” (Greek)

8. Hades – “God of the underworld” (Greek)

9. Lucifer – “Bringer of light, fallen angel” (Latin)

10. Morrigan – “Phantom queen, goddess of war” (Irish)

11. Nyx – “Goddess of night, darkness” (Greek)

12. Pandora – “All-gifted, first woman” (Greek)

13. Rakshasa – “Demon, shape-shifter” (Sanskrit)

14. Samael – “Venom of God, angel of death” (Hebrew)

15. Thanatos – “God of death, mortality” (Greek)

16. Vritra – “Dragon, enemy of gods” (Sanskrit)

17. Xaphan – “Demon of fire, arsonist” (Hebrew)

18. Zagan – “Demon, alchemist” (Hebrew)

19. Ahriman – “Evil spirit, antagonist of good” (Persian)

20. Belial – “Wicked, worthless one” (Hebrew)

21. Calamity – “Disaster, catastrophe” (English)

22. Desdemona – “Ill-fated, unfortunate” (Greek)

23. Erebus – “Primordial god of darkness” (Greek)

24. Gehenna – “Place of punishment, hell” (Hebrew)

25. Inferno – “Intense fire, hell” (Italian)

26. Maleficent – “Harmful, wicked” (English)

27. Nether – “Underworld, lower region” (English)

28. Pandemonium – “Chaos, uproar” (Greek)

29. Tartarus – “Deep abyss, prison of the Titans” (Greek)

30. Vex – “Annoy, torment” (English)

Names That Mean Hell

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Hell

The concept of baby names that mean “Hell” is a unique and intriguing choice for parents seeking a name with a deeper meaning.

While it may seem unconventional, these names hold significance and symbolism that can resonate with certain individuals.

Choosing a name that means “Hell” can be seen as a way to embrace the darker aspects of life and explore the complexities of human existence.

It can symbolize strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome adversity.

These names can serve as a reminder that even in the face of darkness, there is always a glimmer of light.

For some parents, selecting a name that means “Hell” may be a reflection of their personal beliefs or interests.

It can be a way to express their fascination with mythology, folklore, or gothic literature.

These names can evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, capturing the imagination of both the child and those around them.

Furthermore, names that mean “Hell” can also be chosen to honor cultural or religious traditions. In certain belief systems, Hell is seen as a place of purification or transformation.

By bestowing a name associated with Hell, parents may hope to instill qualities such as resilience, determination, and the ability to overcome challenges in their child.

It is important to note that the choice of a name that means “Hell” should be made with careful consideration and respect.

Parents should be mindful of the potential impact it may have on their child’s life, as well as how it may be perceived by others.

Open communication and understanding within the family are crucial to ensure that the chosen name aligns with the values and aspirations of both the parents and the child.

In conclusion, the concept of baby names that mean “Hell” is a thought-provoking choice that can hold deep significance and symbolism.

Whether it is to embrace the darker aspects of life, express personal beliefs, or honor cultural traditions, these names can serve as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience within us all.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.